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Blog Comments posted by goskins10

    Free Trent Williams

    On ‎11‎/‎6‎/‎2016 at 3:56 PM, bedlamVR said:

    He could possibly rasie a legal action and potentially sue for loss of earnings - which he would struggle to recoup because the counter arguement would be that instead of a 4 game suspension he would serve a 4 game fine - although it might affect incentives (e.g. pro bowl appearance etc) but following such action would not get him back on the field any quicker. 

    This is a very large mess . I cannot blame Trent one bit for this but the NFL, the NFLPA have really hosed him on this and should be doing something to put it right - given this is not a failed test but a missed test - This is not a technicality this is incompetence  


    I really do not get this thought process at all. There are two completely separate issues that many can't seem to separate. Trent's responsibility and the leagues responsibility.

    It appears he is getting jobbed here but had he never failed a single test he would not have had to worry about missing the test while in Africa. He has to be accountable for his actions.

    Now, there is a second, completely different issue here with the league and their incompetence. What's worse is that when it's clear he was wronged there is no recourse. But still, had he never failed a single test none of this would be happening - period.

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    Redskins & Lions League Rankings

    2 hours ago, London Kev said:

    I went for a big win in the prediction thread, but one stat stands out as worrying,
    Lions offense are third in converting 3rd downs, we're 30th in stopping them. I'm sure the D stopped the iggles quite a few times, so maybe we're improving (can't really do much worse).


    Agree that's a little ominous. However, it goes both ways - we are 11th at converting 3rd downs and they are actually worse than us stopping at 32nd. Also, interestingly enough we are #1 in the NFL in offensive 3 and outs at 9.38 (6 of 64) where the Lions are 26th at 23% (13 of 56). Our Off should get some extra drives if our D continues to play like it has and we should be able to win the field position battle - in theory! ::ols:  

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    Redskins & Lions League Rankings

    This is where the Redskins can go a long way to showing they are for real or remind us they are still a work in progress. To be a good team, you have to beat inferior teams. This is probably the most lopsided in favor of the Redskins this year - on paper. The Lions wins have not been very impressive as the season unfolds (I know, the same can be said for the Redskins). But even the Browns looked like a little better match up when we played them.

    They opened the season with a win over Indy - who looks really bad right now. They then lost 3 straight to TN, GB, and CH - not exactly a murders row of teams outside GB who is not playing very well right now either. Then they squeak by PH who are who we thought they are (yea, I went there), and then beat a Jeff Fisher coached Rams team - enough said on the Rams and the king of underachieving! When you look at the stats above, this should be an easy W.

    However, one of the next steps this team needs to take is to put away bad teams early and get an easy W. I know my blood pressure would appreciate it! At least on paper, the Lions look like a bad team. But if they take them lightly, they will get beat. Let's see if the team can back up Swaggys talk (which BTW I wish he would keep his big mouth shut till the end of the season!)

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    Pre Season Week 1 - Redskins at Falcons

    1 hour ago, Califan007 said:


    Allow me to re-write part of your post lol...

    "Let's start with Pierre Garcon has to catch that ball! The entire complexion of the game and Griffin's performance changes if he does. Second, and I am not sure why this is so hard to grasp this - McCoy did what he did against guys that will be bagging groceries in a few weeks and Griffin has already had some success in the NFL." -2015, 1st preseason game


    Allow me to re-write it again lol...

    "Let's start with Adrick Robinson has to catch that ball! The entire complexion of the game and Griffin's performance changes if he does. Second, and I am not sure why this is so hard to grasp this - McCoy did what he did against guys that will be bagging groceries in a few weeks and Griffin has already had some success in the NFL. " -2014, 1st preseason game


    And for ****s and giggles, once more lol...

    "Second, and I am not sure why this is so hard to grasp this - Colt Brennan did what he did against guys that will be bagging groceries in a few weeks and Campbell has already had some success in the NFL. " 2008, 1st preseason game


    So, you see, overreacting to performances in preseason games is tradition around these parts lol *thumbsup*


    Was definitely my point, But you wrote it in a much more entertaining fashion!


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    Pre Season Week 1 - Redskins at Falcons

    Wanted to add something else - I actually saw someone say, mind you based just on the few minutes played last night against mostly scrubs and back-ups, that we could have a controversy for back-up QB! And so begins the romance with whatever 3rd, 4th or worse string QB on the Redskins roster!

    Let's start with Vernon Davis has to catch that ball! The entire complexion of the game and McCoys performance changes if he does. Second, and I am not sure why this is so hard to grasp this - Sudfeld did what he did against guys that will be bagging groceries in a few weeks and McCoy has already had some success in the NFL. That's not to mean he will develop into a good QB. He is just a rookie. And he clearly shows promise - but a controversy for #2?

    There is no controversy! Maybe next year McCoy moves on and Sudfeld takes his place. I am glad he is Redskin and should provide solid depth and will have some excellent time to grow without being thrown to the wolves. That's how you grow a roster. But barring injury McCoy will be the #2 this year. Any talk of a controversy is purely mythical and just makes no sense what so ever!

    Pre Season Week 1 - Redskins at Falcons

    Everyone does realize this was a "preseason" game, right?

    The only thing you can get out of this is if the 1s played very well. After that you really have no idea. The 1st team Off and D looked overall pretty good outside the run game. The Oline obviously missed TW. Let's see what the run game looks like in the next few weeks. If people remember, we looked bad in the run game last preseason. But then exploded in the 1st 2 actual games only to have KL and SL go down for the season.

    The apoplectic concerns over all things Redskins, while predictable, is just not necessary and IMO total over-reaction. I could care less how they play in the first game of the preseason outside the 1s. They are putting guys in situations. They are looking at different combinations of players. Most will never play together again. Also, there were several key players out of the game for precaution.

    This is the purpose of "preseason" games. Make mistakes, get some coaching and fix them. As for the penalties, some of that's rust and some of that are the refs letting the teams know what can be called and some rust on their parts too. It's preseason for the refs also.

    I turned it off after the 1st Q. The rest is not much more than a glorified scrimmage. The 1st teams looked good enough to be optimistic.

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