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Everything posted by clskinsfan

  1. Jesus. If thats a strike the boys better swing the bats.
  2. So nice to see a packed outdoor stadium in DC. What a shame Fedex is a cesspool.
  3. Ump is giving that low strike. And both guys are hitting it.
  4. I dont know about that. He has been every bit as good as Stras since the all star break.
  5. Goodness our starting pitching has been unbelievable this series. I cant remember a more dominant staff during the playoffs. Maybe the Braves in the 90's?
  6. Yes sir. This is a COMPLETELY different Nats team man. It is a beautiful thing to watch so far.
  7. Wea ctually offered him similar total money. Just a ton of it was deferred. If he really wanted to be here he would be. Although something tells me we wouldnt be where we are right now if Harper was still on this team. I'd be more worried if it was still a one run game.
  8. Eaton has been the nuts so far in this series. I dont want to get to crazy high at this point. Collapses have been the norm for the Nats. But this seems like a much different team than past years. These guys refuse to give up man.
  9. Dan Snyder needs to take a good look at this crowd. That is what he should be seeing every Sunday. Who says DC fans dont support when you give them a decent product?
  10. LETS ****ING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. You know its bad when the announcers are saying the home plate ump has been biased.
  12. Nevermind. I was looking at slugging percentage Carry on folks. I will stck to football.
  13. Agreed. But Rendon has been good in the playoffs for his career. The rest of the lineup has sucked around him.
  14. Didnt really have a choice except to go with Stras. Yes it will screw up the series pitching schedule if we win. But at least we had the early wildcard game so they get an extra day of rest.
  15. I just dont get this team in playoff baseball. And it isnt usually just the pitching that sucks. The batting goes to hell as well. Every damn year the same damn thing,.
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