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Everything posted by dyst

  1. To piggy back off this, we do it to ourselves every year. We didn't need Garcon or Jackson because "hey we got Pryor who was awesome in Cleveland and he didn't even have a QB there", plus "Doctson will have more of a chance". I need two solid years from this ****ed up franchise before I start thinking cup half-full lol
  2. 1. Reed is our best receiver but he has trouble staying healthy. 2. Crowder is awesome, started slow last year and somewhat injured but I can count on him. 3. Thompson is special but he too has an injury history 4. Vernon, great back up. You don't want him playing too much due to age, but guy is awesome. 5. Doctson, could go either way. Had flashes but I'm not counting on him yet. 6. Richardson, basically same stats as Doctson also has injury history. 7. Everyone else are JAGs, and I have little faith they will be anything other than JAGs So with that said, no our receiving corp is not shaping up nicely. We have several injury prone, unproven or JAGs on this team. They could turn out to be awesome, but I see nothing that screams wow.
  3. Pretty amazing the Packers haven’t had Rodgers for 8 games and still have a better record than the Skins.
  4. I've watched one full game this season and that was the Raiders game (thankfully). We're just not a good team unless you consider a mediocre 7-9 win team good. We're the type of team that will always have injuries throughout year, penalties at in opportune times, fumbles, blocked punts that get returned for a million yards, QB that even after 3 years will still throw those game sealing INTs or whatever else excuse we want to throw in there. We just aren't very good. We're mediocre. Not bad, not good, just mediocre.
  5. Pretty sad when people use derogatory words towards people. I will never understand certain groups of people that continue to be racist. I would love if we could just buy them a plane ticket and drop them in the middle of Syria so they can act out their bravado out there.
  6. The NFL needs to rethink how they broadcast their damn games. For example... 1. As a DC/Virginia resident, I don’t want to see the damn Ravens all the time. They are a boring team and their games are almost always boring so I tend to not even tune in. Instead put on a better match up that week and more people would tune in. 2. Unless it conflicts with the Skins, they should consider showing an NFC East game instead of something else. I have way more interest in the Giants/Eagles/Cowboys then watching the Raiders/Oakland. So basically stop force feeding us the **** that is Baltimore and secondly show divisional opponents.
  7. The whole thing just seems off. Standing, taking your hat off and placing your hand over your heart. Reminds me of those things you see in other countries where we laugh at folks who overly praise their "dear leader" or bow down to a king. Like worshipping an idol except it's a song/flag.
  8. Question for those that might have an answer. When the mods put out a warning inside a thread, is there a way to quickly find that information out? Sometimes I enter a thread without reading every post inside it, and can easily miss a warning posted 10 posts up.
  9. 49ers D held the Seahawks offense in check I think? So, maybe the Rams offense (at least this early) is pretty good.
  10. Random Thought: I like what Tony Romo brings to the broadcast booth. Him calling out plays during that first game was pretty amazing. If we're going to hear guys talk, it's so much better when the viewer can actually learn something from it.
  11. The Eagles were practically a dumpster fire a few years ago. Spent a ton on free agency only to see it fail miserably. Their idiotic coach (Chip Kelly) got rid of all of their blue chip players (Maclin, DeSean and McCoy), spent a ton of money on Bradford and the back up QB, DeMarco Murray and 20 other running backs and yet here we are. They somehow (it's still early, I know) have their QB of the future and are trending upwards. How the hell did they possibly right the ship so quickly and we're still treading water.
  12. Not going to happen. Cousins will either be signed long term with us, another team or Pats will already have his replacement. They tend to plan ahead and are prepared.
  13. Imagine the damage the Patriots would do if they had Crowder and Chris Thompson.
  14. Random Thought: Pretty amazing the Patriots were able to trade a 3rd string QB. Me awhile we got nothing for RG3 and probably won't get anything for Cray Cray.
  15. Besides the fact the NFL would like him to play against the Skins (rivalry and all). Personally I would like to beat them with a full roster so I wouldn't mind but at the same time, I'll take any help we can get since this team is pathetically inconsistent.
