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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen

  1. So supposedly Snyder will be in Israel due to the one year anniversary of his mother's passing. That shouldn't be hard to verify...anyone know any journalists in Israel?
  2. One has to wonder if any of these shenanigans by Goodell would be occurring if Paul Tagliabue were still the NFL commissioner. Neither he nor his predecessor Pete Rozelle shied away from confrontations with owners if it was in the best interests of the LEAGUE...note that I said LEAGUE and not the OWNERS. Goodell is clearly a stoolie for the OWNERS, however. The NFL owners were tired of honest and forthright people such as Tags and Rozelle and wanted someone to do their bidding. They got what they wanted but they may well drive off the cliff with Goodell in the driver's seat. Can anyone imagine all these legal problems facing the NFL is Tags or Rozelle were still in charge? The NFL gets more print on its legal troubles than anything on the field at this point, far more than the other three major sports combined. Maybe they should start an NFL Network - The People's Court channel and bring back Judge Wapner!
  3. Congressional investigations into Daniel Snyder may be eroding support for a new Washington Commanders Stadium https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/investigations/commanders-stadium/washington-commanders-stadium-search-daniel-snyder-house-oversight-committee-investigation/65-6686248d-f163-4948-be81-149cf484b937 WASHINGTON — Congressional investigations into Daniel Snyder aren’t just causing legal problems for the Washington Commanders owner. They may be hurting his search for a new stadium too. If there’s going to be a new Washington Commanders stadium complex it will need the blessing of city or county lawmakers who have final say over land use permits. Now Snyder’s battles with the House Committee on Oversight and Reform are raising concerns among some elected leaders about going into business with him. “I don't imagine anyone wants to do business with somebody they think is untrustworthy or unethical,” said Loudoun County Board of Supervisors Chair Phyllis Randall. The Commanders are actively trying to buy land for a potential stadium site near Dulles, but Randall said she has yet to decide whether she would vote in favor of a stadium deal. She said she’s closely monitoring the Oversight Committee’s investigation and Snyder’s refusal, thus far, to appear before it. “I've been troubled by a lot of things that I've heard. And I've been troubled by, I think more what I haven't heard, which is any concrete answers from, from the team and from Mr. Snyder specifically,” Randall said. “I'm always a little concerned when people question whether or not they should even respond to congressional subpoenas.” In Prince William County, where the Commanders have already reached a purchase agreement for another potential stadium site in Woodbridge, Supervisor Jeanine Lawson said she opposed a stadium agreement with Snyder from the start. “I definitely don't want to come across as somebody that you know, has the mindset I told you so,” Lawson said. “But I had a strong feeling that the scandals were not going to go away. And if anything, they have they've escalated.” Lawson said she believes Congress’s investigation and Snyder perceived refusal to cooperate with it has the potential to change “yes” votes to “no.” “I don't want to speak for my other colleagues, but I would imagine it does,” Lawson said. “I mean, I don't know how it couldn't.” The one place where county leaders reached by WUSA9 don’t seem as concerned about Snyder’s off-the-field issues is Prince George County, the site of the current, and many there hope, future Washington Commanders Stadium. In a statement, Councilmember Mel Franklin said “I am very concerned about the allegations, but I see the Washington Commanders franchise as much bigger than one individual. I still support a Downtown Prince George's Sports, Entertainment, and Residential District...anchored by a new Commanders stadium. I believe that is in the best interests of the residents I serve.” In D.C. there remain huge land use hurdles to a return to the old RFK site, but even District leaders are watching the Snyder saga play out in Congress. In an email, Councilmember Elissa Silverman wrote “I am very troubled by the allegations and by Mr. Snyder’s ownership of Washington’s football team.” WUSA9 reached out to the Washington Commanders for comment, but the team did not immediately respond.
  4. All they have to do is wait outside his suite door at FedEx before opening kickoff against the Jaguars...unless Snyder plans on staying on his tugboat in France for the rest of his life.
  5. Howard Hughes, at least, made significant contributions to America. He certainly struggled with mental illness...which I don't believe is Snyder's problem at all. Snyder is possibly a psychopath, but is more likely just a typical narcissist...not that being a narcissist is beneficial to anyone else! Here's the criteria for NPD: A grandiose sense of self-importance Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love Believing that they are "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions) Requiring excessive admiration A sense of entitlement (unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with their expectations) Being interpersonally exploitative (taking advantage of others to achieve their own ends) Lacking empathy (unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others) Often being envious of others or believing that others are envious of them Showing arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes Fits Snyder to a T!
