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Posts posted by wilco_holland

  1. Its bad and terrible. It should never happen, not even once but Redskins had a hole culture of sexual harassment. I feel bad for all the women who took this job and has to go through it. 




    D.C. media made a mistake. The hype overshadowed the real story. We all know it's bad but it's not at the level it was hyped for. We are not a drugs cartel with bungabunga parties with all the employees. Now it feels like "oooo just sexual harassment". And that is terrible.

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  2. I think of this happened under Bruce his watch. The old Tampa bay team...teams might need to start digging. Is there one toxic organisation or are there more. 


    And that's the part why owners might force Dan to sell. It will be a story about our team but people will qeustion the complete league. Local news papers are going to start investigating local and more dirt might come up. NFL suffers from bad brand image. No owner cares what the other owner does, as long as it earns them money. But as soon as your actions impact there investment, they will force you to sell. Just to protect their own income and value. They don't want to get dragged along. 

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  3. 1 minute ago, justice98 said:


    If Bruce was involved in this coming out and it's as bad as they say, and at least part of this is Snyder knowing and not doing anything, I don't see how Bruce isn't a co-conspirator.  He would have known too. 


    But Kyle would also know. Doug would know. Like every executive or coach probally knew something. So more heads could be rolling. 

    2 minutes ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

    Why would that get you flagged? Is it the same video that shows him sitting outside a bar with some woman, and him smoking a cigarette/joint/blunt?


    Don't know man. These threads run a fine line. Don't want to cross it and miss the next days of mayhem. 

  4. Just now, Koolblue13 said:

    New training facility, top of the line everything, better marketing. If it's Bezos? We would definitely be getting a state of the art new stadium out of it too.


    I'm sceptical (I'm always). If Bezos found dirt on Dan and put his own paper to work to be able to buy the team. You then need to qeustion his intentions. At least Dan is a 'Skins fan. For Bezos its just money rolling. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Burgold said:

    The reason I wonder if this might be legitimately big (and bad) is that there seems to be such a tight lid on it. Makes me think that there is a lot of fact checking going on to make sure the report is right and that the outlet can't get sued. With everyone having such a quick trigger finger these days a gun that stays in the holster might be significant.




    Yes that's what I think too. You don't want to drop some scandal on Twitter when you are not 100% right. So the reporters know what the WP story is about but they don't have the details. WP might be holding it out themself because they are either gathering more info or are already in a legal conversation with the team. 


    It's very well possible that WP asked the team to react to the piece. The team saw the info, did research and fired two guys who where involved. 


    So in that case it's personal. Within the organisation some people did some unethical stuff. If it was football related it would already been out.

  6. I don't get why they are reporting this. 


    To me it looks to be so bad that media decided to not report on it before the team released a statement. Probally because they all know the vague rumours but nobody can confirm it 100%. So they wait for the release to get confirmation. 


    PR department has no hurry releasing the story. Might even still be laywer stuff involved (if it's about the fired guys). So now the reporters created the situation where they keep saying "there is news, it's sad" but we don't hear why or what. So annoying. 




    My advise. If it's about a toxic culture about what these man did under Bruce Allen and Dan Snyder. Then this is the moment to release it. Take two weeks of Washington Post stories. Show them that Rivera cleaned the house. And after the period release the new name and start fresh. Everything is in place to clean all the bad stuff and start over fresh. 

  7. What do you guys think of the time line?


    I think what happend. Ron heard that Carolina was going to fire the two guys. He then got a deal in place and fired two guys to make space for them. 


    Now the qeustion is. With what terms did they get fired? If we did something fishy like fire them because of Corona reasons (don't know if US has rules for that) to get away cheap and then couple of days later hire new guys... THAT'S PRETTY SAD!


    Look. I just don't believe Santos & Man did something non football related wrong to get fired. The time line with two Carolina guys getting fired and scooped up is just to perfect. 


    If we did fishy stuff then for me the Rivera era is already cracking. He preaches a high standard. Actions speak louder then words. 


    But all speculation! Don't know anything more. 

  8. I have been sceptical and will stay that way. People just get jobs because they know Rivera. We might have a gem in Kyle but the guys he works with are all from Rivera his days. I could not see that being a relaxed work environment. Would these guys go to Kyle or go around him to Ron. Kyle doesn't like a guy but the Carolina squad just gangs up and goes straight to Ron. 


    It just creates a natural disorder between "Skins" and "Carolina" guys. 


    I trust Ron and his plans but why copy what you had? Two guys are fired and 48 hours later we hire them in high positions... There was no discussion if they where the right guys for the job. The best guys. 

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  9. 9 hours ago, wilco_holland said:

    Yes Warren looks to be an easy addition beeing former Skins great and having a relation with Ron. 


    But the hire could show us who is in command. If I'm Ron I would say "Kyle hire who YOU want. He works on your team. Get me somebody you are comfortable with" instead of "I know and like this guy. Good luck with him".


    Looks like Ron is boss...


    I don't love it because do we hire the best talent evaluator or somebody Ron trusts? I feel like our HC is getting to much power. If he fails you have to do a full house clean. 

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