  16. It's been said before but HBO must be pissed they haven't been able to Hard Knocks the Redskins yet. 1. Missing the playoffs by one (1) game, against a division foe that wanted to lose and we couldn't beat them. 2. The lol worthy search for a defensive coordinator, only to realize we already have the wizard on our own staff, the staff that finished near last in defense. 3. The debacle with Scott the GM (or was he just a scout) and is he an alcoholic? 4. The lol worthy search for a new GM (or is he also just a scout), only to realize we already have the wizard in our own building and happens to be a former player. 5. The draft, which went surprisingly well at least on paper. The drafting of a stud defensive lineman from the area. 6. The contract negotiations with Kirk, lets be honest, him and his agent have us cornered. Great management there, would make for awesome tv. 7. Our players looking like studs in practice but then in preseason looking like turds 8. No running game to speak of 9. Kirk looks awful 10. Pryor drops passes like he's trying to out do Rod Gardner 11. NT Phil Taylor goes down. Awe darn, who didn't see that coming 12. Our best player (Reed) is hurt again. 13. Speaking of again, both Galette and Doctson are hurt....again. But boy do they look good when it doesn't count. 14. Our 2nd rounder Anderson, goes down...never to be heard from again probably 15. Cut down day comes and we axe our 3rd string QB (who was starter material just a month or two ago) only to have him sign with our game 1 opponent. 15. The rest of cut down day is drama free save for our 2nd rounder from last year wanting to retire at 22. That's just this year. Forget Hard Knocks, they should just do one specifically for the Redskins. It's like taking candy from a baby. The script would write itself. You know it's true.
  17. Been watching some preseason replays of the other teams and yea, our local broadcast team might be the worst. They don't have a good "voice", they don't sound professional, more like average joe picked up off the street and I don't know, just brings the game down. Boring might be a good word.
  18. Random Thought? Umm, we should redo our uniforms. The colors need an ovehaul or a better combination. It looks hedious.
  19. 1. Yes we did have a game day thread. 2. Aaron did play, did what he always does again our defense. 3. Think he had one catch.
  20. 1. Will Jay Gruden ever consistently run the ball? He does so every once in a while and then gives a sly remark like "see we do run", but then will continue the pass happy mantra for the next 4 weeks. We aren't getting blown out so why the lack of runs? 2. Will we ever get good on defense. I know we will, because I was asking this question about the offense not too long ago, but damn it, WHEN? 3. Why do we struggle so much with time management. I'd like to see Jay chew himself out regarding this. You suck at it Jay. Get better. 4. Why does our offense crap the bed in the Redzone. When Jackson caught the deep ball and fell at the 4 yard line, I just chalked it up as a FG. That's how bad it's been. Is it Kirk or the coaches? The year is almost over and it's still bad. Get your **** together Jay/McVay. 5. On defense we have the makings of a really sold/spectacular bench. Yep bench. Most of these guys aren't starters. Watch out though because when we do get starters and these guys go to the bench, we'll be scary. 6. Our offensive line is decent/good. We still can't run block nor enforce our will on people. I won't complain. They do a decent/solid job overall and it could be worse but Kirk makes them look just as good as they make him look good. Still need to upgrade here. 7. Kerrigan has lost a major step. Injuries will do that to you. He doesn't suck, he's just not someone you fear. Not a game changer. 8. Murphy is our best/2nd best pass rusher. NEVER in a million year would I have thought that. 9. Breeland has taken a major step back this year. 10. Our linebackers are feel good stories and I can root for that but they aren't starters. 11. Still have safety issues. 12. Will we ever be good? I'm talking about 10-2 or something at this point. We are ALWAYS either bad or 500 and this year we are 500 again. Why can't we just have an incredible year for once. It's always a grind. We're always just on the 'cusp' but never actually there. This year was the year we were suppose to take that next step, which in many ways we have not. At best we will finish with 8 or 9 wins. 13. Why do I say "at best"? Well because we only have 6 wins and we have not won 4 our of our last 5 games. We are on a losing trend more so than a winning one. That's not good heading into the playoff race here.
  21. Probably going to lose to the Vikings on purpose just so they don't have to face us in the playoffs.
  22. Dak is playing really well for a rookie, which was evident even in preseason, despite people suggesting otherwise. He's calm, under control and very mobile. Reminds me of Russell Wilson.
  23. This is why I get frustrated when during Grudens first year people were like "he is a rookie too, give him time". You can tell when players and coaches have it or don't. Jay looks aloof out there.
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