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Posts posted by LVSkinz

  1. I'm 'reliably' informed he was the best English midfielder in the league outside of Barkley (who's also apparently twice the player Gerrard ever was) last year.

    Delusions and Evertonians.

    It's not a symptom but a way of life.



    Weren't Liverpool falling over themselves to sign said Garreth Barry at some point? Saved by the sheiks in the end.

  2. That team gets exactly what they deserve for leaving Coutinho off the squad...


    Coutinho at best makes it 7-6 (4 goals, 2 assists) but I think Phil's biggest mistakes was leaving Miranda and Fellipe Luis at home.

  3. He hardly Lebroned United.  Lebron out right walked out on his town and basically slapped them in the face.  United and in particularly the Glazers were the machine behind transferring him.  There's no hate from the United side of me.  It's not as though he outright demanded a transfer.  He was perfectly fine with them keeping him.  I think Rooney didn't like him to be honest and that played a part in it.


    David Gil mentioned in an interview (If I remember where I read it I'd post it) that they knew from day one he wasn't the type of player that was going to stick around long term. After we won the CL he had to be convinced to stay one more season but he moved mainly because Real Madrid are the glamour club and that's where he would have the most eyes on him. He was in Hollywood to celebrate his contract signing and ended up going home with Paris Hilton. I don't completely dislike him but he did decide to walk away.

  4. Not that I need to explain but my first club outside of US I followed was Man Utd.  I got to see them when they toured here and such.  Ronaldo became favorite player early on his career because of amazing dribbling skills and passion for the game. Then I played a lot of years with Spanish players who followed Barca so I watched a lot of games with them. 


    And then he left United for the supposed glamor at a time when we were ahead of RM. I loved him too until he LeBroned my club.

  5. Eric Cantona.

    How'd that support go?



    I think if you were to compare deplorable acts Roy Keane on that poor little Norwegian bloke would be better suited. Cantona just did what every football player wants to do but has the common sense not to.

    This is a sad day for Barca ppl.  This makes me regret bringing them into my circle.  It was weird enough rooting against my favorite player but now doing it to root for a scumbag who has no respect for himself or anyone else.


    What were you doing rooting for Barca or tan judas in the first place?

  6. Wasn't expecting the Jericho hate this morning. Geez lol


    Until he can't go on the mic and the ring, I'll always give him some props. 


    Funny though, when they announced the Fatal Four Way at Battleground, I was thinking, "Who is Bray Wyatt going to beef with now?"


    Then bam, Jericho comes back and the Wyatt's attack him. Out of nowhere...



    Perfect example of how fans can make a good segment even better. The Swagger/Rusev segment. They ate that up last night, and made it a good moment. Only thing that's bad about it, is the fact that we all know that Rusev has no chance of losing to Swagger when they face each other. 


    Unless Orton takes the strap Reigns should be Rusev's first big feud IMO. A clean victory in a long match for either one of them would make sense. A little feud with a swerving Swagger is a good way to build Rusev up a little too.

    It's smart... I can see Paige being a snarky pain in the ass... And AJ Lee is going to get cheered regardless... She was cheered anyways and now she's married to CM Punk.


    Good move by WWE.


    I'm still very impressed by the last hour of RAW. That was quality for the most part.


    Gotta hand it to that boy he came from nothing and left with some pretty strong assets.

  7. On the Luke Shaw/Lallana disgruntlement, it's a completely fruitless discussion IMO. Liverpool, Manchester City, Arsenal and Manchester United will always have to pay obnoxiously unfair premiums on young English talent, and with the quota rule they don't have a choice. The only thing we can do is hope for more Wayne Rooneys/Jordan Hendersons than Andy Carrols or Ashley Youngs. It's like diving in that it sucks and we could do without it but it's always going to be part of the game. Also the clubs that depend on their youth system for survival will always churn out the Luke Shaws and Ross Barkleys of the world, and the clubs with money will always buy them. It's the circle of like.

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