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skins island connection

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Everything posted by skins island connection

  1. To many in the sports broadcasting people, this doesn't look to be an Ali vs Holmes super fight but more like a Britney Spears vs Madonna cat fight. My memory is shot, when was the last time this team threw a 40-burger on anyone?
  2. Not to be obvious but I thought the Comms record WAS 3-3... For some reason Howell is starting to remind me of Rex Grossman. Good arm but makes throws that makes people scratch their heads. Lets hope the walls at Met Life are padded well! This game has all the makings of a 'trap game' for both teams { sans the records } and the Giants' strength right now is the Comms weakness, so i'm expecting to see Tyrod to move out of the pocket alot to escape pressure. One thing IS certain; if the Giants score more than 27 then they should put DelTaco next to Hoffa and be done with him; fire him immediately after the game.
  3. Helped ya out a little on that one. Being the key word, that is. And it will be THAT word that will end up biting the team in the buttocks, being I see the defense giving up the go-ahead score with less than 30 seconds left in the game to seal the deal for NY. Its like playing Dallas; wins/losses don't really matter when they play each other. I distinctly remember a few years ago simply showing up would have guaranteed a victory, being the Giants had nothing to play for, and Wash. was more than slightly humbled when the game ended. The loss cost the team a playoff spot. With that being said, TyRod Taylor will be running roughshod through a bewildered defense, with Chase Young blazing and whiffing on sacking the QB, and the Giants will get 3 pick offs and 5 sacks as another embarrassing performance overall costs them the game. Giants 27 Comms 16
  4. It would be nice but Del Taco is using the harness as a hat rack... 😛
  5. Maybe you didn't read into it the way I intended or I didn't explain it well enough, but we're in agreement; coaches today come across a top-notch prospect that fits his ideals and runs with it, but as soon as another QB takes helm the turnout isn't good. Players aren't born with NFL -level skills, they're taught, so if you get a coach who has a good set of WRs and then lands a top prospect like a Mahomes then the coach looks brilliant. In the last 20 or so years there has been very very few HCs who have had success with different QBs over time.
  6. I've been preaching this { of course nobody listens lol } forever; great players do not make great coaches, its the other way around. Gibbs is the perfect example of a coach who knows what is best for a team and got his players to excel; 3 SB Championships without a repeating QB? Its unheard of. But alas this is about Del Taco and his inabilities to properly run a defense with enough decent-to-good-to-great players at his disposal. Everywhere the guy has been he turns fine wine into water, and its not a coincidence either. We know why he got the job; Rivera and his little 'posse' of yes men. The man has no skill at game planning against opponents, his schemes are handily picked up on and then used against him, and he has no idea what to do; i'm guessing he just prays that the offense scores more points than his defenses are giving up and he can somehow hide behind the curtains and not be called out. HELLO!!! Everyone is mentioning Del Taco's name and not in a good way; he can't Forrest Gump his way to another season, he needs to be fired.
  7. I was under the impression that Trent Williams wanted out, but I could be wrong. I doubt he announced it to the public but he and his agent made comments afterwards, not directly at the team though. But with these guys being paid good money, at some point they will get frustrated by losing and an in-house situation isn't a far-fetched notion. Honestly I think there are a number of players who would want to be elsewhere but not saying it out loud because of the situation it could cause, and if the losing continues its a good possibility...
  8. They may not be saying it right now, but if the next couple games turn out the same way then I think there will be a little rumbling in-house that will be leaked. And I wouldn't blame them either, but Del Taco hasn't got them flowing and its been time for him to be fired. Even IF they put together a good game plan and play great on defense and shut down the Falcons, it will only last a game or 2 then back to the same ol' same ol;...
  9. I bet Heinicke's brain is being picked like nothing before right now by their OC/HC, getting all the scoop regarding offensive looks. Thre Falconcrests pulled a last minute drive against a not-so-bad Texans defense, and that doesn't sit too well with me. It will boil down to the Wash LBers making big plays, but I just don't see it. They'll whiff on plays and have that " I cannot believe its not butter " look on their faces. Falconcrests 33 Commandercrumbs 16 * And please burn those god-awful black unis, especially when the Falcons' are black, but it wouldn't surprise me to see Ron trot them out.
  10. The owners have to know the fans aren't happy about how the season is turning out. The defense has been picked apart feather by feather, the scoreboard lights are changing so fast its causing seizures to some and the problem is glaring. The thing that has me worried is this; if this season goes belly-up and they go into tank mode, some guys on the d-line are going to become frustrated and demand a trade; they'll want to go to a team that wins, and this line has so so much potential if used right so the owners/FO will have to make a move, and if Swampboat Ron wants to keep his job he will have to cut ties with his buddies on defense, namely DelTaco. Maybe its time for RR to go as well, i'd much rather see a coach with a little fire in his belly on the sidelines who can motivate and get creative when opportunities come...
