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Everything posted by DCranon21

  1. They're all losing it. Here is part of Sean's tweet storm, and why in the hell are they bringing Hillary back into this...
  2. http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/341174-graham-unloads-on-trump-blind-spot-on-russia-undermining-his-entire
  3. So have the Trumpets received their marching orders yet for Press Security Hanitty err l mean Spicer or whoever is spewing the propaganda on this? I mean there has to be an explanation to this right?
  4. My god, did he even read the CBO report/score on this and still tweeting out a lie? This is dangerous.
  5. After reading some of the replies about this investigation, my conclusion is that Trump supports wants to take us through this endless path that looks like this No end in sight with some of their logic lol
  6. Good read from the Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/world/national-security/obama-putin-election-hacking/?utm_term=.2076b4c7b026
  7. And this cop walked...I guess just being black and complying with the law is harmful to our health now. Unbelievable at that dash cam footage and his statement.
  8. So what the **** we supposed to do now, bring our own ****in camera crew around us 24/7. If you can't see how this guy wasn't charged then I don't ****in know. I'm pissed about this.
  9. So Sessions just told Manchin he won't go in a closed door session. Awesome...
  10. Then he's going to do it. He's not going to listen to anyone. We are headed for a constitutional crisis.
  11. If he fires Mueller, all hell will break loose. So now if this happens, how fast will the hearings happen? This is going past Nixon and Watergate.
  12. She's so lost. Does she understand if that happens, will cause an unrest in this country. Some folks on both sides need not to say anything most of the times. Rhetoric with a following is very dangerous.
  13. Stop spewing crap like this, because the sheep will follow. Exhibit A and I didn't know Chuck was a wing nut https://mobile.twitter.com/chuckwoolery/status/869284650665037824
  14. @visionary but of course Fox won't even touch this news. This is some damning news right here.
  15. Ok I will say this. If any regular person lies on their SF-86 and did not disclose that possess a security clearance, they would be promptly escorted out of the building and or arrested. This is perjury to the highest degree. He needs to be arrested.
  16. I enjoyed it. Thought it was good for the 2 hours. Not sure what the die hards were looking for. Ridley did a nice job tying in Prometheus and Alien together. I won't spoil it for anyone else that didn't see it yet.
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