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Everything posted by clskinsfan

  1. Good post. We will have disagree on the mass shooting situation I guess. The fact is during the ban you could still buy semi auto rifles. I know. I bought my first one then. They were SLIGHTLY modified to fit in the current laws. No pistol grip, a heavy barrel or a shortened barrel to qualify as a pistol. But the fact is you could still buy them. And the pre ban weapons were still available at any gun show. Did the ban have an effect on mass shootings? Your stats seem to say so. But I dont know how that is possible when the weapons were still available for purchase DURING THE BAN. It seems to me as the media coverage of these events has intensified you have more copy cats now. But I have no facts or statistics to back up my claim. I am good with banning bump stocks. Absolutely worthless for anything other than what the Las Vegas sicko did. Have never owned one and never would have without a ban. I am a against raising the age limit to 21 and here is why. You are willing to allow 18 year olds to protect the country while serving int he military with the deadliest weapons in the world. Yet you dont want to allow them to protect themselves when they are at home? Maybe you raise the age with an exception for those who serve? As far as mag size goes. I WOULD HATE it. But only for the selfish reason that I cant stand loading the damn things. And I also dont think it would make a difference. If you practice enough,reloading a magazine into a weapon takes less than a second. Minority? Yes. But in the recent polling not by much.
  2. One common theme to almost all of the below articles is gun banning because of mass shootings. The posts I made over the past couple of days showed you how likely you are to be killed in a mass shooting. Many blasted me for those statistics and accused me of spouting the NRA line. But the truth is you are twice as likely to be struck dead by lighting this year than to die in a mass shooting. This is ENTIRELY a media driven issue. Now if you want to talk about all gun homicide as your reasoning. I will agree we need to do SOMETHING. Personally, I dont think ANY law will make a difference. But the mass shooting hysteria is garbage. Recent YouGov poll of Democrats. 41% say ALL guns should be banned. 80% says semi auto's should be banned https://d25d2506sfb94s.cloudfront.net/cumulus_uploads/document/h8n9gvrqyj/econTabReport.pdf https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/survey-majority-of-democrats-want-to-ban-semi-automatics-half-want-to-ban-all-guns Debate.org.....39% say ban all guns: http://www.debate.org/opinions/should-guns-be-banned-in-america New Republic article... It is time to ban all guns: https://newrepublic.com/article/125498/its-time-ban-guns-yes-them Prospect Magazine: It is time to ban all guns: https://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/politics/for-gods-sake-america-just-ban-guns LA Times: Ban all guns: http://www.latimes.com/opinion/opinion-la/la-ol-gun-control-ban-homicides-suicides-20140528-story.html A Gun ban is inevitable: https://www.designmom.com/a-gun-ban-is-inevitable/ Portland Press.....Yes we want to take away your guns https://www.pressherald.com/2018/02/25/maine-voices-yes-we-want-to-take-away-your-guns-the-case-for-civilian-disarmament/ Detroit Metro Times....Ban ALL guns: https://www.metrotimes.com/detroit/ban-all-guns-now/Content?oid=2147131 The Fresno Bee....Ban all guns: http://www.fresnobee.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/article201098214.html This is off of the first 2 pages of a google search. I could on and on for days. I am not a religious guy. AT ALL. Yet I believe we are all born with the right to defend ourselves from harm.
  3. While I agree with the majority of your post. The bolded part simply isnt true. I could pull THOUSANDS of articles from newspapers all over the country calling for EXACTLY this.
  4. I carry a knife every day It has nothing to do with protection and everything to do with it being a tool that I use constantly. If my life is on the line the last thing I want is a pocket knife
  5. Agreed on all counts. The right to PEACEFUL gathering should not be infringed no matter how disgusting the message of that gathering is. Once violence is threatened or takes place it is time to end it and arrest those involved.
  6. Exactly. And who gets to decide who is placed on the "no gun" list? Is it some politician in Washington? Is it a local sheriff who may have a personal issue with someone? A teacher, employer? Who. Who gets to decide that someone who has broken no law will have their constitutional rights stripped from them? You are mistaken. I get his point. The question is how many of our constitutional rights are you willing to give away? If one of them is taken you can bet all of them are vulnerable. And you failed to answer my question. If your gathering is deemed "dangerous" by some bureaucrat should your right to gather be removed?
  7. So what if people think Antifa gathering is based on a campaign of lies, fear and hate? Should their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to gather be taken away?
