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Posts posted by Simmsy

  1. 24 minutes ago, tshile said:

    Well hold on 


    if Trump flips on abortion, then what I said goes out the window. I have no idea how those people would react and it probably depends on what “flipping” on the topic actually looks like. 

    Trump has, from day 1, simply taken credit for building SCOTUS to kick it back to the states. Best I’ve seen he’s stuck to that - that it’s a state issue not a federal issue - although he contradicts himself all the time so I’m sure you can find random quips from him where he says something different. Overall - he’s been mostly consistent about kicking it back to the states. 

    if he continues that he’s not flipping on anything. He’s staying the course, not putting a policy out there, sticking to his accomplishment, and generally punting on the issue. I, personally, don’t see that driving those people away from him at all. Especially given what’s on the ballot right now (states codifying abortion access rights)

    if he starts advocating for specific policies then yeah, I could see it being a problem (though I’m willing to bet it will be really overstated and overblown by everyone compared to what it actually means on Election Day)


    Honestly, he's taken just about every stance on it at some point like you said, so I guess its also how the individual wants to interpret his meaning. Overall, I think most people blame or accredit him for the current state of women's rights and it trickles down to the rest of the republican party. Trickle down is finally paying off.

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  2. 21 minutes ago, tshile said:

    He won the primary in essentially an uncontested way. No one was close.  

    You’re looking at groups trying to influence the platform - that’s what the lead up to the convention is.  I’m saying it doesn’t matter, if he handles it that way they will vote for him in November. 

    they’re surely not going to vote for dems or sit out an election where codifying abortion rights into the constitution at the state or federal level is what the other party wants. Give me a break - he’s not going to lose their support because he doesn’t make banning abortion a part of the platform


    other republicans have already openly said they can’t run on what they want to do or they won’t win. This isn’t exactly rocket science. 

    if he loses it’s not going to be because he didn’t take a hard stance against abortion. 


    No one was close, but Trump lost huge chunks of the primary vote to other candidates. It wasn't close, but it definitely wasn't uncontested. He consistently lost a bigger percentage in more state than Biden. As of late May, Haley was still getting 20% of the total republican primary vote. As for Biden, the highest opponent he had in the primaries was the uncommitted vote that only totaled out to about 4%.


    A lot of people seem to forget (not you), that not only did Trump lose last go around, but he lost to the same guy he's going up against now. After fours years, Trump is not in a good spot mentally, financially or legally and all of it costs him. He cannot afford to lose ANYONE, not a single vote. Flipping on abortion might not tank him with the zealots, but he will lose SOME and them some is all the Dems need. Trump isn't picking up any new voters, so he at least has to keep the ones he's got.

  3. 9 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


    Point for Cowgirl.


    Plenty to say about Musk's leadership, but Boeing's leadership needs a firing squad before that company goes defunct.


    At this point serious conversation should go into walking away, contracts and all, and not trying to save it from itself anymore.


    OT, don't give them another dime of my tax dollars for their space rockets.  It's clearly not just their airplanes, it's way to easy for a rocket to mess up and kill everyone on board or worse.


    No, you don't get credit for NOT being the worst.

    • Haha 3
  4. 9 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

    Non console version fwiw.




    I want this game, heard its pretty good and it's been cheap for a while. I just already have too many games like it at the moment, maybe after I finish Balder's Gate 3.

  5. 8 hours ago, TradeTheBeal! said:

    Can’t believe I’m missing 80% of Price is Right for this hooey.


    Edit:  Oh snap!  We’re back in time for the showcase showdown!


    I don't know if you're an 80 year old man or sick 8 year old who had to stay home.


    8 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

    Probation and community service. First time felon.  


    Hope his sentencing is after Trump's.


    I disagree, put him in jail for a bit, one month per felony and do it quick. Then, do the same for Trump.


    7 hours ago, Captain Wiggles said:


    How many MAGA types ya think get drunk and shoot firearms? I'm willing to say it's a fairly high percentage. 


    Had one MAGA chud working for me years back. He wanted an old refrigerator my neighbor was **** canning. Why I stupidly asked. Apparently to shoot at while drinking Goldschlager with his buddies. 


    That's right. Goldschlager.The preferred liquor for girls I went to high school with. 🤣


    When I waited tables, I would sneak little bottles of Goldschlager. One of the only real few liquors you can drink without smelling like straight up alcohol.