  11. We still have Riverswamp Ron and Teamenemy !! What, no faith they can get the job done? { tanking-wise } I can get with the notion of Forbes being young and exploitable, but the LBers are slow moving, like molasses, take poor angles and at times are dead still on the field because their view of the play is passing them by and they're petrified. Del Taco was an average at best LBer, just his name was glorified because he played with that drug-ladened team in Texas { north Texas for the geographically minded }. The game today is speed speed speed, and some brute. The d-line can be one of if not the best in the league with the right scheming, but that would involve DelTaco actually watching game film instead of spritzing his hair with Vitalis. The corners who know when to be physical on the LOS are taught that way; they recognize certain plays and have a good feel for whats coming and can adjust. Techniques and skill-polishing are lacking and the finger points to you know who...
  12. Yea this is from awhile back, but Nostradamus is never wrong. The Bears game has to be the nail in the coffin for Jack Del Taco. At least now everyone knows why I call him this; because opposing offenses eat up his defenses like tacos. Ineffective, not creative in schemes, has guys giving up huge cushions and still can't defend, and just flat out doesn't do a good job. Coaching involves teaching techniques, little tricks, and studying opponents for weaknesses and exploit them; he does none of this. Bye bye Del Taco, don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya...
  13. I guess some think that he's some genius who took a broken bum in Patrick Mahomes and made him a superstar. Oh wait, he was already a great player coming outta college. DUH! I was glad to see when Turner got the axe but I fail to see where Teamenemy has proven that he is a teaching qualified OC; he had quality tools to work with in KC but there's more to being an OC than calling plays, especially when they don't pan out./..
  14. Regardless of a win or loss { most likely a loss } the owners need to get serious on the search for HC OC [ maybe } and definitely DC. The team has more than enough players on both sides of the ball to be competitive, but crappy game planning by Teamenemy and Del Taco are rearing their ugly heads. Rivera needs to either retire or be canned because he's lost focus of the team, and Del Taco's track record alone speaks for itself, he shouldn't have been hired to begin with. Teamenemy, maybe give him a year, but in reality he hasn't made any players better, he just had the luxury of a gifted QB in Mahomes and other good players in KC. This is why its called 'coaching'; to coach, teach, educate, train, etc etc. Where exactly has he done this? and don't say KC or you'll just look foolish...
  15. The thing that gets me is when EB got here, he HAD to have noticed how awful the line is and implemented plays to keep Howell from being rattled/hit alot/sacked/driven into the ground/scared ****less/panicked and making bad decisions. Why didn't he? This vaunted HCing prospect people were harping about isn't really panning out. Had Mahomes been here hec even Turner would've looked like a genius, but alas the play designs and schemes evidently appear to be somewhat easily recognizable. Howell will have bad games, but that was a little beyond bad and a little concerning, and yes the Ws were against the Cards and Broncos { barely } but the schedule only gets worse from here and my concern is it mentally damages Howell to the point it feels overwhelming, and its kinda difficult to learn the game when he spends alot of time on his back...
  16. Well at least it isn't a primetime game, so it shouldn't be bad. Oh hec who am I foolin'? The name of the game is offense, folks; the Eagles have it, the Commanders will not 'commandeer' this game in any facet, sorry. The Eagles need to look strong, to get all those little clicks on social media posts tweets and clips to keep up with the Jonses, 9ers, Dolphins and Bills, and THATS where the only chance lies in hanging around in this game. It equates into the Commanders' secondary playing closer coverage and DelTaco getting creative; DAMN, thats the 2nd time i've used the DC's name and the word creative in the same sentence. This might be the game where we start hearing the light whispers of the d-line becoming frustrated at the rest of the team's shortcomings, and a crescendo ensues as the weeks pass by... Commanders 13 Eagles 44 yea, THAT ugly...