  8. Exactly ZERO. It is a military weapon. I do want to say that I was impressed with the protesting yesterday. No violence, no partisanship. Just people using their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to gather for what they believe. They targeted ANY representative that doesnt believe in their cause. That is the way it should be. Funny how the founders knew how important those CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS were going to be isnt it?
  9. 1) So what you are saying is you want EVERY semi auto weapon in the country banned? Good luck with that if true. 2) That whole second amendment thing might be an issue here? We will see I guess. 3) Kudo's to you for changing your life around! And with that, thanks for the spirited debate fellow Skins fans. It is nice to know that we are still capable of having civilized debate regardless of how the media tries to portray otherwise. Need sleep for a long day at work tomorrow. I will continue sometime tomorrow. HTTR!
  10. No I dont. Stop letting people out of prison early for gun violations. Stop pardoning them. Prosecute the felons that lie on their applications and make them serve their full sentences. Is there red tape and under staffing yes. But even when people are caught and prosecuted they dont serve any real time. Now we have found SOMETHING we ALL can work with. I would debate with you the "assault rifle" term and exactly what that means in regards to firearms. But other than that WELL DONE!
  11. I covered that in an earlier post. No denying the NRA is EXTREME in what they do. But they are about it as far as gun ownership protection from an organization goes.
  12. Not accurate at all. ONE gun death is too many. But the only way to stop that is to get rid of ALL guns in the US. There are over 300 MILLION guns in this country. That option is gone. You can pass laws and take them from law abiding citizens. But do you honestly think criminals will be turning theirs in? Edit: And as far as me having an agenda goes? Absolutely. I am an avid shooter, hunter and outdoors man. Guns have been a part of my life since I was a very young child. And I raise my children around them. The statistics are accurate. Did I use them to support my case? No question. But I am trying to argue from a position of weakness on this board as well. And, again, they are not inaccurate.
  13. Solid post. And I cannot argue with most of it. I think you underestimate the costs of legal representation to take a case all of the way to the SC. But that is about it. As I said. If the AR gets banned I will turn mine in. There is a major difference between the fully auto Tommy gun and the AR but whatever. I dont need an AR to enjoy my hobby. It is extremely fun to shoot but I dont need it. Bump stocks? Ban them. I could care less. have never owned one and never will. Gun show loophole? Close it tomorrow. I am completely fine with EVERYONE needing a background check to buy a gun. Magazine size I dont agree with. If you were a shooter and know what a PIA it is to load magazines you would understand. I will also add that limiting magazine size would have no effect on mass shootings. Killers would just carry more magazines. The size of a 30 round magazine and 3 10 round magazine on a AR is basically the same. And anyone who has practiced with an AR can reload it in under a second. See my above post.
  14. Again WORTHLESS contribution to the conversation. You accuse me of hyperbole when you have posted not one single usable fact about anything. It is easy to mock factual statistics when they dont support your position. Just saying.
  15. Yeah. If you have the money to take it all the way to the SC. I dont. Do you?
  16. Until someone decides to attempt to change them. See DC's laws on the abolition of guns. It was struck down by the SC BECAUSE THE NRA SUED. Solid contribution to the debate. So enjoying shooting sports and hunting makes you empty inside. I would argue the opposite. Attempting to tell someone else how to live THEIR lives makes you a person that is empty inside.
  17. I just posted the statistics. They are accurate. And from the FBI. An average of 21 people per year have been killed in mass shootings in the past 52 years. You know how many people were struck and killed by lightning in the same time frame? 2652. Or on average 51 per year. In other words you are MORE than twice as likely to be killed by lightning than in a mass shooting. Open your eyes and understand what you are being fed.
