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Posts posted by EmirOfShmo

  1. 6 minutes ago, Califan007 said:


    At the store I go to, they have plexiglass between the cashiers and the customers, all employees are required to wear masks, they have markings on the floor as to where to stand when in line, The first hour the store is open is only for shoppers 60 years and older, They have a limit on the number of people allowed I the store at one time, they wrapped the debit/credit card payment machine in plastic that gets changed every hour, and about 75% of the shoppers are wearing masks. But there are numerous times when you're definitely within 6 feet of someone, it's almost impossible to avoid.


    But everyone is REALLY courteous lol...never heard so many people say "After you", "no, after you, I insist" in my life.

    I have found this to be true only at grocery stores. We went to Lowes on Sunday ~8:45am. About 50% of the people had on masks. We passed a mid-50s couple not wearing a mask as they were standing at the customer service counter. While my wife was looking at paint samples, the guy coughs into his hand & then proceeds to walk toward a rack holding small plants for sale for Mother's day. Of course he picks up 3 or 4 of them before walking back to the counter where his wife/girlfriend was standing. I told my wife we needed to get the furnace filters & GTFO. 

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  2. 18 hours ago, FanboyOf91 said:
    I hope X'ers, Millennials, and Zoomers can bond over the continuing entitlement meltdown of the Boomers over hair cuts and free soft drink refills.

    I think you're a bit off in the generations suffering the meltdown. I'm not seeing a whole lot of 55+ people in those protesting groups. I've never seen a Boomer in an anti-vaxxer protest video. We remember standing in line at the local school to get the sugar cube Polio vaccine in the early 1960s. Polio was an epidemic in the US in the 1950s. 


    To me, most of the people in these protests seem to fall into these groups:



  3. 3 minutes ago, spjunkies said:

    I give pence credit for owning up to his screw up. 

    No way. **** him. He gave the huge speech about how he wanted to 'look them in the eye' to defend what he did. Straight up **** him. Phony ass christian ****. 


    "And since I don't have the corona virus, I thought it'd be a good opportunity for me to be here, to be able to speak to these researchers, these incredible health care personnel, and look them in the eye and say 'thank you.' "



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  4. Had to get a prescription refilled today. I get in line (car #2) at the CVS drive-thru. Wait a bit & then a bit longer. Finally, the woman in the car in front of me PASSES HER CELLPHONE to the ungloved hand in the CVS window. Which she promptly carries into the prescription area. I blow a gasket & wife says "What's wrong?" I tell her & pull out of the line and leave. 


    People here in RVA (west) are starting to not give a ****. SMFH...

    • Sad 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Larry said:

    Well, the IRS web page is still telling me "we will update this page when we have scheduled a payment date".  


    But my credit union says the IRS put the money in my account today.  They consider it "pending", because the transaction is dated tomorrow.

    Your tax dollars hard at work. The IRS system is horrible. 

    My mother-in-law passed away October, 2019. Her 2019 taxes were filed in January. We checked the IRS site yesterday based on an earlier post in here. She's due to receive a check - or we need to provide the correct direct deposit account (which we declined to do). I'm guessing we'll get a check mailed to us sometime (we used our address to file her taxes). Not sure what to do with it if we get it. 


    Edit: Anybody here filed for the PUA (Pandemic Unemployment Assistance)? If so, is the amount prorated somehow or is it a flat $600? 

  6. Interesting read...


    PARIS, Texas (AP) — Barely a week ago, rural Lamar County could make a pretty good argument for Texas' reopening on Friday.

    Only a handful of the 50,000 residents here, right on the border with Oklahoma, had tested positive for the coronavirus. None had died. The mayor of Paris, Texas — a pit stop for drivers passing through to snap a selfie with the city's miniaturized Eiffel Tower — had drive-thru virus testing in the works, just to give locals peace of mind. Some wore masks but many saw little reason to bother.

    Then an outbreak at a nursing home turned up over the weekend.

    Now at least 65 people are infected, and everything has changed. A courier drove 11 hours through the night to pick up testing kits and stores are second-guessing reopening as Lamar County becomes a cautionary tale of the fragility of Republican Gov. Greg Abbott's plan to get Texas back in business faster than many states. And on the eve of every retailer, restaurant and movie theater being allowed to let customers back in the door, Texas set a single-day record high for fatalities Thursday with 50.

    “We don’t know what it’s going to do here,” said Taylor Wright, owner of Aden Ann's, a women's boutique in Paris. Word of the sudden outbreak at Paris Healthcare Center, she said, shelved her plans to reopen over fears of exposing her staff and family.

    “We don’t know where it’s all spreading," she said.

    The whiplash in Paris from healthy outlier to overnight hot spot illustrates the balancing act states are taking on as they begin relaxing public health restrictions, particularly in places with Republican governors, who broadly support President Donald Trump's determination to get the U.S. economy back up and running.