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  6. 9 hours ago, mcsluggo said:


    here is a kind-of example.... i can't stand titles like "MAGA lunatic triggered and P'OWNED!!!! MUST SEE!!!!!!"   even if i would like the content, i just never click on that sort of thing.   but give me a nerdy accountant looking John Oliver with a pompous highfalutin title.....???  i'm all over it like a pothead on a grilled cheese sandwich 


    Trust me, I get it, but that is how most videos are on YouTube. Some channels definitely do it more than others, but I have cut channels out because I got tired of their clickbait. I can say though, that the guy in that video was definitely "triggered". I've been called a lot of things as a liberal, but never a "Stalinist".


    8 hours ago, @DCGoldPants said:


    These videos along with ones from I think Meidas or whatever its called, are why liberals don't get it. If you can't take those conversations and break them down to bumperstickers and taglines. You're losing your message.


    **** ain't hard. Scale it back. Choose words that are easily repeatable.



    I agree, but I don't. The reason why the GOP has to use slogans, jingles and catchphrases for everything is because that is all they've got. Do you really expect them to actually explain why Trump isn't guilty? Explain what crime Joe Biden should be impeached for? Why they tanked the border bill or why the election was stolen? No, of course they can't explain that, but "Joe and the Ho, Gotta Go!" rhymes. However, I don't think its a sustainable model. Are GOP constituents even voting on actual issues anymore? Slogans won't keep a movement going.


    3 hours ago, The Sisko said:


    You heard the amen corner chiming in when he said it, right? That didn't sound like white folks to me. Just like any other marginalized community, there's a subset of the black community that wants to be an Uncle Tom, house ***** for hire. It's a great job, if you can get it...and are willing to sell all vestiges of your dignity, self respect, and anything else to be a minstrel.


    That said, his comment wasn't for the amen corner or the black community at large. As with all of the sellout crowd, his stock in trade is to be the metaphorical one black friend that Republiklans point toward to prove their bona fides that "There's not a racist bone in my body!". He's living proof that the NOI was wrong. Devils aren't only white.




    The Dems have been losing at the messaging game literally forever. That's why I like Gavin Newsome so much. Aside from having the most important qualities needed to win an American election, i.e., looks, great hair, and height, he also gets the trolling game. He's probably the only Dem that can stand toe to toe with the convicted felon in that arena. 


    First of all, if you want to get an "Amen", all you have to do is literally say "Can I get an Amen?" and anyone will give you an "Amen". Black people pass those out without even thinking twice. I'm black and I hate church, I'm sure I belted one out today.


    Your last point, is...on point. Somebody smarter and more famous than I am said something along the lines of "Democrats want to vote for the cool guy". Well, we do. When Bill Clinton whipped out his saxophone, you KNEW it was over. Especially after Bush tried to get in touch with the youth and totally flopped on a basic interview on MTV. I was born in 1984 and I still remember both of those events quite clearly. Remember how cool Obama was? Even more so against fuddy duddy McCain and "Missionary" Mitt Romney? We need a young, good looking, smart and ambitious person to make a run. I think that person is Newsom, I've floated this idea to my friend in Arizona and he hated it. I think Newsom would be an amazing candidate in 2028. I also think he walks a decent line between progressive and centrist Democract which makes him easy to get behind. We shall see.

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  7. 13 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:

    Some of the most annoying people you know are about to go to the hospital for heat exhaustion


    My friends just got back from the Vegas area, they said you can't even think about walking outside without shoes on like you can in Va.


    I also have friends and family in Arizona. Apparently, the heat is so dry that your sweat evaporates and you have no idea you're even sweating. You just...drop out. But **** the people, let the bodies hit the floor.

    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 1
  8. Judge in Trump's hush money case raises questions about social media post claiming to preview jury verdict



    The New York judge overseeing Donald Trump's hush money trial has asked attorneys in the case about a social media post purporting to preview the former president's guilty verdict.


    “Today, the Court became aware of a comment that was posted on the Unified Court System’s public Facebook page and which I now bring to your attention,” Judge Juan Merchan wrote in a letter dated Friday.


    “My cousin is a juror and said Trump is getting convicted,” the post stated, according to Merchan's letter. “Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!”

    Merchan said that the comment, which was attributed to a user identified as Michael Anderson, was "now labeled as one week old," and was posted in response to a routine notice from the court posted on May 29 about oral arguments unrelated to proceedings in Trump’s case.


