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Everything posted by ExoDus84

  1. Seems odd to me these games are on so early. Granted I'm on the west coast, but a "primetime" game that airs at noon on Sunday is weird. Even the AFC game starts at 3:30.
  2. I mean, I wasn't insinuating Raheem is superior to Ron or Jack. I'm lukewarm at best on Raheem the Dream. I'm just saying the defenses Rivera and Co put out on the field were abysmal, so I'm not sure anyone could do worse. We literally just gave up the most points in a season in franchise history (or at least the SB era).
  3. First year the RPO really heated up in the NFL, and defenses didn't really know how to stop it. Considering how terrible Griffin looked the rest of his career, I'd say he wasn't "HIM", but rather Mike/Kyle working miracles and making a mediocre QB talent look like a superstar. Mike and Kyle in 2012 was one of the best coaching performances in recent history. I'll die on that hill.
  4. Not sure why the Eagles would literally trade the entire farm to move up for a receiver. AJ Brown and DeVonta Smith is a hell of a combo.
  5. Gruden deleted this since, but damn! Speaking truth to clown.
  6. This whole feud makes me so glad the Snyder era is long gone. I'm so glad we have actual adults in charge now. That being said, Jay might be a bit on the sleazy side, but he was a far better coach than RG3 was a player. RG3 has zero self-realization, and is, and will always be, a primadonna. He'll never take responsibility for his own failings as a player. Clown shoes forever. It's obscenely ironic that this beef started with RG3 basically saying Gruden let him get beat up behind our offensive line. Robert held onto that ball so long you'd think it was tig-welded to his hand. I'll never forget how unbelievably better our line looked when Cousins came in and actually executed the offense.
  7. WTF is with the asterisk and the specificity of NFC South? Did I miss the fact there's a second Atlanta Falcons that play in another division?
  8. Based on our game results, Rivera has already been working for them for 4 years. Makes sense they might want to bring him in officially.
  9. Eat ****, Jerruh. Another first round exit. Greatest choke artists of our generation did not let us down.
  10. Meh. A bunch of meaningless stat padding for the pokes. This game was over before the 4th, no matter what the final score is.
  11. Pour it on baby. 50 burger, in the playoffs, would be a nice topper to this holiday weekend.
  12. Is it me, or does that doofus sound like the cookie monster with laryngitis when he keeps shouting that?
  13. AHAHAHAHA DALLAS. I don't know how it's possible, but that team finds new and creative ways to choke every single year.
  14. This was the trajectory we were all hoping for Sam. Love looks like a totally different player. He's developing well.
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