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Everything posted by stoshuaj

  1. After watching this ****show, where the hell are you all seeing 4 or 5 more wins? They got their asses packed by the Bears and beat by the ****ty ass Giants. The Patriots competed favorably against and beat the Bills who stole their lunch money. Maybe, maybe they’ll eke out win vs Giants part 2 and perhaps the ‘boys but other then that? You really think Coach’s magic pixie dust is working with the heaping pile of dung? **edit** to stay on topic, give me Andrew ****ing Luck. HS football season is damn near over so he’s available. And he at least should know as well as anyone that it’s kind of important to protect the QB
  2. The refs, boooooo We don’t need no stinking offense, defense or special teams. It’s the refs I tells ya
  3. Welcome aboard the EB sucks bus fellas. KB and I have been saving seats for you since August but it’s all good. Don’t mind that body bag that we keep rolling over, that’s just putting EB’s ol’ scheme-a-roo out of its misery.
  4. Welcome aboard the EB sucks bus fellas. KB and I have been saving seats for you since August but it’s all good. Don’t mind that body bag that we keep rolling over, that’s just putting EB’s ol’ scheme-a-roo out of its misery.
  5. I hate popcorn flavored jelly beans. If I wanted ****ing popcorn, I would have made popcorn. I just want jelly bean flavored jelly beans damnit
  6. Daboll looks like a sniper that just filleted a scalp. Rivera looks like the scalp
  7. 1st touchdown in a month! 1st 1st half TD of the year! 1st TD at home! we’re the gift that keeps on giving! Yeah, us
  8. Wait a minute, the refs don’t need to cheat. They’re kicking our ass. remember boys: schemity scheme schem-a-roo. This is what you crowed about all August. EB for President! Woo
  9. Boooo me, I’m late. Have we had the requisite “the refs stink and/or they are cheeeeeting” yet? If not, boooooo, these refs stink and are cheeeeeting!
  10. Fornicate Florida St and they can take that stupid ass chop and shove a spear up their ass with it. That is all Signed, not a Duke fan, other than today
  11. and throw away the kale the bun and that stupid ass sauce crap that they always want to ruin it with
  12. As long as he gets to play Falcons/Ridder every week
  13. That would be what lousy QB play looks like gentlemen
  14. yep, not enough self awareness to realize if there is a problem, he’s it. go fishing if it’s that bad to you
  15. That’s the answer. A billion dollar industry and because you don’t like it…… 🤦‍♂️
  16. Forearm to the head of qb? Yep, they’re going to call it. Shouldn’t be a shock
  17. Uh oh, Sam better put on body armor. Since they’re behind it will be all pass all the time
  18. I already did the requisite ref whine thing for the group earlier. He’s seen this secondary in action and he knew a 3rd and 16 would actually benefit the Falcons so he held the flag
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