  6. I used to get so mad at hearing that. People believe what others say and not what they do too easily. Sure, Snyder may "WANT" to win, but if he doesn't win then he clearly doesn't care. Because if he did, he would do the necessary things to ensure a chance at winning...like hiring the right people (not sycophants) and letting them do their jobs (not picking a QB with the first draft pick because your son went to school with him). I've never understood how some fans could repeat this without any shred of proof. Oh my God...I never thought of that. "With the first pick in the 2026 NFL Draft...the Washington Commanders select Gerry Snyder, TE, Appalachian State." 🤣
  7. That would require Snyder to have a heart in the first place. ZERO empathy, which is a critical skill for today's CEOs. What I don't understand is why doesn't the Oversight Committee just ask Snyder on what day he will be available, since he's obviously going to claim that whatever date they provide him he will be "busy." We all know Snyder's response will be "I'm not available any day. At all. From now until 2057 when I die and my son Gerald takes over the team."
  8. Commanders lawyers worked to keep Dan Snyder's 'sweetheart' comment out of Congressional testimony https://richmond.com/sports/professional/commanders-lawyers-worked-to-keep-dan-snyders-sweetheart-comment-out-of-congressional-testimony/article_3706696a-44b0-5810-93b4-af0a63476e9c.html Attorneys for the Washington Commanders worked to keep a former team executive from testifying about a phone call where he reported a sexual harassment allegation to Dan Snyder and Snyder appeared to brush it aside. The exchange took place in 2018. Brian Lafemina left the NFL office to work for Washington as the team's COO that April, but was fired less than a year later. He was bound by a non-disclosure agreement, but was compelled by subpoena to testify before the U.S. House committee investigating allegations of widespread sexual misconduct by team executives. During his testimony, he recounted that he learned of allegations by a female employee, Rachel Engelson, that then-team broadcaster Larry Michael had made her feel "uncomfortable over a number of years due to unwanted comments and touching, including kisses to her forehead," according to the committee transcript. After learning of the allegation, Lafemina said he called Snyder to inform him. Asked by the committee what Snyder said in that conversation, Lafemina's attorney, Michael Sherwin, objected on behalf of the Commanders, stating the team believed the contents of that call are privileged information, and only Snyder can choose to waive that protection. "I'm communicating this via the team," Sherwin said. "We don't hold the privilege. The privilege is held and can only be waived by the team. So in an abundance of caution, we don't want to impute upon that privilege." Rep. Carolyn Maloney, who heads the committee, later issued a ruling that Lafemina could discuss the contents of the call. A week later, he returned via Zoom and gave an accounting. He was asked if he recalled what Snyder said when informed of the allegations. Lafemina replied: "He said that Larry was a sweetheart and that Larry wouldn't hurt anybody." He added later: "It was obvious that he was fond of Larry and that he thought that Larry was well intentioned and that he didn't want anything bad to happen to Larry." Two years later, Michael resigned days before a Washington Post story documented an alleged pattern of misconduct by the former broadcaster. Lafemina said he wasn't overly concerned at the time because he had also informed the team's general counsel, Eric Schaffer, "I told him about the allegations and our concern, and ... he said that he was going to have an investigation into it," Lafemina said. He could not say if that investigation was ever completed. Engelson spoke with the Post for its story, which led to Michael's resignation. Back in 2018, Lafemina found himself out of his job just months after taking it, as his efforts to reform the team and its practices created tension, in his opinion, with longtime employees who wanted to protect the status quo. At the time, reports about the firing connected it with Lafemina's unhappiness with team president Bruce Allen's decision to add linebacker Reuben Foster to the team after he was cut by the 49ers after a second allegation of domestic violence. "I think it was a bad business decision," Lafemina said. "I can't speak to whether it was a good football decision or not. But from a business perspective, it was not a good move." During his testimony, Lafemina also revealed he did not speak with attorney Beth Wilkinson for the official NFL investigation into sexual misconduct at the then-Redskins franchise. Lafemina said he was engaged in a legal dispute at the time with the team over whether he was fired for cause, and felt it would not be appropriate to participate given the pending legal action.
