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Everything posted by Wildbunny

  1. Completly @Reaper Skins. One thing for sure, the F in NFL doesn't stand for Fair. Sure you know what does it means.
  2. That is really telling from the lions hc jim caldwell that he never thought the ref in the booth would be able to overturn this crappy play lol.
  3. And Gus Bradley gets the axe in Jacksonville. I really feel for the guy because I thought he was doing a good job until Blake **** it all over by playing poorly this year... I doubt firing him will help them in any way this year, they could just have waited until the end of the season to part ways. Firing after 14 weeks, doesn't help much...
  4. If Hue Jackson gets the Axe in Cleveland he'll get a reputation of being One and done...
  5. Statement from NFL spokeperson: "After investigation, the NFL have found that the NY Giants did in fact cheat during the game. According to this, the NFL have decided to take action to prevent this from happening again. Decision have been made that the Washington Redskins have been fined 36M in salary cap and been forfeited of their first 2 picks in both 2017 and 2018. Also, they'll play all of their 2017 games away". John Mara stated that the Giants won't appeal the decision, and have apologized for the events that lead to this decision.
  6. http://live.robinwidget.com/streamvideo8/washington-redskins-vs-philadelphia-eagles-live-stream-75633.html waiting for the game to begin to check its quality.
  7. The last time the Redskins lost 2 games in a row... They went on to win 4 in a row after that... Can we repeat? I won't complain if we do.
  8. Then go ahead and starts the same kind of thread on a Detroit Lions fan forum.
  9. There's a huge difference on both. Su'a grabs the helmet, feels it and release, allowing Rodgers to go his reads, and make the throw for a TD. Su'a while making the penalty, did care about player security. The Bengals guy, grabs Crowder by the helmet, and keeps the grab until he's dragged down while jumping over him, fully knowing he'll turn his head badly (and might break his nose), but doesn't care much about player security here.
  10. Which tells us how dumb they are. If we win against the Cowboys, the Giants have a real shot at the NFC East in two weeks lol. Except the Cinci guy wasn't flagged on the field... That's favoritism on the field, that the NFL tries to cover up badly by fining him.
  11. Worked nicely as always for me. Lost sound at the end of the game. Dunno why, might not be related to my comp. Running on Firefox, Windows 10. But I would suggest any of you to check your flash updates.
  12. Or Amerson on Doctson or Djax if he's still around.
  13. They coach to rough the kicker? I can see coaching roughing the passer as it's part of the game (especially when you play the Redskins). But roughing the passer, hell no. That's bad coaching here.
  14. Well you know, that thread is also done for us to exaggerate things and stuff. It's meant to have fun and **** regarding any conspiracy, even though there probably isn't one It's a great thread to complain about stuff we (as an organisation, not specifically us fans) have no control over.
  15. I remember a vicious hit against Kirk Cousins years ago from the Falcons. The refs aborted the play right after snap. Then one Falcon guy remain in full throttle mode to blast Kirk. No flag was thrown as well at the time.
  16. DJax was close to the sideline, which is outside of the tackle box, so the 15 yard penalty applies here. On the other hit, he was lying on the ground. Making him defenseless. Which is 15 yards again.
  17. Found it! There's a new rule regarding this stuff. Was changed by the competition committee this year. So, for this case, the refs got it right, according to the rules You know there was two hit on DJax? One is the helmet to helmet you described and were Blandino is simply wrong. Second one was early in the game when DJax catches a low ball and get speared from behind in the back. I believe that was the first one and they drew a flag on this. After that, they were very reluctant to draw a flag. Including the hit on Crowder where he signaled Fair Catch, flag was extremly slow. Tell that to Ray Ban Dan Oh wait... Only Norman does it...
  18. Well, if you think that only DBs are putting their hands in another player's facemask, then well, there's no point in going further. That kind of stuff happens all the time. Now Norman is being targeted for that. He only have been in the league for 5 years and sure he never did it before, as nobody else. And I'll stand to my point, since Crowder wasn't a facemask, what Norman is doing is nothing illegal. Just jamming on the line, which is fine by the rules.
  19. Looks like it made you missed the OP of this thread hey
  20. 1 - Well that happens on every play on every game on any given sunday. Why Norman should get flagged more than anyone else? He has not a reputation of vicious player. If Refs had been flag happy on both sides, sure tell him to stop, but if it's one sided. Honestly, they'll have found something else to flag. 2 - I'm saying officials have a huge part in the loss. Because as I've said, we aren't good enough yet to overcome those kind of penalties. And honestly, not many teams are. Now you can tell us the Kicker missed a gimme, but what if the Bengals call timeout after the snap of the first FGA and the refs blew it away and call TO? Would you still say that our Kicker costed us the game? Got no proof of that, but considering the officiating we had, I wouldn't be that surprised that it effectively happened. After all, the Refs also aborted two plays for false starts, but never drawn a flags for those any neutral zone infractions the Bengals D was doing. This is not soccer, when play is supposedly flawless. This is a possession and field position game. When refs starts attributing bad call to one and only team throughout the game that helps the Bengals sustained and extend long drives, you just can't diminish that. What about the psychological impact did that facemask on Crowder, or the helmet to helmet on DJax, had on our players since everyone saw it, but the ref (who was close to it). That was basically saying our O, you should worry guys, we're gonna give them a free pass to play dirty and nasty against you. And at the same time, you're sending a signal to Norman, don't put your hand anywhere near someone else's neck. Take a look back at the penalty on that hit on Crowder after he signaled fair catch. It took nearly 5 seconds for the Ref to drawn the flag. Crowder was jumping like crazy for him to flag the play... That's a bad signal send to our team. You just can't deny that psychological effect on our team, or you obviously have never played any sport where there is a ref. I'll say it again, as a Coach, I would have done a Sean Payton at half-time and tell my guys to go for the head, and hit them hard. Don't care if they get penalties out of it, Refs are calling a crappy game, at least I would know why they are throwing flags. Drag down WR that is running free, and completly ****ed up the game for the second half. Have Kirk Cousins take a knee on every ****ing play. Have our D line up in two rows and applauds opposing RBs running through them. Have our ST allows Safety on every KR. Have them score 200 points or something, completly ****ing up the stats in an international game in front of national audience. Sure NFL will love that, the opposing team will feel embarassed, refs will be embarassed as well, stadium will be empty in less than 10 minutes. Then, go out on the press, and explain, that well, considering how your guys weren't protected by officials, how calls where one sided, and so on... You would force the NFL to work on it. And if it's not enough, do it once again. Somehow, somewhere, someone else in the league will do alike if the reffing is still crappy. I'm not even talking about missed calls, or whatever, I'm talking about blatlantly ignoring players security and go havoc on a player, that is not known as a vicious guy getting flags for things that happen every week from every DB in this league.
  21. As a coach I wouldn't say anything to Norman regarding this. As long as the facemask on Crowder's not a facemask, I would rather **** the Ref to see what Norman is doing as a penalty. Heck after the helmet to helmet on DJax I would even tell my D players to hit in the head, since it's not a penalty anymore. That's the way to make sure the NFL understands it and address it. There's no gimme kick in the NFL. But you do know that if Mike Nugent makes the PAT we lose? And do you know that the Bengals had 8 first downs on Penalties? Out of them they score 14 points by having drives extended on more than questionable calls? If they calls it fair and square game never ends in a tie, mostly, and we probably win it. It's as simple as that.
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