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Posts posted by CobraCommander

  1. On 12/29/2020 at 1:46 AM, zskins said:


    The first one was better. 

    That's not saying much.


    On 12/31/2020 at 11:16 PM, Momma There Goes That Man said:

    Soul....all I knew was that it was about jazz. It’s...so much more. It really blew me away and left me in tears. Just a moving, powerful, and beautiful message for adults and children alike. More Pixar magic. 

    Great movie. My 5 year old kept asking questions and she was all like "Why is he sad, papa?" and I was like "I'm not crying, shut up." :)

    20 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

    Hard sci-fi.  Grim and gory with a great cast.  Sean Bean chews ALL the scenery.  Highly recommended.


    Where did you stream this? Looks good.

    • Like 1
  2. On 12/21/2020 at 1:25 PM, justice98 said:


    I'm not overly worked up over the opening drive thing.  It seems like a made up relevancy and more of a statistical anomaly than anything else.  We can talk about tone setting or whatever, but the opening drive is no more significant than any other one really. Ideally, you'd like to score on every one, but if you got 10 of 'em, you got chances to make it up. They've scored a bunch of times on the second drive. 



    I don't know man. How many more games could we have won if we had set the tone from the start of the game? Especially when you receive the ball first and kick off to start the second half. Imagine being up 10-7 or 14-3 in the first quarter instead of playing down every single first half. I'm sorry but I don't see any benefit to starting games slow on offense. I don't think it's by design as some have alluded, trying to play it safe and not turn the ball over early. I think it's just poor planning. I really hope we score on our opening drive this week, I think it would set the tone for the whole game, not just the second half.





    Washington is the only team in the NFL that has not scored on its opening possession. This is, in the words of some players, a “second-half team.” Washington has often dug itself a hole during the first two quarters and tried to climb out of it in the final two. It has the league’s third-worst first-half scoring differential (minus-106 points) but the best second-half scoring differential (plus-106).



    • Sad 1
  3. Cut the cord and I ended up moving to a neighborhood where I can get wireless internet without having to use one of the big companies. It's called DC Access and I've had nothing but good experience. Good customer service and all the internet I need. No problems streaming.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

    Ron is the decider.  Dan gave Ron all the power, Ron will decide what type of front office he wants.  The fact Kyle has been made GM means that Ron wants someone else in that role.  Maybe that leads to Kyle leaving. So be it.  Ron gets to choose who he wants.   It may work or it may not and Ron is fired in a couple of years.   The Skins are a coach centric team.


    Real question because I don't know the answer. Do coachcentric teams succeed often? Bill O'Brien didn't work out but I don't know what other franchises are run that way.

  5. 1 minute ago, RichmondRedskin88 said:

    Oh stop with the blaming victims bs.  Stop acting like people don’t take advantage of the system. Look at some ridiculous lawsuits people bring up.  I’m not saying that’s the case with this harassment case but if you really are gonna sit here and act like every suit brought up against a person or organization is legit you are full of it.  Also you are naming one case.  MCDs get a lot more than one lawsuit.  Hell how many suits do you think they get for a million dollars for not being real meat? There will always be people that try to take advantage of the system to get money same way there will always be organizations that screw others to get richer. 

    You're right people do take advantage of the system, just like corporations take advantage of their positions of power with their limitless lawyers on retainer. But the problem is both of us are talking in absolutes here. Not every victim is trying to take advantage of the system and not every corporation is an innocent entity. There is plenty of grey area. My point is there is too much evidence to point to the fact that Snyder is an utter piece of **** and I would never believe he just paid 1.6 million to make a frivolous lawsuit go away. Where there is smoke there is fire, and there is constantly smoke billowing from Ashburn, it's right there in the name.


    Also the reason I brought up the ONE mcds coffee case is because when people bring up frivolous lawsuits, like YOU did, they bring up mcds coffee. And that is THE case people infer when they bring it up. Not the countless frivolous or perhaps non frivolous ones. But McDs coffee is always brought up when someone wants to make up the point that every lawsuit against a corporation is just a money grab.

  6. 48 minutes ago, RichmondRedskin88 said:

    To be fair this happens in healthcare quite a bit coming from a healthcare administrator.  They would rather just get it over with sometimes. Dealing with the bad press ends up being more of a hassle than just tossing some money their way.   Does the ins really want someone telling everyone that the doctor they saw that they cover removed the wrong things?  No the hope is you pay and everyone shuts up so it eventually goes away. No different than McDonald’s settling on hot coffee to cut off the momentum.  Every idiot knows the coffee is hot but they still pay up countless settlement claims a year just because they don’t want it dragging on. 

