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Everything posted by zCommander

  1. I said the same thing except I didn't say personally. lol But, it was implied. 😎
  2. Designed run? If so, then Turner could call some and make him run. But he has run on his own this year but not as much. In the playoff game Taylor ran more because there were going to be no more games if they lose. The stakes were higher. I think people forget that sometimes.
  3. I vote for the coach gets 1 replay per game to be challenged. This will put a spotlight on the refs to do better. And if an infraction is turned over the ref gets less money for that game. Also a flag shouldn't be picked up after it is thrown. Refs and fans will need to live with that decision.
  4. Jason Campbell also did better when 2 mins left in the game and running the 2 min offense.
  5. The real bad one is the one on Thomas since we were moving the ball and had the ball for 7 minutes too. I so pissed since Thomas didn't even do anything. The defender got pushed into him instead and all the refs saw that defender fell down and not what actually happened and it was an after thought by the ref and was flag trigger happy. Probably had a quota to meet like the cops do in giving out tickets.
  6. Hand to the face not called. Logan Thomas gets pushed into but that is block in the back instead. 😡
  7. He made a similar throw last year in the Tampa game to Bates? and it was also 4th and something and he was running towards his left as well.
  8. It is also clear the OL is limiting the passing game as well. We all know what Taylor's ceiling is along with the good and the bad. Even the OL said they like run plays because they know they can't protect the QB on pass plays even if they are the limited kind. Is all I am saying. So when you pair a limited OL with a limited QB you are going to get watered down pass offense. Not going with Wentz is more to do with which one is lesser of the two evils based on our OL pass protection. Taylor wins because of his mobility and moxie to keep a play alive. He has made Terry relevant again as well. Even found Jahan today too for a TD. Even if the QB is limited but you can still get enough out of them to move the chains and of course you have to be smart about it too and win games and that is the stat that matters the most at the end of the game.
  9. You can't say it is because of just the run and the defense alone either no more than I can say it is just Taylor. I said he was one of the reason. Taylor buys times and that helps the team overall. You said the coaches are limiting Taylor and I said that is not the case. Are you saying Taylor is a non-factor in these wins? Then why aren't the coaches putting Wentz back in if that is the case?
  10. To me they had to run since the OL wasn't going to give your QB any real time to throw. I would say the OL is limiting on what we can do instead. If it wasn't then Wentz would have been inserted back in after 4 weeks of being out. Dak came back after his injury. To me that is the bigger tell who is limiting the QB. Taylor has allowed the OL to be a little better by buying more time with his legs like Jay Gruden said. So in turn Taylor is somewhat helping in these wins because of his scrambling abilities, taking a hit while standing tall in the pocket, taking less sacks and not make too many mistakes. This is helping the team to get into a position to win games along with a strong running game. Taylor is not the only reason but he is still a factor than some think he isn't at all. The way the team is playing shows that. As for "saved our season" - I think the jury is still out on that. If we don't get into the playoffs then all this is just moot anyway. But as of right now Taylor has made us relevant with enough of his "moxie" to keep the flame going. But, we will know more after the bye week and see what the coaches feel and think who is going to be savior to once all hopes lost season.
  11. Matty Icy sucks and is turning the ball over to their defense like there is no tomorrow lol
  12. Welp. Colts didn't have a chance for a comeback anyway. This INT pretty much seals their fate now.
  13. So let me get this straight: Taylor just casually throws the ball here and there to wide open receivers and just hands off the ball That 4th down conversion was Taylor being clutch. That was not a designed and limited play the coaches called up. Taylor also has situation football smarts and has good pocket awareness as well. This is something you can't coach up.
  14. No I get that. This year draft was loaded with other positions instead and the QB class was meh. So Howell dropping wasn't too surprising. I liked it when he got him though since he stood out to me more than other QBs on throwing abilities.
  15. You must not have watched Pro Day and see how good Howell was. Like he was #1 in his passes.
  16. Not me. I want Howell to be the starter next year. He was projected to go way higher. Did we get lucked out? I want to see if that is the case before we ride him off. I wanted a rookie QB next year and we might already have that, like I have said before.
  17. Isn't the media at practices? You can look through their eyes instead. But we still need him to throw. That might still be an issue though. Also he has to throw the shorter balls with a touch or else the droppies will come back too.
  18. Has anyone even thought about this: Wetnz hasn't played in 6 weeks or practiced at all. I don't see how he can just come in and just simply light up the Giants in two weeks. Or start throwing down the field with our OL. Taylor mobility was buying him time and at least not afraid to stand in the pocket and take a hit as he is trying to throw. Is Wentz going to be able to do that though?
  19. No you are rooting for the cowgirls to lose instead. Feel hell of a lot better that way.
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