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Posts posted by Simmsy

  1. 6 hours ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

    The Russians keep taking these kicks to their teeth in stride.


    It hasn't really affected the main population yet, which makes it easy for the Russian population to ignore. Start taking away those QoL and we'll see how long Russian citizens will be able to look away. Hell, maybe its time to go into Russia?

  2. Cowboys Are Biggest Losers of 2024 NFL Offseason



    While NFL teams shouldn't exactly focus on "winning" the offseason, it's never smart to actively lose it. Unfortunately for their fans, the Dallas Cowboys have mishandled virtually every step of the 2024 offseason. Thursday's extension for Jacksonville Jaguars quarterback Trevor Lawrence served as the stamp on Dallas' failing report card.


    According to ESPN's Adam Schefter, Lawrence has agreed to a five-year extension worth $275 million. That puts Lawrence on par with Joe Burrow in terms of annual contract value and presents a massive problem for the Cowboys.


    We had already given Dallas a failing grade for their offseason before the Lawrence deal. Now, the Cowboys'' missteps somehow look even worse. The Cowboys failed to get an early extension done with Dak Prescott, and that's going to cost them in both the short and the long term.


    Here, you'll find a look at exactly how the Cowboys mismanaged Prescott's situation, the likely repercussions and what's next for what has become arguably the league's most mediocre franchise.


    More at the link.

    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 1
  3. 24 minutes ago, tshile said:

    Well hold on 


    if Trump flips on abortion, then what I said goes out the window. I have no idea how those people would react and it probably depends on what “flipping” on the topic actually looks like. 

    Trump has, from day 1, simply taken credit for building SCOTUS to kick it back to the states. Best I’ve seen he’s stuck to that - that it’s a state issue not a federal issue - although he contradicts himself all the time so I’m sure you can find random quips from him where he says something different. Overall - he’s been mostly consistent about kicking it back to the states. 

    if he continues that he’s not flipping on anything. He’s staying the course, not putting a policy out there, sticking to his accomplishment, and generally punting on the issue. I, personally, don’t see that driving those people away from him at all. Especially given what’s on the ballot right now (states codifying abortion access rights)

    if he starts advocating for specific policies then yeah, I could see it being a problem (though I’m willing to bet it will be really overstated and overblown by everyone compared to what it actually means on Election Day)


    Honestly, he's taken just about every stance on it at some point like you said, so I guess its also how the individual wants to interpret his meaning. Overall, I think most people blame or accredit him for the current state of women's rights and it trickles down to the rest of the republican party. Trickle down is finally paying off.

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  4. 21 minutes ago, tshile said:

    He won the primary in essentially an uncontested way. No one was close.  

    You’re looking at groups trying to influence the platform - that’s what the lead up to the convention is.  I’m saying it doesn’t matter, if he handles it that way they will vote for him in November. 

    they’re surely not going to vote for dems or sit out an election where codifying abortion rights into the constitution at the state or federal level is what the other party wants. Give me a break - he’s not going to lose their support because he doesn’t make banning abortion a part of the platform


    other republicans have already openly said they can’t run on what they want to do or they won’t win. This isn’t exactly rocket science. 

    if he loses it’s not going to be because he didn’t take a hard stance against abortion. 


    No one was close, but Trump lost huge chunks of the primary vote to other candidates. It wasn't close, but it definitely wasn't uncontested. He consistently lost a bigger percentage in more state than Biden. As of late May, Haley was still getting 20% of the total republican primary vote. As for Biden, the highest opponent he had in the primaries was the uncommitted vote that only totaled out to about 4%.


    A lot of people seem to forget (not you), that not only did Trump lose last go around, but he lost to the same guy he's going up against now. After fours years, Trump is not in a good spot mentally, financially or legally and all of it costs him. He cannot afford to lose ANYONE, not a single vote. Flipping on abortion might not tank him with the zealots, but he will lose SOME and them some is all the Dems need. Trump isn't picking up any new voters, so he at least has to keep the ones he's got.

  5. 9 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


    Point for Cowgirl.


    Plenty to say about Musk's leadership, but Boeing's leadership needs a firing squad before that company goes defunct.


    At this point serious conversation should go into walking away, contracts and all, and not trying to save it from itself anymore.


    OT, don't give them another dime of my tax dollars for their space rockets.  It's clearly not just their airplanes, it's way to easy for a rocket to mess up and kill everyone on board or worse.


    No, you don't get credit for NOT being the worst.

    • Haha 3
  6. 9 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

    Non console version fwiw.




