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Everything posted by Est.1974

  1. Calendar year being probably 20 plus games last season and 3 this season. This season has very little weighting in this discussion. The question on the floor has been answered. Check the 2013/14 league table & cup results to find out the most influential of the two. Next.
  2. You said calendar year. Toure lead City to the league title over your beloved Reds, remember.... He wins. Next.
  3. It's good to know Balotelli's enthusiasm and passion for scoring goals in front of the Kop ranks alongside my postie's enthusiasm and passion for delivering my mail..!!!
  4. Yep I think there are major doubts over Van Persie's knee injury. The Falcao deal looks a good one right now having not know about the VP injury yesterday... And I agree, Di Maria is clearly a better player than both of GHH's scouse boys, although Sterling has the makings of being top top quality player.
  5. I think its anyone's guess as to whether that lot will work as a team. I bet LVG can't believe the pile of crap he's inherited & before you know it the panic button's been pressed just to preserve some form of respectability this season. Mata looks likes a waste of money right now, to be added to the Fellaini waste. Plus, I can see Rooney & his £200k p/w playing in midfield before too long.
  6. As someone wrote today, Di Maria is the icing & Falcao is the cherry. All Utd need now is the actual cake......
  7. Strong Liverpool performance today. Not sure what there is to argue about really.
  8. Torres heading to AC on a 2 year loan deal by all accounts.
  9. Haha, scabs indeed...the love does run deep between clubs doesn't it.
  10. You saying Forest aren't a big club....not that I'm proud of those Lg1 days but come on, give us some former credit !!!
  11. Manure 4 down...Good grief, I can see them them spending another 50-75mil before this transfer window closes.
  12. To be fair, Balotelli has done nothing to give any indication that he is a reformed character. Nothing at all. Milan was his team. Boyhood fan, who's dream was to play for Milan. Even that couldn't motivate him enough after 12 months. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/news-and-comment/why-are-ac-milan-willing-to-let-balotelli-leave-for-16m-9685630.html
  13. Nice, my team gets a 15% cut of this transfer fee via a previous sell on clause.
  14. Di Maria looks like a Hobgoblin. An expensive one at that.
  15. Last nights game was the perfect indicator as to how Suarez will be missed. There's been a lot written and all kind of stats put out there as to how you performed 'better' when he wasn't in the team, but without him the whole dynamics of the team changes. The back 4 and keeper are average to good at best. Gerard as the deep holding midfielder this season looks suspect at present, although its still early days. And no doubt you have talent going forward, but for the first 40 minutes last night you had City pinned back but couldn't put them away. Chances are Suarez gets you a goal last year and you're 1 up on them before the first mistake. Maybe you get that from Balotelli, maybe not. I don't consider Balotelli or Di Maria panic buys, I just don't think they fix the problem and push the respective teams in the right direction. However, the Balotelli signing is far better as the cost is next to nothing in the current climate and you will need him to cover for Sturridge who we all know will get injured sooner rather than later.
  16. Balotelli to Liverpool is pretty much like Di Maria to United.....Papers over the cracks of where the real problems are....
  17. OMG you're right...just checked out you're signings over the last 30 years....Balotelli could be the biggest name....and he ain't world class by a million miles....Sturridge is better and he isn't world class either. Fair enough.
  18. Signing Balotelli makes you type this...honestly GHH, he's a good signing at the price, but jeez really...every players price is set for a reason, the guys a good striker, no doubt, but world class...maybe, maybe not...one things for sure, if he was that good a signing he wouldn't be heading your way...IMHO
  19. Mario to the scousers.....that's a damn good fit.
  20. Good come back, fair play, although I really wasn't being serious.
  21. Ever considered changing teams then.......haha
  22. 10 from 11without Suarez ? There must be the odd draw in there somewhere........ Lambert will probably provide the double digit goals as the experienced back-up. And I think you're right, life without Suarez will dictate a more defensive approach, as the stats with Suarez out show a more successful Liverpool team but one that creates far less but also gives away far less. That's a difficult balance to judge as a manager and as a supporter. I think Liverpool fans want and expect to be entertained.
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