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Everything posted by dc1

  1. Bosa is beating the hell out of his 1:1s. Chase is doubled more often.
  2. 3-4. Still with you Hopkins. We gave the defense a very good rest. Hoping we can get a "legitimate" turnover this series!
  3. Not sure about that... Taylor seems to throw less ints.
  4. Not sure what that delayed run call was..
  5. Unless it was "pushed" by sweats hand.
  6. 2 drops The rest were heavily contested.
  7. Great coverage ...I thought we was going to get a petty flag
  8. Let the "feed-off" begin! Let's go defense!
  9. Just let out my first 2021 WFT man scream of the season. My dog may think that I'm crazy....but I'm hyped man!!! 😎
  10. How the hell!!!! Incredible concentration.
  11. He does. We need a hard check to keep him honest.
  12. Taylor is making plays without protection. I love it.
  13. Give me Chase all day long. Folks are already throwing away Lock and Wentz was a word beater a few years ago. Chase will give us a once every 15 year dominant baller on the line and... he might even be a Hall of Famer. Chase all day long.
  14. Welp ...There is no one that can keep it even like Zorn.
  15. He kind of is. The pressure was/is real.
  16. 3 for 3. Who is the Hopkins guy?????
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