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Everything posted by LetThePointsSoar

  1. Ooooohhh.. giddy. Let it be true. Dear hack ass Chad Ryan - pot, meet kettle.
  2. But when it DOES pop, where in the WORLD else would you want to be than right here?! That day will be GLORIOUS around these parts, sans SCS posts if it's Big Daddy Bezos as the victor. 😂😂
  3. Happy almost, somewhere around your birthday, SIP! Thanks for the insight you share around this place!!
  4. This is exactly why they SHOULD and I still think they WILL rebrand the second the NFL provides the waiver. Fastest way to recoup revenue will be a proper rebrand. This whole myth of the "older fans didn't embrace RedWolves" is utter nonsense. The RedWolves are coming and they will break some records in merch sales the moment it drops. I'll be the first in line for a minimum of 5-10 jerseys, where even when Dan sells, whereas there is NO chance I'll buy a Commanders ANYTHING for a very long time, if ever. Massive amount of the fanbase feels the same way.
  5. Had a conference there pre COVID and remember there being a place within walking distance called Succotash. Don't know if it is still there, but thought that place was fantastic when we were there.
  6. SCS has single handedly darn near made all of ES be pissed if and when we end up with Daddy Warbucks Bezos as our owner. This place is somethin', man.
  7. Summary: - The bylaws do allow them to force Snyder to sell. - They better cross their t's and dot their I's if and when they do to make sure it can't be legally overturned. - It can all happen very quickly if it ever comes to that. - Because of the evidence admission standards, the NFL will have NO desire to go this route if they can avoid it. It will become the ugliest mudslinging event of all time. - In turn, the NFL could choose to have no transcript. But that would then pose additional legal risk to the NFL. Let's pray this gets done soon, and the tea leaves are certainly looking that way lately. But if it goes to court....saddle up, kids. It's gonna get messy.
  8. Lest we forget, the prequel - we were also sold a bill of goods that the terms were already completed in January and they were simply sitting on the news until the Tuesday after the Super Bowl to not upstage the playoffs. Snyder sucks.
  9. MJW literally looks like every compliance officer I've ever worked with.
  10. Thanks SIP for keeping us updated. Feels like we've been in this same now now for months on end. What are we now, 3rd and goal from the 27 yard line at this point?
  11. I just have a hard time seeing the league NOT granting an exception here. Our situation is unprecedented and certainly warrants it. One final rebrand. Done correctly. Then let's go WIN some damn games. Edit: @Panninho beat me to it. Great minds.
  12. Taxes won't be more than $1.5B at $6B sale, and will actually be closer to $1B even. It'll be long term capital gains less his cost basis (probably closer to $1B when you factor in this last buyout). So he's skating off into the sunset with $3-4B net after taxes if and when the deal goes down.
  13. Love me some HC Black. Just did a picanha with it this weekend.
  14. Other than So Cal's absurd trolling/take, is there ACTUALLY anyone going to upset if it's the Harris group?!? Surely not, right? RIGHT?!?
  15. This will be this place, the moment the real news ever finally breaks...
  16. My vote is for @Pittman4Two for new owner, if that's our route.
  17. My vote is for @Pittman4Two for new owner, if that's our route.
  18. Damn it man.... If this day comes and goes with.... Nothing.... Like waiting on Christmas.
  19. This report about MJ being in the mix. My childhood hero?!?? Shut your face. Shut your damn mouth. No way. Way?
  20. Did we ever figure out our backup rendezvous if and when this site ever goes down post sale? I'm ready to lose Danya, but I'm not giving up you crazy ****ers.
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