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Everything posted by skinsmarydu

  1. This is a really neat article. http://www.slate.com/blogs/lexicon_valley/2014/01/21/ask_metafilter_a_decades_long_mystery_over_a_series_of_index_cards_with.html
  2. And from the BS file: http://www.krmg.com/news/news/national/scientist-claims-smoking-while-pregnant-leads-gay-/nctnZ/?xES65i?icmp=cmgcontent_internallink_relatedcontent_2013_partners4
  3. While not much surprises me anymore, this definitely got an OMG: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/jets-tight-end-kellen-winslow-accused-masturbating-target-152800579--nfl.html
  4. Another clue that you've never served, and never would. Love loving yourself? A lot of folks coming back from that dreadful decision won't have a conscious ability to do anything. Part of that is on the backs of the folks who said OK to the 4500 or so coming back wounded or worse, and wanting to deny them THE BENEFITS THEY DESERVE. Gee, some of those benefits just might be medical. Falls into the same issue. We're all going to pay for it, please don't make me say crazy things if you can't get this. You shouldn't be running a concession stand if you can't figure this out.
  5. You'll get banned before I do, and don't tell me I need to be elsewhere. You're a business owner, shouldn't you be? Since you're so concerned about the welfare of your employees, you know, wanting so desperately to deny your employees the care they need, cuz it might cost you an extra few dollars? Is this what your folks need? Oh, I forgot...you'll never give them what they need, as their employer. Just a little above what's mandated, and then you'll ***** about that.
  6. [sMD, no offense but please take your politics elsewhere. I have no interest in discussing politics. If you want to understand the issues with the ACA and what it's going to cost all of us then I am all ears. This has nothing to do with being anti Obama and I do care about doing good things for our country. PM me when your rates start going through the roof and apologize for attacking me KK? When are you going to shut up about things you know nothing about? It's all politics, to you, policy for the rest of us. When you figure out the difference, we'll all be waiting for your apology.
  7. Is google the only thing you know? I would suggest branching out, maybe into the actual website of your preferred healthcare agency, but gee, what can I find? The ACA is law. You should've had your folks out to vote against the POTUS if it's what you didn't want. Turns out, there were more of us than of the other. I was completely against the war in Iraq. I now have to sit by & watch as my fellow warriors live in fear of homelessness, hunger, etc. But as long as we fight everything, we'll all be OK? Is that your rationale? Some things are good for the country, even if they come from someone you didn't vote for. Damn.
  8. OK, as Larry & I understand it, 80% of all monies incurred by insurance companies, by law, now have to be directly for care. If there is a surplus to the policy holder, it gets sent back...it's the law. Now, if you're insured by your employer, the employer gets the refund. What you ****in' about, chip? If your employees are healthy, and taking advantage of their benefits, maybe you'll get money back. Hubby's boss already has. It will allow him to throw more into the pot next year, so we all get a teensy break. Get a grip, dude.
  9. Good stuff here! http://finance.yahoo.com/news/10-ways-shopping-wal-mart-200708391.html
  10. I will owe nothing. I have no idea who this "you" is. So, if one is given extra money (by the feds) for x, and doesn't use it for x, money gets taken back. I would think that this is fine by you, as it's fine by me...use it or lose it. When one is waiting in an ER, as my grandson was for 2 hours the other night, and finally yelled out that "I NEED A DOCTOR!", one doesn't know what it's like to be on the other side of this topic. And if you know anything about me, you know that I wish my stepdaughter's children weren't your responsibility, from a federal government POV.
  11. as to post #1719, if your taxes are paid correctly through the year, you're rewarded with nothing except being a responsible taxpayer. No refund, you only gave up your share, and are not angry that you loaned the fed your money for no interest. No bill, you still only gave up your share. They can't take it from you later if they've had it all along.
  12. The Friday that Boston was hunting the younger bomber down: I had to go to the "doc in the box" for a work excuse & medicine for a chest infection...a lady in line behind me was bleeding from a cut on her hand, it was dripping from the plastic bag she had over it, and me being me, I let her go ahead of me in line, just common sense, I thought...she thanks me, but other folks complained about the line being interrupted. I swear, one of my bigger facepalm moments.
  13. OK, I'm excited about the game tomorrow. I smell a win! HAIL TO THE REDSKINS!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
  14. Didn't get the Skins game here (thank God, I think), so I watched RedZone all day. Other than our 3 Super Bowl wins, I think it may have been the most exciting Sunday I've ever had! There was almost no defense anywhere, just running & scoring. At one point, they went to our game saying, "every touchdown, even in the blowouts", and never showed another one. My husband even laughed at me at one point. At the half, he said, "Well, at least ya'll are successful at getting through the tunnel to the locker room!", to which I replied, "They should stay there. **** it."
  15. Yep, you can read my screen from across the room! What ads?
  16. Sorry, Larry, was going to the point of the name-calling, but lost myself in the interwebz neverland... Chip, it's nobody's fault but your own that you're "on the hook" for your employees. That is, simply put, the way it is. Unless you change your policy, it's all you. The ACA did nothing. Your employees still cost what they always cost, rising every year. Until you know what is killing you, I'd sit back & wait till the test results come in. Hang on, dude. You did this to yourself. You took others' care on your back. Don't you feel better about yourself now? *edit* you should. Most employers don't give a crap. Mine certainly doesn't.
  17. Dude! You keep backtracking yourself! You're trying to talk me off my stand, then realize I've done the research to know I'll be OK for the time being, then come back with something like "we'll all be screwed sooner or later"--for some reason, I can't get my multi-quote to work--that's so Rush Limbaugh! There are those of us who are only minorly afflicted...once again, for now...if no one gives the darn thing a chance, we won't know what could've been, or what got screwed up & needs to be fixed. It's not everyone's fault that your employees have health problems and you pay their deductibles. Like I've said in the past, all hail to you for helping them out. But I'm Ok with sharing so you can help them. That's what it's about, collective sharing. Get it?
  18. And that's me. My BP pills cost $8.51/month. I'm checked every 3 months...co-pay is $25. I have no other issues, other than the GYN check-up every year, also only $25. Sooo, my out of pocket for the whole friggin'year,(flu shot was completely free with $25 checkup), I'm in for $227.12...I guess I'm getting ripped off! I'll get checked into a hospital lickity-split if need be. That's what I give a crap about...once again, for now.
  19. We've already checked, and we're good. His company isn't changing anything next year, and our doctors are still good on our plan. I said we pay a decent amount. I didn't say it was a small decent amount. And it's only mine we pay. I agree, for now things are fine for us. We're not complaining...for now. So getting all worked up about something that, for now is just fine...well, that just wouldn't be good for my health.
  20. Since there are more uninsured in your state, I'm gonna guess it's more of your peeps? them damn glass houses
  21. I wasn't asked about smoking, therefore didn't lie about anything. Like I said, my height, weight, and date of birth were the only questions I was asked. Emphasis on only. Oh, wait...this doesn't apply to me. I already pay what I'd say is a decent amount for a decent deductible, and for what I'd call better than decent care so far on the plan I have. That's why I've stayed out of here for awhile. I want elected representatives to work together & I want to see this law succeed. "That's all I got to say about that."
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