    Ah the McDonald’s frivolous lawsuit claim. I suggest you look up that story because it’s not as simple as it sounds.

    that lady suffered severe burns to her genitals and was in the hospital for days get skin grafts. She wanted McDonald’s to cover her nearly 20k medical bills but mcds only wanted to give her 800 even though they knew they’re nearly boiling coffee had already burned 700 customers leaving some with third degree burns. She admitted it was her fault she spilled the coffee. She wasn’t trying to extort McDonald’s. 

    Blaming victims is almost always a strategy of the companies and entities being sued in court for anything from burns to sexual assault. It’s a way to make the victim feel like they are in the wrong and get the public to turn against them and it’s sucks IMO.

    What I’m really getting at here is there’s no way I’m buying that Snyder is the victim here. He has done too many ****ty things in the past to have me believe otherwise. 

    • Like 2
  7. 11 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

    Yeah that I can't explain at all. We are just horrendous on opening drives. That's about the one thing I'll put on Turner.


    But for the most part our offensive issues are personnel driven. Like 90% I'd say.

    Just seems so important for game momentum. Like maybe if we scripted opening drives with success, our players have more confidence. Not just on offense but defense too.

  8. Just now, Warhead36 said:

    Once defenses are up double digits they play softer to not risk giving up the big play. Easier to put up yards and numbers.


    Seattle completely took their foot off the gas today. They basically knew they didn't need to score more than 20 and they were right. We did almost make them pay for it though...

    I don’t know man. If the Jets can score one their opening drive 8 games in a row why cant we? What do the Jets have that we don’t?


    Something is not adding up.

  9. 1 minute ago, Warhead36 said:

    Ding ding ding


    QBs drive this league and we're so incredibly behind the 8 ball that fans are longing for Alex Smith and his 10 completions for 45 yards type statlines to pilot this offense.

    But then why the dramatic turnaround in the second half? Is it just because we are always playing from behind and are forced to throw it? There’s rhythm, just not until it’s too late.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Xameil said:

    I don't care what anyone says...Home Alone is AWEFUL. It was good the first time but to me has ZERO re-watchability. 

    So it being NYs favorite movie is yet another reason upstate NY needs to become its own state. Yet again downstate ruins everything for us...

    Who broke you?

    • Haha 4
  11. 2 minutes ago, Darth Tater said:

    It is fine for a project QB to only make the PS in year 1 but the first tell that the project is a fail is if he can't at least win the last QB slot in year 2. If Montez is not good enough to take the last spot on 53, it is time to move to another project. Further, unless you think Haskins is a project, don't know why he'd be on the 53.


    Like I said, most project players fail. The only reason the keep Montez around year 2 on the PS is for familiarity with the system so as to be able to work with the other PS players.

    Haskins is a project. Problem is you should never pick a project in the 1st round. We erred considerably on that one. I don't think he should be on the roster. I'm just making the guess that he will be.

  12. Just now, Darth Tater said:

    No, a project guy IS a guy that is good enough to make the 53.  Most project guys won't even make the team in year 2.

    Well then you and I have different definitions of what a project QB is. Steven Montez is a project to me. I kinda doubt he'll make the 53 man roster next year, but again i'm just guessing about all of this. 

  13. 1 minute ago, Darth Tater said:

    The project guy will either be good enough to make the 53 or we need to find another project guy.

    If he's good enough to make the 53 then he's probably not that much of a project. If your meaning of project is someone who is ready to play then that guy probably isn't a project. Projects take several years to develop and I'm sure a majority of the time, they don't pan out. 


    Are you talking about a late round draft pick? If that guy is miraculously good enough to be on the 53 man roster then we have ourselves a diamond in the rough, not a project. 

  14. 4 minutes ago, Darth Tater said:

    If Dwanye is here next season, he'd better at least be our number 2.  If you think he's only going to be 3, he needs to be traded or cut and a project guy needs to take that slot.


    Well, I don't think anyone is going to trade for him and we already have a project qb on the PS. We have however proven that our QB's can't stay healthy, so the more the merrier! I obviously don't know what is actually going to happen. I just think we are probably seeing a pretty close approximation of the roster at qb already on our team for next year.

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