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Everything posted by RichmondRedskin88

  1. I been switching between the game and the Caps. Needless to say the Caps game is a lot more entertaining.
  2. Honestly I don't care about winning. Miami is being douchebags. Well douchebags more than usual. Just punch them all out and I'll give us a W.:ols:
  3. Agreed. Its not Cena's fault he has to adjust his character to WWE's PG standards now. Cena had to evolve from the Thugamonics Cena. WWE clearly has been out to get a younger audience and Cena seemed the best choice for that I guess. He represents a character of all heart and never say die attitude which the WWE believes will attracts those young viewers. Seeing the old Cena rap on Rock a few weeks ago took me back quite a bit.
  4. Did we ever try out Jon Scheyer? I remember him being pretty good for Duke. I thought he could be pretty good in the NBA. He had great 3 point ability.
  5. Wow so much potential and yet WWE screws up again. The GM has Barrett hold full control and make Cena walking out of the ring. Wow how unpredictable. Cena protects Barrett all Royal then walks out of the ring. What a visionaries those WWE script writers are. The nexus angle was looking good. Yes it reminded me of the Invasion years back but at least it was decent now it just becomes Nexus and the upset Cena. Great now Raw becomes Days of Our Lives.
  6. Cena and Sheamus fending off NXT with chairs. Welcome my newest thing to my "Things I thought I'd never see" list. I was expecting Sheamus to clock Cena with the chair after chasing away NXT.
  7. Holy Crap on the Play by STL first base man player getting someone out after a wild throw by third baseman
  8. Congrats to the Undertaker I'm sad to see Shawn Michaels go though. My first and middle name reflect Shawn Michaels name. My wrestling friends always joke about it.
  9. Fine I had a couple of Blue Moons too. Happy?:pfft:
  10. On a alcohol related note I had a couple of astropops yesterday after my college's basketball win. I have a feeling the guy left something out cuz the taste was a little bland. I'm thinkin he left out the blue or something. Other than that nothing like a little tang at midnight.
  11. I miss punters being knocked 4 backwards in pro bowls I miss Reggie Wayne running for his life that same pro bowl I miss TO being a *****!! Well he's still a ***** but he's not ST's ***** anymore.
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