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Everything posted by JSSkinz

  1. Its amazing we were in this game as poor as we played, hopefully we remember how to play basketball again before game 5.
  2. The loss doesn't bother me but getting our ass handed to us does, we didn't take it to the Hawks at the VC like they are today. Morris has no emotion at all. Bogdanovic is a shooter who can't shoot and its been that way for weeks. Why is Schroder (AKA Pookie) unstoppable. Where the hell is our defense.
  3. Reading those last tweets, this is not about ripping the Freedom Caucus for not passing a ****ty bill, its about the FC not having a solution and presenting their own option. They want to sit back and have the work done for them while they shove food down their face and take naps. Congress is a joke, most wouldn't make it in today's corporate America, businesses don't wait to resolve a problem because their prosperity depends on problem-solving. These idiots in Congress have no sense of urgency.
  4. Impressive win, to hold that 10 point lead for what seemed like the entire game was a statement, hopefully we use this to get back on track for the playoffs. I'm hoping Bogo's injury is just a day to day thing.
  5. I don't think the Freedom Caucus will ever be happy, the teabaggers are never going to be ok with subsidies and entitlements so at this point everyone should act as if they don't exist and find your votes elsewhere. Did anyone get a chance to see these bums in the board room during the Healthcare negotiation, they were all shoving food down their face looking like they were ready for their Thanksgiving nap. While this was going on Paul was handing out copies of "Art of the Deal" to each of them. I was hoping this was a Sat Night Live skit but that wasn't the case.
  6. Its all good, just wanted to point what happens in the real world when you get one of these diseases, because we have proprietary medicines they will never be covered by health insurance no matter how great of a plan you have. You would think after paying that I could at least spell the name of the medicine correctly. Its Neulasta not the other thing I posted.
  7. I paid $6000 for a Neulasta shot last week, bite on that for a bit.
  8. I said in here a while back I didn't believe Obamacare would ever be repealed because Republicans dont have the balls to remove something that in general is pretty good. What worries me is that I think the bill is an open beta and needs fine tuning. We have one option here in Florida, that option is good but if it goes away we're screwed, then you have rising costs and other items that worry someone who pays for their own health insurance. I truly believe Healthcare is a Democratic bill, I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started working with the left, its the only way this thing gets done correctly.
  9. No, it's just easy to exploit people on both sides, I have watched demonstrators asked specific basic political questions while rallying and they don't even know what that are protesting about, they don't know names of politicians, they don't even know the difference in the house and the Senate. I replied because it's a typical post by you, just a pile on without any real value.
  10. If you think dummies on the right are the only dummies who are confused by the actual name and slang name you're fooling yourself. Dumb is everywhere and doesn't discriminate.
  11. What pisses me off is if you don't like the bill then write one that fits your constituents, don't just sit there and do nothing. The bill may be a large terd but there are no excuses for that when you have had time to provide your own bill which you can sign with peace of mind. But we have 1 bill that everyone hates, great job. The Republicans are in charge and if they miss on this they have failed miserably and they deserve to lose their jobs. You don't get to play it safe by just sitting on your ass, I hope Trump goes on a 10 hour Twitter tirade and throws every one of them under the bus. The last thing is if conservative principles are keeping this bill from being "good" then Trump needs to break away and exploit those who are holding up progress. Move to the middle and restructure Obamacare and forget about the Freedom Caucus and the rest of the dinosaurs, he never really was a Republican so I think you pull in Democrats along with moderate Republicans to rewrite Obamacare. Bottom line, Pual Ryan is worthless and so are most of the Republicans when it comes to healthcare.
  12. I would be embarrassed if I were a Republican in the House and in 7 years I couldn't come up with a comprehensive healthcare bill. Congress makes the laws not the President so the fact these guys and gals stand around waiting for things to happen instead of being problem solvers shows they really don't give a **** about helping people they just want to play it safe so they can keep their job. Good luck next election dumbasses.
  13. Why would congress be involved, it's full of idiots on both sides with agenda's, let our intelligence agencies do the work. It's hard for me to believe our intelligence agencies aren't aware of everything that has been said, the fact they aren't releasing incriminating data tells me there is none. Maybe that changes but I'm glad Sessions recused himself, that way the left can **** about something else for the next few weeks and they have no more excuses on an unfair investigation. You never answered my prior question, hows that 401k doing?
  14. I feel bad for the Dems because they aren't doing anything except for ranting about Russia, they better hope they find something on Trump because if they don't the left media and the Dems will suffer even worse than they are suffering now. They're all in on this and it will have repercussions come the next election. The clock is ticking, shows us something of real substance or shut the **** up!
  15. As long as they don't pick through and only answer the easy questions, also the rest of the crowd needs to shut up so there can be a dialogue between the person asking and answering the question. I guess I would like to see them more like the Bernie town hall on MSNBC a few weeks ago.
  16. I love these town halls and hope we continue to see them but the structure is a mess, if you're looking for hour long shouting matches where nothing gets answered then keep them the way they are, otherwise give them some structure so you can get through as many questions as possible.
  17. I agree, look I like some of the republican policies but I would sign off on getting Trump out today, he's too much of a pain in the ass. By the way, I know on election night you were pretty down about your 401k, hows it doing now?
  18. Nobody has any evidence so you know the answer to your question. Trump knows why the talking heads on the left want a deep investigation, its so they can find dirt on him. If that's not the case then why do they need an investigation?
  19. Peter the people that live there and in the battleground states are the ones complaining, I can't speak for them because I live in the city and quite frankly my life is good.
  20. LOL, touche. But we both know what it is we are "refraining" from discussing.
  21. The Leaks are real = Flynn did what he did. The news is fake = There is not a conspiracy between Trump and his campaign where they corroborated with Russia. Its not that hard to read between the lines on this one. But we've had a Democratic President in office for 8 years and things are not getting better for that demographic, so what you're saying is either bull**** or the Dems suck at doing what they say they can do.
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