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Posts posted by Simmsy

  1. Melania is smart, guys. She doesn't want Barron involved in politics, especially under his father. Right now, Barron is off limits, he's a civilian. However, it he jumps into the political pool, he's fair game as a willing participant. His entire life will get dragged through the mud...like hers. She doesn't want that for her son.


    It makes me wonder why Tiffany was never round (mother wanted to protect her), but she came out during Trump's last month campagning in 2020. Why put yourself out at that point? It was already over.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:





    Trump's lawyer Necheles: You've been in over 200 sex films?

    Stormy Daniels: Including comps.

    Necheles: What?

    Daniels: Compilations.

    Necheles: So you have experience in making up fake stories about sex?

    Daniels: The sex is real. That's why it's not a B movie.

    Necheles: Now you have a story about having sex with President Trump, right?

    Stormy Daniels: If I was making it up it would have been a lot better.

    Necheles: You make money working in the sex clubs-

    Daniels: I work in strip clubs, big difference.





    Hopefully the jury heard far more than what little I posted up there lol...


    What the text doesn't show is that the lawyer questioning Stormy is being highly aggressive and its visibly upsetting the jury (according to lawyers and press in the court room). Make of that what you will.

    • Like 2
  3. I blame this on Garland. He waited so that it wouldn't seem political, but now its happening in an election year, so its political. Ultimately, we know what the GOP is and how they fight, I blame the Dems for playing by a different set of rules and expecting to win against cheaters. Now, I'm not saying storm the Capital, but Dems need to fight and stop trying for moral victories. Once again, Dems want to appear as the good guys and they end up shooting themselves in the foot. Who gives a **** if some people will get mad, Trump tried the overthrow the government, he needs to be dealt with. Why do they care more about the GOP being happy than their own constituents?


    Bill Maher pointed out something that I never knew until recently: no Democrat has headed the FBI and no special counsel has been a Democrat in over 50 years. We let them investigate themselves and call it fair, we let them investigate us, corrupt it and call it fair. The real culprit is the Dem party for acting like a bunch of wusses.

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    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 1
  4. 2 hours ago, @DCGoldPants said:

    I see some push back clamming that these aren't Republicans and it's because in Indiana you can request a ballot for either party. The idea that the Dems can organize like 100k voters in Indiana to do this and nobody knew beforehand is ridiculous. Hearding cats is easier. 


    True, but Trump is still losing a considerable large amount to Haley, who dropped out two months ago. Just a week ago, he lost 16% to Haley in a closed primary. Thats not good, throw in RFK Jr. who takes more votes from Trump than Biden and I would be worried if I were Trump.

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  5. 19 minutes ago, @DCGoldPants said:

    Haley received over 20% in the Indiana primary yesterday. Hopefully those are people who will never vote for Donny in Nov. Probably doesn't matter in Indiana. But get a percentage like that in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada. That's a big deal. 


    Yeah, the margin of Haley voters is actually getting wider. I'm not going to say that it means anything, but its definitely not bad for Biden.

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  6. 24 minutes ago, The 12th Commandment said:

    I figured that would get a rise out of somebody.  The huge demand for pecans in China you can see by googling it.  The brain anecdote is from my pecan farmer buddy who had a big hand in opening up the market over there.  He's very well off now.


    Added: if you think about it the two halves of a pecan are reminiscent if the two lobes of a brain.


    So he's marketing it as brain food?

  7. 51 minutes ago, Long n Left said:

    Merchan’s move here is to give Dump jail time, but to be served post trial, which is within his purview. That way, it does not delay the trial, and Dump serves time, regardless of outcome. Even if he wins the trial, he still must serve time delineated for contempt. If he loses, the time is added on.


    Is this your opinion or did you hear this somewhere? Do you have law experience? I only ask because this would be an amazing birthday present for me, please don't tease me.

    • Haha 2
  8. 4 hours ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:



    Trump's not trying to go to jail. If he DOES go to jail, will he try and spin it into further proof that he's really the victim in all of this? Of course...that's been his m.o. for years. But that's not his goal. He's far too much of a narcissist to let anyone control him in any way, and jail would definitely be the judge controlling him, if only momentarily.


    However, by constantly going just over the contempt line he's is feeling as if he's the one in control, not the judge and not the courts. That's why he does it...not to try and get someone to toss him in jail. That, plus he can't help himself. He needs handlers to help him just behave like a normal human being.


    I think its funny when people say his plan is to go to jail, like since its his plan, that makes it a good idea. Go ahead and go to jail, see how it works out for you. He really "shot the Cricket" on this one.

    • Thumb up 3
  9. 12 minutes ago, tshile said:


    ”why we do the bare minimum at work”


    enjoy getting paid the bare minimum and not advancing 


    I’m sure when you have 20 years in and it’s gone nowhere you’ll have a list of reasons for that, none of which will be your fault 


    The days of the best/hardest worker getting a promotion is done. Most companies would rather keep that hard worker working, than advancing them and trying to find ANOTHER hard worker. Any idiot can pretend to manage, but you need actually good workers to get any of the actual work done.

    • Thanks 2
  10. I work in construction/home remodeling/repair, at forty years old, I'm the youngest one on the jobsite. The only people younger than I am are the nepo babies (nepotism is rampant in this field) and they are lazier than hell. I hate this line of work now and I hate working for my boss. He's the typical maga moron who knows how to do his job, but can't tie his own ****ing shoe. Add on to the fact that he's lazy and takes any type of intelligence as a threat...I'm ready to leave this field.


    Also, I'm pissed off that my generation isn't allowed to have hobbies or free time anymore. Every second is supposed to be spent making money at a side gig or something, I want a side gig only so I can cut back days on my main gig because I ****ing hate it.

    • Sad 1
  11. This **** doesn't know when to shut up.


    Trump VP Hopeful Kristi Noem Suggests Biden’s Dog Commander Should Also Be Put Down



    Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem implied that President Joe Biden’s dog, Commander, should meet the same ill fate as her own 14-month-old dog Cricket, who she shot due to its aggressive behavior, as she revealed in her upcoming memoir.


    “Joe Biden’s dog has attacked 24 Secret Service people. So how many people is enough people to be attacked and dangerously hurt before you make a decision on a dog?” Noem said Sunday on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “That’s the question that the president should be held accountable to.”

    The Biden administration announced in October that Commander had been relocated off White House grounds after various incidents where he had bitten or otherwise attacked U.S. Secret Service agents.


    Noem’s Sunday comment comes as she faces considerable blowback from both Democrats and Republicans for anecdotes in her upcoming memoir about decisions to personally put down various family farm animals, including Cricket and an unnamed goat.


    As she vies to become Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick, some, including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, have posited that the controversial memoir snippets have tanked her chances.


    In the days since Noem’s memoir anecdotes went public, the South Dakota governor has been doing damage control to save her VP bid.

    On Sunday, Noem doubled down on her defense to put down Cricket, claiming that the dog had been attacking her children and that the backlash she has received is politically motivated.


    “This has been a story that my political opponents have tried to use against me for years,” Noem said. “They’re doing the same thing to me, that they do to Donald Trump every day.”


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