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Master Blaster

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Everything posted by Master Blaster

  1. i'll cry a little if the Redskins miss out on Young. Manly tears though.
  2. If they take Young at #1, about five teams are going to be calling the Redskins trying to trade up. It's a win/win situation.
  3. I'm big on Littleton in FA. I think he should be the #1 priority on defense.
  4. Although quoted it wasn’t directly at you. You are not the first on this board to write this but it never happened. Young made the smart choice of saying he was undecided while preparing for the game.
  5. It’s amazing how quickly the narrative changes. Young had one quote that said he hadn’t decided on what he was doing next year (which was given while preparing for Clemson), and even backtracked on that statement. It has now morphed on this board to him saying he was going back to OSU.
  6. What I find interesting watching Sweat play was he was generally lined up as a 6-technique, which limited his athletic upside. He should be in a 9-technique much more with the Redskins which should allow him to utilize his speed and athleticism more.
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