  18. They shouldnt be the media's target to market either.
  19. You are a pro gun person who does not understand the value of the NRA? Can you tell me which organization you are a member of that protects your gun rights? I might decide to change my membership next year. And the enforcement issue goes WAY beyond under staffing and red tape. There is a part of the anti gun movement that NEEDS these mass shootings as an impetus for their ultimate goal. I know that sounds conspiracy theory crazy. But it is the truth. Violence sells. Gun homicides are down 39% since 1993. Have you heard ANY news source report that fact? You are 6 times more likely to be beaten to death than to be killed by a rifle. Yet those scary black rifles seem to headline the news every night dont they? You dont see pictures of hammers up on the nightly news do you? Well guess what you are 1 1/2 times more likely to be beaten to death with a hammer than killed by a rifle.....I could go on and on. The point is there is an agenda and narrative being played out here. And it is being played out to perfection on the nightly news EVERY DAY. Statistics are pulled from the FBI: https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2014/crime-in-the-u.s.-2014/tables/table-20 I am not some cold hearted "come take em from my cold dead hands" guy. My post above stated as much. I am fine with stringent background checks, waiting periods And maybe even willing to give up my scary black rifles. But something needs to be done about ALL OF THE GUN homicides in this country. Not just mass shootings. Chicago had 3457 people shot in 2017 and 454 people shot so far this year (some of the strictest gun laws in the country by the way). There have been 1077 people that have died in the US in mass shootings SINCE 1966! The mass shooting problem is overblown. And it is being overblown for a reason. This is an article adapted from the Wash Post. A lot of people dont have a subscription so you can read it here: https://www.thelily.com/1077-people-have-been-killed-in-mass-shootings-since-a-1966-incident-at-the-university-of-texas/ If you really want to do something about the homicide rate in this country do something about handguns. They are used 20 times more often to commit murder than rifles are. Do I own them? Yep. But IMO if a felon is caught with a handgun it should be an immediate life sentence. No slap on the wrist. No parole. If you are not allowed to own them and you have one you pay the price. Period. They are too easy to conceal and too easy for criminals to use them for what they were designed to do. People NEED to be trained and be made to understand the danger of a handgun. I would be fine with that training being mandatory. My defense of the NRA, no matter how radical they are, is because there simply is no other option when it comes to defending gun rights. Yes. Like most other organizations they are radical in their stance. There is no middle ground with the NRA. No doubt about it. But for a lot of us there shouldnt be when it comes to the protection of a Constitutional right for law abiding citizens.
  20. Again. Ignoring problems because they dont fit your agenda is bull**** as well. The laws are on the books and are not enforced. Please explain to us with your infinite wisdom how passing more laws is going to do anything to fix the problem. I have said what I wanted to say. I will step out now as neither of us will be swayed in our position. And that is where the country as whole is at this point. Sad in reality.
  21. Our stance is to ENFORCE THE CURRENT LAWS in regards to mental health and current penalties for illegal possession. http://www.ncsl.org/research/civil-and-criminal-justice/possession-of-a-firearm-by-the-mentally-ill.aspx The current laws are not enforced. And if they are in rare circumstances. The criminal gets a slap on the wrist, leaves the courthouse and buys a gun on the next street corner. OR FROM A GUN SHOP. Only 40% of the people that LIE on a gun application are prosecuted. We are talking about people that are ALREADY felons. And the gun laws do nothing to stop them from getting another gun. BECAUSE THEY DONT CARE, they wont face any major penalty for it. It is VERY rare for me to call a CNN article fair and balanced. But this one actually is somewhat: https://www.cnn.com/2016/01/09/politics/obama-executive-orders-gun-control-enforcement-gap/index.html In the ultimate slap in the face. Obama pardoned 107 gun violators while shouting about gun control at the top of his lungs. The hypocrisy of the whole thing was staggering to many of us: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/aug/9/obamas-forgiveness-of-gun-crimes-amid-push-for-con/ See the articles I posted above. Just because you arent willing to look at something doesnt mean it isnt happening. The left ignores EVERYTHING if it doesnt fit their agenda.
  22. Then why are responsible gun owners recommendations in regards to mental health issues ignored? Why arent the current gun laws enforced? And why are recommended solutions from gun owners laughed at. YOU may not be anti gun. But to be honest with you the NRA, as radical as they are, are about the only protection gun owners and outdoors sportsman have at this point. The entire media and agenda from the left is leading to a single option. And that is disarmament. Something that will only disarm law abiding citizens. Criminals are criminals. By the very definition they break the law. You really think passing another one of any kind would make a difference?
  23. You want to see REAL insider trading? Zuckerberg sold 2.7 million shares of Facebook stock in the last 3 and half weeks leading up to this recent scandal. Almost 500 MILLION DOLLARS worth. Of course he claims it was a "philanthropic investment". When all he did was remove money from Facebook and move it to HIS OWN CHARITY. You think he is going to be facing any kind of investigation over that? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-facebook-zuckerberg/zuckerberg-sold-nearly-500-million-facebook-stock-in-february-idUSKCN1GD5OH
  24. Funny. All of the anti gun media has done nothing but increase the NRA membership numbers and gun sales to an all time high. I am perfectly fine with stronger background checks (I have nothing to hide) and even giving up my AR's if need be (There are tons of perfectly functioning alternatives). But if any of you anti gun folks think any law will stop a criminal from getting a gun you are naive. That genie left the bottle the day the Constitution was written. You will certainly be successful in disarming law abiding citizens though. Edit: And I apologize for quoting the large picture. But it is kind of relevant to my post.
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