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Posts posted by RawBBQSauce

  1. From Sky:


    Sky Bet report a run of money on Arsenal to sign Dortmund midfielder Ilkay Gundogan today.

    The Germany International, 24, has been backed in to to join the Gunners, but is 1/3 to stay with the Bundesliga side.

  2. City's preferred lineup (3-2-5):


    Aguero Negredo Bony Dzeko Jovetic


                 Toure              Silva


    Clichy             Kompany       Zabaleta



  3. Theo's finishing is....eeek

    Right now

    Still love him tho


    He'll gain confidence in time. Plus, Ox is playing out of his mind atm...well enough to keep Walcott on the bench.

    Dude this ****ing guy HAHAHA



    Needs to be an Arsenal Fan TV regular

  4. He got away with a penalty of Giroud

    **** him. I wished we would have finished those 4-6 other chances and completely dubbed them


    Begovic kept them in the game in the first 20 mins. We could have been 4-nil up within that time period, easily.

  5. Thanks for your concern, GHH. I hate to say this but I still think Debuchy is partially at fault for putting himself in that position. That ball was clearly flying out of play. It was reckless of him to sprint after it and leap in the air to try and head it away as he did. Debuchy's got a little bit of that Jack Wilshere syndrome...seeking out contact for no particular reason.

  6. https://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video/B7Esu6aCIAEo0EI.mp4



    Tell me how the FA have decided against punishing THAT?


    How was Shawcross? Who is by far and away the dirtiest, most underhand thug in the entire league. 


    Stoke have been this way since Pullis instilled the attitude. They are the modern day Wimbledon. Hughes has them playing more football but the thuggery still remains. 




    Shawcross and Giroud were at each others throats the entire game. Same goes for Mertesacker and Crouch. Crouch elbowed Monreal in the head and made him bleed pretty badly. Typical Stoke ****e.

    • Like 2
  7. You drive a hard bargaIn.


    Ok, Lucas, Jones, Mingolet, Johnson, Enrique, Lovren, Lambert, Allen, Borini, Skrtel, Henderson and Mario being as he's never gonna' get a proper chance under Rodgers. 


    How much do we have to pay to get you to take all those in a bundle?




    Pay us 100 million and we'll take them all except for: Lucas, Jones, Mingolet, Johnson, Enrique, Lovren, Lambert, Allen, Borini, Skrtel, Henderson, and Mario.

    • Like 1
  8. Oh, and Coquelin has been playing out of his mind. Working hard, challenging for the ball and winning consistently, initiating attacks. Deserves a squad spot and a fresh contract. What a pleasant surprise. Now, if we can just offload Arteta and Flamini and get a real starting-caliber CDM, I'll be happy.

  9. Maybe Arsenal should come in.

    Get Samchez' wife to talk to Pjanics wife and tell her what great stores there are in London. ;)



    Yeah, apparently Shaqiri chose Inter over LFC because he preferred London as well. Oh, wait.

  10. Arsenal are keeping tabs on Borussia Dortmund midfielder Ilkay Gundogan after he was given a contract ultimatum by the Bundesliga club, writes The Daily Mirror

    Arsene Wenger is reported to be on red alert after being made aware of the German international’s availability and is readying a £16m bid. 

    Gundogan has just 18 months remaining on his contract and Dortmund want him to sign a new deal or they will be prepared to sell him this summer. However, it is suggested they are sounding out potential suitors in January over the midfielder’s availability.

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