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No Nonsense

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Everything posted by No Nonsense

  1. Oh brother. Nobody’s whining about nothing.
  2. You can call it what you want to, but people have a right to not put something in their bodies that they don’t fully trust. That’s never going to happen. But carry on.
  3. Still not taking it. But if insults make you feel like a big man, go right ahead.
  4. And the percentage of people who gets it and die is about 1%.
  5. If YOU want to take it, go right ahead. But don’t tell everybody else that they HAVE to take it. How is that so hard to understand?
  6. And people took the vaccine and still got it. And brain damage is not the symptom I’m concerned with.
  7. people has taken the vaccine and still got it. So that’s not it.
  8. They have no idea what the long term affects are.
  9. Whatever. Has any of these vaccines been FDA approved and can you guarantee without hesitation that there’s no long term affects?
  10. Because if you don’t want to take it, it should be up to you.
  11. I have no problem with the vaccine as long as it remain a choice. It seems as if, at least in NYS, they’re inching closer to making it mandatory for federal and state workers or get tested every week. I’m sure they’re going over the legality of it as we speak.
  12. The WWE has released Ric Flair. With Barry Windham’s nephew Bray also being released, will we get a Four Horsemen reunion in AEW? I think the chances are very very good.
  13. I’ve heard stories that he really didn’t want the title.
  14. It appears that the WWE is preparing to sell to NBC/Universal.
  15. One of the greatest heels ever. Go watch Orndorff vs Hogan on YouTube. That’s how a heel is supposed to get heat. RIP
  16. Fury/Wilder 3 has been postponed due to a COVID outbreak in Fury’s camp. Reports say Fury is one of them that tested positive for COVID. I think there’s more at play here. For one, I don’t think they’ve had enough time to train for a fight of this magnitude. It felt very rushed and there have been little buzz for a major heavyweight championship fight that’s just 2 weeks away. Second, they might have realized that it’s not wise to have three PPV’s (Tank Davis’ in June, Fury/Wilder in July, Pac/Spence in August) in consecutive months. Four PPV’s if you count McGreggor’s this weekend. September or even October makes more sense.
  17. Tank Davis is the real deal and he definitely deserves the monicker of “Mini Tyson.” The fight was worth the price of the PPV.
  18. If KD gets into a real fight on the court, is his bodyguard going to be permitted to lay into somebody?
  19. I like KD because of his WFT affiliation and I had no problem with him going to the GSW, but he seems like a punk and very soft.
  20. Many of us had been looking forward to Pacquiao/Mayweather for years so we were going to pay for it regardless of both being past their primes. With that being said, Floyd won’t get another nickel from me unless he’s fighting Crawford, Spence, Pacquiao or Canelo. Can’t believe some people actually paid to see this exhibition.
  21. Good one…🤣🤣🤣
  22. I agree with you, it is a newer version of FedEx. I have no idea who designed the exterior but I could have come up with something better. But it has hosted one or two WrestleMania’s.
  23. “Get sent into retirement?” Lol At this point, I’d give it to Spence, but if Pacquiao does pull off the upset, he’s in the GOAT conversation.
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