    When a defendant who has been convicted by a jury but has not yet been sentenced learns of alleged jury misconduct, he can move to set aside the verdict under New York criminal procedure law. If a defendant can prove that jury misconduct “may have affected a substantial right of the defendant,” the remedy is a new trial.


    NBC News has not verified the claims made in the comment or the identity of the user who published the post, which has since been deleted. NBC News also hasn't independently confirmed the comment’s existence.


    A Trump campaign official said "we're investigating" when asked about Merchan's letter.


    Attorneys for Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Friday afternoon, nor did a spokesperson for the Manhattan district attorney's office.


    Trump was convicted last month on 34 counts of falsifying business records tied to reimbursing Cohen for hush money paid to Daniels in the final days of the 2016 campaign. Trump had pleaded not guilty in the case and denied Daniels’ claims that she had a sexual encounter with him in 2006. Trump’s sentencing in the case is scheduled for July 11.


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  9. On 6/4/2024 at 9:09 PM, China said:

    A Homeowner Mutiny in Florida Is Leaving the State More Vulnerable to Hurricanes


    Lisa Hendrickson is almost out of sand.


    Hendrickson is the mayor of Redington Shores, Florida, a well-heeled beach town in Pinellas County. Her town occupies a small section of a razor-thin barrier island that stretches down the western side of the sprawling Tampa Bay metro area, dividing cities like Tampa and St. Petersburg from the Gulf of Mexico. Many of her constituents have an uninterrupted view of the ocean.


    The town’s only protection from the Gulf of Mexico’s increasingly erratic storms is a pristine beach that draws millions of tourists every year — but that beach is disappearing fast. A series of storms, culminating in last fall’s Hurricane Idalia, have eroded most of the sand that protects Redington Shores and the towns around it, leaving residents just one big wave away from water overtaking their homes.


    This perilous situation is the result of a standoff between local residents and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the federal agency that handles flood prevention and protects many of the nation’s beaches. The Corps often rebuilds eroded beaches by hauling in thousands of tons of sand, but the agency is refusing to deliver $42 million of new sand to Pinellas County unless the area’s coastal property owners grant public access to the slivers of beach behind their homes. Hundreds of these property owners, however, are in turn refusing to sign documents that grant these points of access, which are known as easements. The faceoff has brought the area’s storm recovery to a near standstill.


    This standoff highlights growing tensions between the federal government and homeowners in coastal areas that are threatened by climate change. As sea levels have risen and strong storms have caused greater damage than ever before, the costs of protecting and insuring beach fronts in Florida and other states have increased rapidly. Agencies like the Corps have had to weigh these costs against the interests of property owners in places like the Tampa Bay region. When those interests come into conflict, populated coastal areas can be left exposed or uninsured, making them sitting ducks for the next climate-fueled storm.


    “Our coastlines are the first line of defense against storms, and our Gulf beaches are just eroding away,” Hendrickson told Grist. “I don’t know where we go with it now, or how we come together to work through it.”


    The Corps put the easement policy in place decades ago to ensure that it didn’t spend public money to restore private beaches, but the agency didn’t begin enforcing the rule in earnest until after Superstorm Sandy in 2012. 


    Click on the link for the full article


    Let them get washed away.  Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


    So, I had to read this whole thing, it confused me at first, but I've come to the conclusion of...**** these people.


    Long story short, army needs easement permissions from all residents so the government can spend $42 million on sand for their private beach. However, these easements are permanent so the govt doesn't have to collect over 400 signatures everytime this happens. Residents say no, government won't give them sand.


    Best part is, the beach isn't private and the govt has tried every other way, even offered to place a dime of sand elseehere. The residents said no, it would ruin their beach view. No what else ruins a view of the beach? No beach.


    **** these people, I hope the go down with the ship.

    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Larry said:


    Robert Heinlein took a ton of flack for proposing exactly that, in Starship Troopers.  


    (Well, he did not propose requiring military service. More a case of requiring some form of community service, of which the military was one option.)


    His stated reasoning was that he thought it would be better if, in order to vote, a person had to demonstrate that he could put the good of society ahead of their self interest. 


    I think it's a great book. Superficially it's a kind of childish shoot-em-up. But there's some serious thoughts in there, too. 


    Maybe not military service, but I can definitely get down with community service. I used to say that everyone should have to work a retail/customer service and manual labor job at least once in their life. Do that for a while and you will definitely treat people differently ( in a good way).

