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Everything posted by LetThePointsSoar

  1. So tired of checking this thread and only getting new rumors and no real concrete news. Let's announce a dang deal already. Go away Danya.
  2. @Inigo Montoya maybe we should even road trip it. Pick ya up in STL and let's roll!
  3. A jersey swap would be brilliant. Just the mere thought of this as a possibility.... I never thought we'd see the day in my lifetime. Let's get it done already and boot the asshole.
  4. Plan it enough in advance, and I'm hopping a plane for the dang thing. Wait until the rebrand, my friend. New owner, then rebrand, and I'll buy 10 new jerseys to restock.
  5. This sums up this bizarre dichotomy so perfectly well, my friend. So ready for this to end in a fizzle of glory.
  6. Did we just hit a small patch of radio silence? We were humming along at a clip of 2-3 pages every few hours with all the multiple articles dropping every day it seemed.... And now we're at two pages of rule interpretations with nothing new dropping. Maybe it's the sign of the final news coming? Or am I grasping for straws here and being too optimistic? Very ready for the official ESPN breaking news to finally hit one of these days soon - with either Harris or Bezos name attached. Both are a huge upgrade, no matter which you prefer. Let's get it done already, this slimy MFer can't leave fast enough.
  7. How could you remotely be certain of that? I'm no expert, but if I'm not mistaken, I believe the EBITDA was only $388M last year and operating income way less. At some point, you start to get into valuing the team at absurd levels (15-20x EBITDA) just to use as collateral. That combined with rising interest rates and it has Danny Boy sitting right in a financial **** storm. He doesn't have the cash flow OR the available collateral to get out of this one.
  8. That's one long read.... But holy ****, this is getting good. Popcorn, on deck.
  9. So I'm confused... Are these stories of him blocking Bezos confirmed? Or is it all BS posturing?!?
  10. I agree with the Russell Wilson piece, but you think hiring Sean Payton was questionable? Interesting. I'd do that deal every day of the week and twice on Sundays. Coaching matters in football more than any other sport. That dude is a football genius and will have WAY more impact than those 3 draft picks combined. I'm still sad we didn't land Payton as a package deal, but we've got too many good things in the works to be too concerned with it. Just my $.02.
  11. I've been at work all day and haven't checked this thread since last night. Log in today.... Oh. Hells. Yes. Make it happen!!
  12. The silence is deafening. I know these things take time, but dammit...the time is slipping away where we're nearly guaranteed a lame duck season if something doesn't drop quickly. Please tell me this gets done in time to be official by the owners meeting. Please.
  13. Thought the same. We should just rebrand back to the Braves at this point.
  14. Love the idea of John Henry becoming the owner. Curious if that materializes into anything.
  15. Hush with your sensibility and reason. I'm (a lot of us are) throwing an emotional and irrational fit because I'm still mad the rumors that the deal was done before the Super Bowl and they were merely holding back the news to not release it until after the game clearly were unfounded.
  16. I will say this after reading the comments. I'm cautiously wait and see, and maybe even ever so slightly optimistic about Eric B as an OC. However, I'm very much pessimistic about Eric B the head coach. I highly doubt he ever ends up as a great HC so the best case scenario for us is he does well enough here that he goes elsewhere as a HC. And I say that because of the known locker room riffs. You can mask that stuff at the coordinator level as long as you have a head coach who is great at building the culture. And say what you want about RR about football strategy and X's and O's, the guy has done a fantastic job of building the culture in the locker room (especially considering the train wreck pile of filth in the organization outside of the locker room). I think if you give the keys to the kingdom though to someone like Bieniemy, that's when it starts to crumble (i.e. case and point Josh McDaniels). Some folks are just better served as a #2 in command. Just my $.02. Hail.
  17. Meh. As one of the "meh" club, I'll try and share where we may be coming from- the starter is the obvious - it's really hard to get too fired up about anything until there's clarity on the pending sale and Danny is gone. But even from a purely football standpoint, I'm not sold on the hype. Living in Chiefs country, there's a whole lot of smoke about all the reasons why he's no longer wanted there (locker room issues, how much influence did he actually have, who calls the plays, etc). Add that to the impeccable track record of us taking Andy Reid leftovers.... Consider me in the wait and see crowd. I hope he comes in and goes gangbusters, and Lord knows it would be pretty difficult to be much worse than Scott Turner. But yeah.... Feeling pretty darn meh about it.
  18. I'm pretty meh on the hire. Until the sale is done, it's hard to get excited for anything.
  19. 'specially those ones that take a REALLY long time to develop.
  20. This no news yesterday and today is on some bull****. #impatience
  21. I get what you're saying, and I know it's been said before...but still blows my mind the full scale of it all. I sure wish someone would punish ME and buy one of MY assets for 2-3 BILLION dollars more than I paid for it. Would be such an awful punishment. This asshole should be in prison for all he's done and at BEST get his money refunded back to him. But I digress. Hail.
  22. Y'all had me hyped up saying "Tuesday or Wednesday after the Super Bowl".... Now if tomorrow still comes and goes with no leak/news drop.....
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