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Darc Requiem

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Everything posted by Darc Requiem

  1. Don't want to jump the gun, but we may have winning team pro football team in DC.
  2. No one wanted to give Snyder any money last year. Tickets were absurdly cheap. I passed up on two chances to go Skins games last year.
  3. So what you are telling us is that we are gonna see a lot of fumbles this weekend.
  4. It won't. The XFL doesn't want overtime. The rules are set up to make it incredibly unlikely that the game will end in a tie score.
  5. They have to cut the constant interviews. It's my biggest issue with the presentation thus far.
  6. Yeah, I was wondering the same thing when I heard that was going to be a rule. Even if they don't listen in, they are going to have to change their calls every week.
  7. Eli isn't a Hall of Famer. He'll get in but two Super Bowl rings don't make you a Hall of Famer. Eli was an above average starter for most of his career with so so accuracy and a not great TD to INT ratio. He is a modern version of Jim Plunkett.
  8. Well.....not the way I wanted things to end, but for the first time in along time. I feel we are actually building something. HTTR

  9. My grandma's a Saints fan, thankfully she's still going to let me in her house after today.

  10. Tate has to be happy. I don't see her beating Holm either. Tate's striking is terrible. She wins her fights through toughness. She'll get pummeled by Holm.
  11. Holly came over to check over her and she was still delirious. She got KTFO'd.
  12. They might want to update the cover of the UFC game over at EA.
  13. Yeah that was nasty. Dude curled up in the fetal position as soon as the ref stopped it.
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