    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 6
  11. I was waiting for Virginia to get in on some Maga hate, just what I like to see. Kinda long, but worth a skim:


    Protesters clash with Marjorie Taylor Greene, McGuire at campaign rally in Albemarle



    After a comparably peaceful first stop in heavily Republican Louisa County on the eastern part of Virginia’s 5th Congressional District on Wednesday afternoon, McGuire, Greene and their campaign staffers boarded their campaign bus bearing Trump’s name and likeness to travel to Charlottesville.


    Upon their arrival, they were greeted by a crowd of about 100 people, of which Greene estimated about 80% were hostile. A reporter with The Daily Progress in Charlottesville who attended the event put the number of protesters at about 50. 

    Once they left the bus, Greene and McGuire quickly found themselves surrounded by dozens of people carrying various signs and banners. 


    One of the protesters attending the rally said that his group had started gathering around the parking lot at about 3:30 p.m. The man, who did not want to be named out of fear for retribution and who called from a blocked number, said that the bus carrying McGuire and Greene pulled up about 45 minutes later.


    “The McGuire and Greene supporters came in and kind of physically tried to own that area around the bus, blocking us from getting closer. There were some of what I’d call near-fights,” the man said. “There was plenty of blame to go around. There was one McGuire supporter who was very aggressive in coming up into people’s faces, and there were one or two people on the Democratic side who took the bait and there was a close-faced screaming match.”





    Albemarle Police investigate alleged threat against Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene



    CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA (CVILLE RIGHT NOW) – Albemarle Police confirm an investigation of a report of a verbal death threat made during the campaign stop by 5th District Congressional candidate John McGuire and Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene at the 5th Street County Office Building Wednesday. Greene on social media claimed a person circled in a photo on a right flank a few feet behind her screamed pointed at and screamed in a staff member’s face an explicative “white supremacist… Allah Akbar… we’re going to kill you”. She posted they were filing a police report and needed help identifying the individual.

    ACPD’s Logan Bogert said the individual indicated “would not provide identification and left the property without incident”. She says ACPD officers documented the incident which “at this time remains an open and active investigation”. No one was hurt.


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  12. 18 minutes ago, samy316 said:


    That's a good point.  The Hush Money trial was the least impactful of the 4 court cases against Trump.  Maybe Trump decided to punt that case, since that one will only result in some minor punishment like community service or something weak.  If MAGA wanted to argue that any of the cases against Trump was a political witch hunt, the Hush Money Trial could fall under that umbrella.  Most people don't care about that case, or think it was a stretch to bring that to trial after so many years.


    I don't know why the hush money case kinda slipped under the radar. A lot of folks wanted a heavier trial first, I had no preference, but I'm glad Stormy got to go first. I think having NY go first allowed the guilty verdict to do maximum damage to Trump. I feel as if it were a later case or preceded by a not guilty verdict, the damage to Trump would be mitigated.


    It feels like Trump didn't take this case as seriously as he should have...as his lawyers should have. 


    15 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:




    Whatever, take me court.

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  13. 2 minutes ago, tshile said:

    No need to apologize you weren’t rude or anything. 
    I think we agree. I just expected their team to do this


    remember - they don’t have a legitimate defense. Or at least it doesn’t seem that way. So silly side circus show to delay/distract/create something they can appeal, is all they have. 


    Thanks. Now I'm going to take care of those other two things while the bath water is still warm...and not gross 😇

    • Haha 3
  14. 18 minutes ago, tshile said:

    Yeah you’re just too far into it to see objectively. Most everyone else gets why this is her fault and it’s a bad look.  And it has nothing to do with race/gender. 

    And gripe all you want about how he’s treated different - he will continue to be treated different, and it should be expected. The people running the cases and judges know it. That’s why these are taking so long. Everyone making sure to leave as little room for error or the appearance of error as possible. 

    well, everyone except Willis. 


    This whole time I've been arguing with you I've been in the bath tub. This is my bong/play with myself/phone time, I've only argued. Well, I did one of those things and I feel...ok. 


    I don't want to be rude, mean, mad or argue, so I'm going to apologize for any insulting behavior (I'm sorry) and I'm going to say this and let it die for real this time:


    It wasn't the best idea to start a relationship with Wade during this trial. It also has zero bearing on anything to do with this case.

