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Posts posted by RawBBQSauce

  1. Is that a statement on how good they have been or how bad the league is right now?


    Just a statement of where they are in the table with arguably the worst defensive personnel in the league. If the attackers are available for them to buy and the defenders aren't available, they'll still splash the cash and get the attackers if they are there. They don't care. They'll keep winning, too, unfortunately for the rest of us.

  2. I can not for the life of me, save for having another three top talent options, work out just what has gone wrong with Nastasić at City.


    The kid looked a potential TOP defensive talent. A real fine ball playing defender. To come in to both Serie A and the BPL at the ages of 18 and 19 respectively and look SO composed, like he was a seasoned vet., spoke volumes.


    To not play a single minute this year beggars belief.


    He'd be an outstanding purchase for both the here and now and the future for ANYBODY.




    Everything you've said points to the fact that there must be something going on beneath the surface. Possibly tension with Pellegrini but he doesn't seem like the type of manager to hold grudges with players but to me, clearly something is up.

  3. Be aware what you wish for. Monaco's defense is getting better, history shows that ManU and Chelsea paid the price for having underestimated them.


    Well by the time that fixture rolls around, we'll most likely have to forfeit the match because we will have suffered so many injues that we won't be able to field 11 men and 7 substitutes.

  4. Dude, we haven't fared badly against some of the top clubs we've faced in CL the last couple years* AS LONG AS WE KEEP 11 MEN ON THE FIELD. Not saying we would've won but going into the 2nd legs with a huge differential to overcome is never ideal.


    That's the exact mentality that has kept us milling around and scraping by, getting us absolutely nowhere.

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  5. I didn't realize that Arsenal has a nearly 25% chance at drawing Bayern....the highest of course.




    Crossing my fingers we get Monaco. That would be cool for AW, too.

    I don't know why I'm hoping for it, really. Because even if we get past a Monaco or a Porto, we're gonna have to face a Bayern, Barca, or Real anyways.


    If we do, I hope that we get blown out by 10 on aggregate to really signal the wake-up call for ownership and the board.

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