  9. Sounds like this 'sour milk' thing is Standard Operating Procedure for Team Snyder: https://www.totalprosports.com/2022/06/24/former-washington-commanders-reporter-suggests-dan-snyder-may-have-poured-sour-milk-in-her-cadillac-as-form-of-revenge-tweet/ If this is true, Dan Snyder is one petty, messed up dude. During Congress’ scathing testimony regarding the toxic workplace culture within the Washington Commanders organization, one of the stranger stories to emerge was the one about Snyder allegedly pouring sour milk on the carpet of the FedEx Field suite owned by Washington Nationals owner Mark Lerner—all over some business deal between the two that Snyder was sour about, no pun intended. As the story made its way through the media, it caught the attention of former Commanders reporter Amber Theoharis, who suddenly put two and two together. According to Amber, while covering Snyder’s team during training camp in 2012, her car oddly smelled like sour milk for weeks. Coincidence? I highly doubt it. I’m not sure exactly what Theoharis was reporting on, but it must have rubbed the Commanders owner the wrong way. Don’t be surprised if other former and current Commander employees start coming forward with their “sour milk” related stories. As for the whole investigation into the Washington Commanders’ workplace, it looks like things could get even more interesting, as the Committee Chair plans to subpoena Dan Snyder for a deposition next week.
  10. Did NFL team owner Dan Snyder abuse a discovery law? House committee says yes. https://www.reuters.com/legal/litigation/did-nfl-team-owner-dan-snyder-abuse-discovery-law-house-committee-says-yes-2022-06-23/
  11. Jason is a McKinsey type...people who speak well but can't back it up. I'm always surprised how people fall for others who just happen to be good at public speaking and mistake that skill for real leadership ability.
  12. Knowing how the Peter Principle works, he was probably promoted. Right, where else would Snyder get the ice cream that he left to melt on Nolan's desk from? 😄
  13. It is (supposedly) Jason Wright's job to be the 'skunk in the room' and tell Snyder what he doesn't want to hear, and should have pushed back on the Sean Taylor tribute until it could be done the right way, meaning without porta-potties in the background. That's in an ideal world...it's clear that Snyder doesn't want ANYONE to tell him anything he doesn't want to hear, and the last guy to do that, Brian La Femina, was shown the door for that very reason. This is why corruption and incompetence continue to exist in the corporate world. Good managers want to hear different points of view and opinions...bad ones don't. It's like the bosses who say "Don't bring me problems, bring me solutions." Well, the unintended consequence of that statement is that people will stop informing you of problems altogether, which just reinforces the ongoing stupidity. Sycophancy becomes the norm. This is the Commanders organizational culture, and NONE of it will change until Danya is gone.
  14. Looks like a standard lawyer-drafted CYA that all the rich people come up with when they don't want to be held accountable like us peons.
  15. All Snyder has to do is stay in France. They said on 106.7 a little while ago that the US would have to send the subpoena to the French government, who could then decide whether to issue it or not...and the process takes six months, by which time the Commanders will be out of the NFC East race at 4-10. I'm sure it will be so hard for Danya to get used to living on their yacht tooling around the world trying to avoid the subpoena.
  16. Funny they mentioned this, considering that Snyder and his posse FORCED his employees to wear skimpy clothing and flirt with his business partners. This was well documented in Cheerleadergate. She was just doing what the terms of employment said she must do to keep her job.
  17. Even if he showed up, he could just plead the 5th Amendment for every question. "Is your name Daniel Snyder?" "On advice of my counsel, I plead the 5th amendment to that question." But what a lame excuse by his lawyer...can't be rescheduled? EVERYTHING can be rescheduled, except perhaps your own moment of death. 😂
  18. Wilkinson likely can't because of an NDA, which are used by billionaires and corporations to shut people up.
  19. Welp, so much for any public punishment, at least...Just like I was sayin', there are likely 64 financial books in the NFL, 32 "legit" ones and 32 "under the table." https://sportsnaut.com/dan-snyder-allegations-punishment-nfl/ NFL owners ‘not overly bent’ over financial allegations against Dan Snyder, major discipline unlikely “I haven’t gotten any indication that the league, right now is overly bent about anything, that Dan Snyder might have been doing with revenues. Which again, I personally think is probably because there are some other revenue skeletons out there with NFL owners. I think that’s something they’d rather handle internally..” 🤮
  20. That's right, but what no one counted on at the time was Bruce Allen being such a despicable, toxic person that no one would want to even do business with him. Calling him a snake in the grass is an insult to actual snakes. And we all know politicians aren't the cleanest people themselves, and for them to not want to do business with Bruce is telling. What good did all of Bruce's "political connections" do?? The only political connection he had was his brother who was ousted from Congress years ago! Kind of reminds me that the mafia in Boston once said they didn't trust Joe Kennedy. How bad can you be when even the wiseguys in the mafia won't trust you?
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