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Everything posted by zCommander

  1. Or drugs were being used by people since it has over 1 billion views lol Did you listen to the whole song? I kinda liked it in "Weird Al" way.
  2. They don't have to be. For me, the last person I wanted to see more of wearing #5 was Colt Brennan r.i.p (absolutely hated the Beck trade) and cared less for McNabb. Even though JD grew up idolizing McNabb and hence the #5 he chose for college. To each own, I guess. But, I do get what you are saying though. The play on the field matters more than the # on the jersey.
  3. That plays into it now more than before. Lots of players like the number they had in college and want to continue to do so. Why is it so wrong to do that and who cares if they make money because it. We all here on this planet to make money, as much as we can. 😁
  4. No. But it is the attachment association we all have for one thing or another. He has JD5 all over the interwebs too. That also plays into why he would want or need to have the #5. To you and me it might not be a big of a deal but to him it really is.
  5. @kleese I don't like your second Monday night game. I rather they play on the 27th instead, at home, which will be on my birthday and I will be more inclined to go to that one.
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