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Posts posted by Simmsy

  1. 15 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

    It's prob hit or miss with that simmsy.  I've read about people getting banned or licenses revoked when they "travel" to buy games off of other countries websites. But I've done it several times in the past and never had a problem. So who knows what triggers Microsoft/PlayStation/Nintendo to take action. 


    Yeah, I've looked into this several years ago and was too chicken to go thru with it then. I think the way it was being done at that time was you'd give someone your account info, they log on and add you to some sharing list or something. Even more shady than what I just did.


    I don't know what triggers it either, I don't plan to do that too often if ever again, I was just impatient and didn't think it was right to charge $40 for a digital game thats been out since 2017 (looking at you, Sekiro). If I had to guess what the trigger would be, it would probably be for the more expensive, popular or newer games. As a wise man once said:


    "I doubt they'll kick up any fuss. Not for an old crook like me."

                                                                            ~ Brooks

  2. I feel like whenever I post in here, its a massive, scatterbrained, info dump. Anyways, here we go:


    1. Stealth is one of my favorite genres, I played the demos for Shadow Tactics, Desperados 3 and Shadow Gambit earlier in the year and hated them all. I went back, played them again and now I'm all about these games. They're all made by the same developer, its a top down view where you control up to 3 (so far) characters in real time and stealth the **** out of everything. The best way to describe it, is Hitman with a top down view (but much less of the gimmicky kills).


    2. I used to only buy physical, now I've gone more digital (better sales and more convenient), I wanted Shadow Tactics so I can play while I have time off. I've seen digital sales for $8, but it was listed as $40 for a seven year old game. Physical copies were only $15, but take at least two days to get here. So I tried out a shady, third rate, Russian black market site for game keys. Bought a Euro version for $8, used a VPN and had me a cheap game. I was told not to do this too often (most console games aren't on their anyways), but my eyes are open now. Has anyone else tried this? Coming from an ex pirate, I feel bad about it, but not as bad.

  3. 6 hours ago, Hersh said:


    I don't think this will be all that close of an election. The polls we have seen to show Trump close or ahead have been so laughably bad. They've showed Trump winning or being tied with women and younger voting blocks and there is zero chance that happens. This is going to be a Roe v Wade election again throughout the country and we've seen the results of that. 


    The only pause I've had recently is the Israeli-Palestinian mess. Netanyahu is and will continue to do things as part of their actions to help Trump. 


    I'm not that worried, the media is pushing the fear that its close, that Trump is going to win, the GOP is going to win! They've been saying this for eight years now, Trump has won once, he and the GOP haven't won too many elections since. I'm not going to sit here and say that Gaza isn't important to people, but you have a lot of outside forces pushing this narrative and pushing these protests (looking at you, Beto). A lot of student protestors weren't students, most students don't care. In a poll a couple a weeks ago, Gaza didn't even make it in the top ten of voter concerns (I believe it came in at 15).


    Its not even June yet, 90% of people aren't paying attention to ANY of what is going on right now. Polling still sucks, but lets wait until at least September before we start freaking out.

    • Like 1
  4. On 5/24/2024 at 11:52 PM, The Evil Genius said:

    Wasn't the whole deal with Super Size Me was that he had to get the super size meal when asked. And he was asked nearly every time. So the point he was making, I thought in the doc, was that the super size option was extremely unhealthy and that McDs was pushing it on people non stop. 


    It's been awhile though..so maybe I'm giving him too much credit. 


    Nope, thats right. I remember the super sized option, we ALL got it and we all ate it all. I'm not even fat, never been fat a day in my life, even I would up that ****...I'd do it now if I could.

  5. 1 hour ago, redskinss said:


    I really don't care when people card me I'm not one of those people but I had an incident a few months ago that I had to laugh at to avoid being frustrated. 


    I was buying a four pack of ipa's and the woman takes my ID, she looks at it then back at my face then back at it then back at my face, this repeats like 3 more times and she has this kind of intense scowl on her face before I'm finally like "really"


    I think that was what she was waiting for so she could react and she says with absolute seriousness "the eyes never change"


    There were so many thoughts running through my head like, "do you think I go to a Hollywood makeup artist every morning so I can buy a couple beers?"


    Or I thought about grabbing my change and looking down at it, then back at her then back down at it about a half dozen times so she could appreciate what she was doing to customers who have been able to buy beer for 3 decades but I did none of those things, I just kinda chuckled and left.


    My last ID had my picture askew, most people didn't notice, but it would cause me problems on the rare occasion. I got carded for beer, the woman looked at my ID and called the manager over because they thought it was a fake. I had to tell them that I'm clearly in my thirties and I don't need a fake ID to buy beer. 


    I had one young, cute girl card me and I said "Ha, I'm old as dirt". She took my ID, looked at it and said "Oh, wow". Not sure how to take that one.

    • Haha 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

    The kids at my school with MAGA parents absolutely do not care and do not think they have to listen to teachers at all. Fortunately yesterday I had to yell at one of them to stop as his ball rolled onto a busy parkway.


    Funny, when it comes to bad children, all the maga chuds talk a big game on discipline and spanking. However, actually holding people accountable is a different beast, I guess.

    • Like 1
  7. Guys, I actually am surprised by this, mostly because Haley has absolutely nothing to gain from this move. Now, I can't **** on polling and then point to polling, but exit polling showed that a lot of Haley voter wouldn't vote for Trump under any circumstance. She took the biggest bump she's ever had in her political career, a bump she gained from going after Trump, then turned tail, bent the knee and kissed the ring. She might have life or a chance within the GOP party, but voters don't like a flip flopper and she's already a notorious one. She pulled the biggest, most pathetic flop for a regime that may not even be around in six months. Short sighted, cowardly and stupid, that is was Nikki Haley will be remembered as from now on.

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  8. 13 hours ago, China said:

    Ship that caused deadly Baltimore Key bridge collapse towed to port


    Recovery teams have refloated and begun towing the cargo vessel that crashed into a bridge in the United States city of Baltimore in March, bringing down the span and killing six people.


    Live television images of the operation on Monday morning showed a flotilla of tugboats pushing and towing the MV Dali away from the remains of the shattered Francis Scott Key Bridge and towards a marine terminal.




    Click on the link for the full article


    Wow, even after all the videos and all this time, I still can't imagine the sheer size of this thing.

    • Like 1
  9. 13 hours ago, China said:

    'A lot of sweating, it's really hot' | Lazybrook, Timbergrove residents remain without power days after storm hit


    Several communities in the Houston area are approaching five days without power after last Thursday's destructive and deadly wind storm. 


    "We're still all in the dark," Danecia Sellers said.


    Sellers lives in the Timbergrove neighborhood. She and other families in her community watched the forest around them come crashing down during the storm.


    "The trees were going swoosh, swoosh," said Sellers. "It was so scary. The cats came shooting in. I said shut the door, shut the door. It gave me heart palpitations. I've been through hurricanes, but that was very different."


    A lot of those trees fell on roofs and power lines that crews are still working to assess and repair. 


    "A lot of sweating, it's really hot," Sellers said. 


    Not too far from Seller's home, Sharon Williams returned home hoping the power was back on.


    "Nope, no power in here," said Williams. 


    Frustration continues to build among neighbors. 


    "The freeze was bad, but this is crazy," said Williams. "It's 95 degrees. We're 4 days without power."


    Click on the link for the full article


    Didn't this happen last time and last time and last time? Don't care anymore, **** you, Texas!

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