  17. A few years ago I was approached by a guy who said he had a 24k solid gold chain and he just needed money so he was willing to sell it to me for 40 dollars. I bit, knowingly, mostly for the fact that I had a good feeling this guy just needed money and i'm sure if he had an idea of its value had it been solid gold the price would have been much higher. This team got a similar deal with Bienemy. Period. Fact 1} In his time in KC he had a prized athletic good QB in Mahomes to work with, making his job so much easier. Fact 2} His time in Minnesota as RB coach he had Adrian Peterson but a less than capable QB in Favre, who's abilities had withered. Fact 3} His 1 year stint in Colorado in 2012 was less than stellar as RB coach. Point is, people are putting way too much stock into Bienemy's abilities, and while this o-line is akin to stale bread crumbling at the slightest touch, people are glossing over the idea that maybe, just maybe, he's just not that good of an OC. Is he better than Turner? I'm fairly confident that a number of posters on this forum would have done better. But its hard to ignore the facts that if this team had Mahomes we prob would be 3-0, There are good OCs in the league and there are good RB coaches in this league, and as i've always said, a good coach makes great players, and not the other way around. That would be the tail wagging the dog... SIC
  18. 3 seconds can be an eternity, for some QBs. Howell is young, and my hopes is that he learns to develop his pocket presence/movement in the pocket, whether left/right or backwards/forwards, but that little bit of movement, even with this horrendous o-line, can be more than enough to properly and accurately execute plays, if thats whats called. EB has to know that these plays called that take so much time to develop cannot work right now, unless its quick slant-type plays or bootlegs to get him out in the open a little, maybe even give him a little better vision of the field. Every, EVERY opponent from now on knows that rushing the QB is priority 1 and have CBs glued to the WRs = success, and these next few weeks will tell us alot about EB's adjustment abilities or liabilities...
  19. Well I may as well go ahead and say it. I'm not really sold on Bienemy as some great OC. While I was glad to see the sorry ass Scott Turner finally get the boot, I have to keep a tempered level of optimism on EB. After all his history is mostly as RB coach, and his time in KC as OC he had a luxury of a great talented young QB in Mahomes, which gave him a much better and more creative playbook to work with. Now I hope that he can turn things around but he HAD to have known going into the offseason that the line was blowing dog and should have made it a bigger issue to RR. It also helps alot when you have a good DC who can make things a little easier for the offense, but we all know that Del Taco isn't qualified for this position. A defense who can get turnovers and an OC who can draw up quick strikes for TDs to capitalize on the turnovers; we have neither...
  20. There's one thing this fanbase doesn't have, and thats patience with a QB. As soon as a QB starts having a bad streak the pitchforks and torches come out, demanding a trade or cut; back in the 80's there was this thing called a "Sophomore Slump", where a prized QB out of the draft would look good his first season but tail off the next, but for the most part teams stuck with said QB and things worked out. That doesn't happen here. I actually would feel better IF Howell had happy feet in the pocket so at least he'd scramble out quicker. He HAS to know by now that the line can't protect him, so either EB starts calling for quick slants and more screens or he starts living in shotgun mode, because he won't make it through this season.
  21. There are times where he does seem to feel the pressure and will slip out of the pocket, but there's alot more times where he just seems to freeze while looking downfield, and the pocket { if you wanna call it that } breaks down and its 2-4 d-linemen on him. Now the pass to Terry was a beauty, but against a halfway competent defense that ball is picked off, and as I said before, that was into triple coverage . I get it; its Howell's 4th NFL game, but this line will get him hurt if RR doesn't fix it and he doesn't do a better job of recognizing pressure, but there have been teams with crappy o-lines who have succeeded before so its up to EB to help him out. Maybe because the Bills have previous experience with EB is the reason it seemed they knew what was coming at times.
  22. Outside of Howell's lack of pocket presence, and thats the one thing he really needs now with this seaweed blob of an offensive line, he needs better judgement. He seemingly loves to throw into double and triple coverage, and far too often for comfort. Is Rex Grossman his QB coach?
  23. What gets me is RR KNEW the line was garbage last season. That speaks volume to his focus.
  24. Maybe DelTaco had the defense watching the highlights of the Denver game instead of the Bills. The front d-line is useless if the secondary can't cover, and this has been a big problem for a few years now, and the "DC" isn't NFL quality material, and his record proves it...
  25. A couple of things to consider for this weekend's game. 1. It could be a very very rainy few days, with a sloppy field, poor judgement of cleat length, and how many Bills fans infiltrate the stadium. 2. Defense. Will Del Rio {Del Taco to me } call a conservative game to not lose, or will he get aggressive and creative in the play calling? i know, Del Rio and aggressive play calling in the same sentence!! Just doesn't sound right to me, but it will be the difference in the game. Allen needs to see ghosts from kick-off on, but I fear that the defense will be baited in by Allen and they will be guessing all game, trying to play 'not to lose'. Young will have a couple off sides penalties from hard counts. Part 2 of the SuperBowl re-match will end up with the Bills on top, my guess is Billy-Bob Bills 29 Sally's Manders 22
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