    I want this game, heard its pretty good and it's been cheap for a while. I just already have too many games like it at the moment, maybe after I finish Balder's Gate 3.

  7. 8 hours ago, TradeTheBeal! said:

    Can’t believe I’m missing 80% of Price is Right for this hooey.


    Edit:  Oh snap!  We’re back in time for the showcase showdown!


    I don't know if you're an 80 year old man or sick 8 year old who had to stay home.


    8 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

    Probation and community service. First time felon.  


    Hope his sentencing is after Trump's.


    I disagree, put him in jail for a bit, one month per felony and do it quick. Then, do the same for Trump.


    7 hours ago, Captain Wiggles said:


    How many MAGA types ya think get drunk and shoot firearms? I'm willing to say it's a fairly high percentage. 


    Had one MAGA chud working for me years back. He wanted an old refrigerator my neighbor was **** canning. Why I stupidly asked. Apparently to shoot at while drinking Goldschlager with his buddies. 


    That's right. Goldschlager.The preferred liquor for girls I went to high school with. 🤣


    When I waited tables, I would sneak little bottles of Goldschlager. One of the only real few liquors you can drink without smelling like straight up alcohol.

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  8. 9 hours ago, mcsluggo said:


    here is a kind-of example.... i can't stand titles like "MAGA lunatic triggered and P'OWNED!!!! MUST SEE!!!!!!"   even if i would like the content, i just never click on that sort of thing.   but give me a nerdy accountant looking John Oliver with a pompous highfalutin title.....???  i'm all over it like a pothead on a grilled cheese sandwich 


    Trust me, I get it, but that is how most videos are on YouTube. Some channels definitely do it more than others, but I have cut channels out because I got tired of their clickbait. I can say though, that the guy in that video was definitely "triggered". I've been called a lot of things as a liberal, but never a "Stalinist".


    8 hours ago, @DCGoldPants said:


    These videos along with ones from I think Meidas or whatever its called, are why liberals don't get it. If you can't take those conversations and break them down to bumperstickers and taglines. You're losing your message.


    **** ain't hard. Scale it back. Choose words that are easily repeatable.



    I agree, but I don't. The reason why the GOP has to use slogans, jingles and catchphrases for everything is because that is all they've got. Do you really expect them to actually explain why Trump isn't guilty? Explain what crime Joe Biden should be impeached for? Why they tanked the border bill or why the election was stolen? No, of course they can't explain that, but "Joe and the Ho, Gotta Go!" rhymes. However, I don't think its a sustainable model. Are GOP constituents even voting on actual issues anymore? Slogans won't keep a movement going.


    3 hours ago, The Sisko said:


    You heard the amen corner chiming in when he said it, right? That didn't sound like white folks to me. Just like any other marginalized community, there's a subset of the black community that wants to be an Uncle Tom, house ***** for hire. It's a great job, if you can get it...and are willing to sell all vestiges of your dignity, self respect, and anything else to be a minstrel.


    That said, his comment wasn't for the amen corner or the black community at large. As with all of the sellout crowd, his stock in trade is to be the metaphorical one black friend that Republiklans point toward to prove their bona fides that "There's not a racist bone in my body!". He's living proof that the NOI was wrong. Devils aren't only white.




    The Dems have been losing at the messaging game literally forever. That's why I like Gavin Newsome so much. Aside from having the most important qualities needed to win an American election, i.e., looks, great hair, and height, he also gets the trolling game. He's probably the only Dem that can stand toe to toe with the convicted felon in that arena. 


    First of all, if you want to get an "Amen", all you have to do is literally say "Can I get an Amen?" and anyone will give you an "Amen". Black people pass those out without even thinking twice. I'm black and I hate church, I'm sure I belted one out today.


    Your last point, is...on point. Somebody smarter and more famous than I am said something along the lines of "Democrats want to vote for the cool guy". Well, we do. When Bill Clinton whipped out his saxophone, you KNEW it was over. Especially after Bush tried to get in touch with the youth and totally flopped on a basic interview on MTV. I was born in 1984 and I still remember both of those events quite clearly. Remember how cool Obama was? Even more so against fuddy duddy McCain and "Missionary" Mitt Romney? We need a young, good looking, smart and ambitious person to make a run. I think that person is Newsom, I've floated this idea to my friend in Arizona and he hated it. I think Newsom would be an amazing candidate in 2028. I also think he walks a decent line between progressive and centrist Democract which makes him easy to get behind. We shall see.

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