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Everything posted by skinsmarydu

  1. OK, I thought I was seeing things...or just had one too many of something.
  2. as far as BS comments go,damn, twa, you might be fightin' for the title.
  3. And didn't I read that one of them almost fainted and got care from Obama? See, it does work!
  4. Well said, Elessar78. I guess you've heard about the Congressman with 10 (yes, number is correct, some are adopted) kids on Medicaid, because it's "the only practical option" (his own words yes they are)...yet in his "statement of purpose", he's against Medicaid. We can't buy better advertising. I'll laugh my way through the voting line, I swear.
  5. Loved that segment of the show...however, if you were watching at all, you're far from a "whateverman", imo.
  6. I hate these late games, but on the plus side, my nerves won't let me sit still very long, so the house will be clean by kickoff. Hail!
  7. **** the Cowboys! Let's beat Dallas! Crush 'em! Go Robert! Go Alfred! Go Santana & Pierre! Let's kick 'em where it hurts...their ass & the W-L column! Go Redskins!!!!! Hail, y'all!!!
  8. Sooo, I'm picking up an order at Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen. Wearing a Redskins shirt, of course, duh! I have to wait a few, so I sit at the bar, and this smokin' hot bartender gives me a fist-bump, we "Go Skins" & all that, then he tells me he's Monte Coleman's son. His name is Corey, (don't know if he might spell it differently), but whatevs. I've lost my mind, we're passing each other's phones back & forth with pictures, and I think he's legit. Other employees were joining in, so it seemed like they knew who he was. He knew absolutely nothing about this site. I think he'll be joining. I asked if I could post that I met him & where, & he said yeah...I know...pics or it didn't happen, but the man was at work. It was the Jimmy Carter Blvd. location, btw. We love that place... Awesome food!
  9. Does your premium change? (Sheer curiosity...not a partisan question, I swear.)
  10. Hubby thought he had a reprieve today. Then I told him Peyton was gonna beat down the Cowboys (& that's the late game we're getting)--we've gotten to watch him destroy the Giants & Eagles--and he actually smiled & said, "Alright!" Made me proud. Hail!
  11. You've creamed the Eagles & the Giants, Peyton. GIT R DONE TODAY, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! **** the Cowboys! Hail!
  12. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/top-republican-calls-replacing-obamacare-193739366.html Their hypocrisy is astounding.
  13. My husband had an MRI, and while shopping around for the closest clinic, found that paying for it straight out of pocket was less expensive than using our insurance. So that's what we did. He said he could hear the insurance lady's head explode over the phone as he was explaining it...that he wasn't going to cost the rest of the Humana network for something that was clearly more easily done on his own.
  14. Oh, and by the way, don't **** about freedom. That's who we are, where the states surrounding our beloved team were, my grandparents on both sides were tobacco farmers. How do you figure my dad got out of the fields barefoot and into NASA or DOD? It's called "educating yourself". I'd encourage it.
  15. The person in your family with the most serious conditions need the subsidy...go there for that person(s). Stick with what you have for others. BCBS raised me, with only my yearly GYN checkup (just because I turned 40 at the time) by more than $100/month. Had to drop it and go without for years. I've been covered for 2 yrs w/hubby's Humana, because pre-existing conditions are no longer punitive. Working great. Went to Dr. yesterday...bloodwork included. $25. Life is beautiful. Just got the call...bloodwork all good. No extra lab costs. Like I said, LOVE MY OBAMACARE.
  16. Apparently you haven't followed my posts. It's been law for 3...COUNT THEM...if you can, 3 years. Shut up with your silly posts about my serious posts. Apparently your health record is perfect, and it's been no problem for you to be covered. Not everyone is you. Let's go back to your way...let's see cancer, that sends you over your lifetime limit in less than 8 months. Been there? I know people who died because their limit was exhausted. They COULD HAVE lived to see this day. I pray that they're blessing my POTUS from above, because he's done what the Rs wanted...an individual mandate. Look it up.
  17. My quality option costs quite a bit. I'm a 47-year old, almost lifetime smoker. A yeast infection was considered a pre-existing condition. I'm covered now, however not cheaply. Just happy to be covered at all. BTW, went to doc yesterday. $25, was in & out in 20 minutes, blood drawing & all. Love my OBAMACARE.
  18. Agreed...love me some Guinness. Also, Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout is amazing if you've never tried it.
  19. Is it better cold or warm? Or is it OK to start it off cold & not care when it gets warm?
  20. My husband is taking me out to lunch...and I'm gonna wear a Redskins shirt. After the Falcons' complete and epic fail on Sunday, I better not hear a ****in' word outta anybody.
  21. http://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/8-old-boy-asks-santa-end-sisters-bullying-174434368--abc-news-parenting.html What a kid.
  22. Thinking of him as a husband/father, I agree with Evil. But Bang gets the winner...dude just needs to gtfo. I've defended him, but have come to learn that he's passed nothing, as passionate as he may be. Let NYers get on with their lives. You know, the real ones that depend on real representatives.
  23. omg, why didn't I just rely on my memory & NOT watch that Billy Squ...how can I turn it off????????????
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