    More at the link ---- https://www.yahoo.com/news/then-boom-outbreak-shows-shaky-215051818.html

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  7. I was able to get my sourdough starter going & made 2 loaves of bread. Pretty decent, learned a lot. Ready to try it again but cook it on my smoker. And add some olives. Overall pretty pleased for my 1st attempt. The starter is now hibernating in the fridge waiting for its next activation




    We went with inexpensive ramen noodles tonight. Tried a new method of cooking onions, garlic, spinach, sausage on the grill at the same time. Veggies in foil with sausage over the fire. Ended up pretty tasty with some pad thai inspired sauce. Pineapple Chicken sausage from Costco - tasty & juicy...Cheap eats...


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  8. As I get older I find myself less & less bothered by stupid people. I used to feel sorry for them or try to offer help. Now? Even if it means sure death to somebody, I really dont care any more.

    I won't encourage it, but please, if you feel the urge, drink it.


    "It’s like a Venn diagram,” she said. “What they all have in common is the idea that the government is hiding something from you. These people not interested in what scientists, doctors or the mainstream media has to say.”




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  9. ^^ No surprise.

    This is going to be (already is?) a disaster. The clock on the loan starts ticking when you get the money. You have to pay 75% of this to your workers. If I own a restaurant & depend on butts in the seats to make it, I'll need to pay all of the wait staff to come to work. If no one shows up to eat/drink? I'm paying them for 2 months to play with their phone. They're missing their unemployment pay + $600/week bonus which isn't being paid by me. So they can't pay their bills with no tip money coming in from customers. Loan money is gone & I have nothing to show for it. SMFH. 

    I can't believe there was no plan in place for this type of situation. We can't figure out how to take care of our own people, while lesser countries (in wealth & capital) have already implemented their plans.

    US Government waste at it's finest...

  10. 52 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

    How or why did she get a test if she’s asymptomatic?

    She's probably now showing the signs of Covid-19 so she was tested. 


    Edit: Based on this article, she would have been at her most contagious "during the period before they have symptoms." 


    "In addition, a study (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0869-5) published about the same time reported that people might be most contagious during the period before they have symptoms.


    “Of those of us that get symptomatic, it appears that we’re shedding significant virus in our oropharyngeal compartment, probably up to 48 hours before we show symptoms,” Redfield said. “This helps explain how rapidly this virus continues to spread across the country because we have asymptomatic transmitters.”"



    • Sad 1
  11. 42 minutes ago, just654 said:

    Just checked this morning. Payment excepted in my account April 30th. If you updated your banking info. I would get Get My Payment tool.

    Got this message when I checked this morning - highlight mine. WTF? Mail you a letter? 


    You are eligible for the payment. Once we have your payment date, we will update this page.

    We will deposit your payment to the bank account below.

    Bank Account Number: ************

    Updates to your payment are made no more than once a day. We will mail you a letter with additional information on this payment.

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  12. 12 hours ago, TryTheBeal! said:

    I’m draft tipsy and missing karaoke badly.


    Wanna do some shots and sing some Nirvana.

    Disco night tonight. Sitting fireside with good wine, wife, blasting Fios 1808, remembering the 70s...the Reverend Al Green with that incredible voice...Forgot I had the deck speakers for about an hour. Hope the neighbors enjoyed it!


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  13. The further adventures of Virginia Unemployment: Trying to file as a Sole Proprietor is messy. The screen for that comes up AFTER the employer screen, which has mandatory information that must be entered to get through. Long story short: I got my rejection letter from Va today saying I had no income reported for any quarter in 2019. No ****, dumb asses. I haven't filed my 2019 taxes so the 1099s I have haven't been recorded by me yet. There was no place to enter it in the system! I filed an appeal & will wait to hear back. At least the appeals website let me explain the situation AND upload 1099s. 

    I do need to commend them on the relative speed in replying to my original filing given the number of people filing. We'll see how long the appeal takes. 

  14. 3 hours ago, StillUnknown said:


    I'm still on the "once we have your payment date, we will update this page. We will deposit your payment to the bank account below." stage


    I'm fortunate that i am an essential worker and have not yet been furloughed so its not critical for me at this moment, but that situation is fluid.


    2 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

    I finally this morning got a different notice. When I logged in, it asked for my bank info (routing,  acct) after I had to enter my AGI from 2018, whether I got money back or owed, and how much.

    Glad to know I might not have to wait to August for the eip.

    Edit..after entering that info and then going back and checking with the wife's SSN, I get the same status as you have, StillUnknown. Sounds like we are at the whim of whenever the IRS wants to pay us now..but atleast they have the info.

    And I don't have to unnecessarily file for 2019 yet. 


    Looks like a software update scheduled for tonight.



  15. 4 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

    Trump's remedy, it's so ****ed up, he's dangerous. The only persons who might try this are those in his cult.

    He's a simpleton. That someone with so much high-end education can be so ****ing stupid is just amazing. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic.


    Oh, and then there's this: 🤯   ... Only a lunatic!




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