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    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 3
  15. 33 minutes ago, samy316 said:


    But that's just it, he's not just some ole' regular defendant.  He's a former President of the United States (as much as you and I hate to acknowledge this).  This is not a normal trial, and his delay tactics have to be taken more seriously because of his stature.  Even if he wasn't a former President, he is an elite at the end of the day.  Unless you live under a rock, or are the most naïve person walking God's green earth, Trump (and anyone else of his stature) will always be treated differently under the circumstances than you or I would.  That's how the game goes unfortunately.  That's why there is more scrutiny and more coverage for this trial than if this were a normal person, or even a low level politician.  Of course Willis (and Bragg) will be more scrutinized because of their color or sex, but unfortunately that comes with the territory.  You have to know that before pursuing a case a gigantic as this one is.


    Well, I was also half-assed replying to you in my other posts (is that where the "ranting" comes from).


    I get where you're coming from and I don't disagree with you al together. However, I still think it shouldn't matter, even more so that her bf left the case almost three months ago. Hell, if she gave the magistrate a ZJ or even matched with the officer who took his mugshot on Tinder, I could get on board with the scrutiny.


    Purely speculation, but I don't think Trump's lawyer's tried as hard in the hush money case. Either they thought it wasn't as important, thought they could win or they were taking Trump's legal advice. Just doesn't feel that the NY team put their whole ass in like the Georgia team.*


    *Tangent, not a rant.


  16. 2 minutes ago, tshile said:

    taking a conversation about whether this is about her being black/female and deciding to go on about how Trump behaves and that he’s never held accountable is switching from discussing the issue at hand to just ranting. Yes. 

    right. Cause neither of us are former presidents nor are we presumptive nominees for president. 

    I’ve been trying to explain this for a while but that should be a clue that he is and will be treated different than the rest of us. 

    additionally - it’s well known and understood he’s going to bend/break any rule he can and they will use anything they can (even made up stuff) to win this on appeal if he’s convicted. So, unsurprisingly, everyone involved is guarding against that which includes the appearance of bias. Is it garbage the extent to which he gets away with it? Of course. Is it surprising? No, you should have expected it. 


    yeah. Trump is a piece of garbage, a liar, a career crook, a carnival barker, a conartist, and there’s solid information to believe pre-trial he’s guilty of trying to overthrow the government (insurrectionist). He also harasses and assaults women and is clearly a racist. 


    what’s your point? That standards should be lowered for everyone else? Who gives a **** what he says it’s all nonsense. 

    smith and Biden don’t have to answer those questions cause they weren’t caught ****ing the people investigating the person they’re going after. By all accounts Biden has not been involved in any of it and yet that’s still their chief accusation. This notion Willis is somehow being singled out for criticism requires you to seriously not be paying attention. 


    I’m not sure you know what rant means. 


    Are we not talking about standards? Is this not a trial where Trump is being tried? This is the conviction thread, right? 


    Anyways, this is going around in circles and you're starting to grate on my nerves, so I'm going to say this and end it here:


    I don't care if he's Jesus ****ing Christ, you don't let one guy run his ball sack all over the legal system. I don't even know where you're getting that I want lower standards. I want the standard standards. Yes, I know he was a president, I know he's running, I know he has a mushroom shaped dick. None of it matters. The standard, should be the standard.


    Is this rant territory? 



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  17. 3 minutes ago, tshile said:

    well you’re just ranting now. 

    yeah I want Trump held to the correct standards to


    but what’s going on with Willis has nothing to do with her race or gender. It has to do with a defendant with no defense reaching for any straw to try to put up a fight. She gave them one, they’re taking it. 

    they’re going after jack smith and Biden too and both of them are white men. 

    this is what defendants do when they don’t have facts or the law on their side. It’s not a coincidence this is how all his cases go - attacks on the people running the system.


    Answering is ranting? I guess we're both ranting now.


    Sure, as a defendant, Trump has every right to try to delay and get the case tossed, but the court doesn't have to entertain every stupid notion that his lawyers throw out. I can promise you that you and I would not get as much cooperation from the court to undermine it for our own benefit.


    Let's talk about Trump going after Jack Smith and Biden. You say race and sex have nothing to do with it, yet Trump continually says Willis is going after him because she's a racist. I don't see Smith or Biden having to explain their sexual history just to do their jobs and hold criminals accountable.


    Ok, your turn to rant.


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