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Rex Tomb

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Everything posted by Rex Tomb

  1. In two seasons, Davey took a team that went to the playoffs four years in a row and made then a .500 team. 10 years ago, that would have been amazing. Now, the expectations are so much higher. The Lerners ****ed up
  2. So far this season, Brian Dozier has been very lackluster considering he was one of our big FA acquisitions
  3. Wow... so far the home plate umpire is giving the Marlins a ball off the plate or out of the strike zone.
  4. The unfortunate thing is I was actually intrigued by the topic; I thought it might actually be a though provoking discussion. But, instead, it turned into an anti-white, anti-Christian tirade. And, in the words of every offended lefty out there: "did you just assume my gender"?
  5. Yeah, this type of "discussion" is exactly why I don't even bother with the political discussions in the Tailgate. This is the lefties preaching to the proverbial choir. Get out of your echo chamber. The fact that you guys point out the splinters the Republican party, but don't see the plank in your own regarding things like racism is pretty telling. And, I'm sorry, but "White Christians" aren't out there doing things like stoning people for their sexual orientation, but you don't want to bring up Sharia law or the extremists in the Muslim faith. Instead, you'd rather go after someone for refusing to bake a cake... give me a break. (edit) And I can tell by the reaction I just received that you just don't get it.
  6. Especially once Bryce hits June. That BA will come crashing back down to earth real soon - we saw it here for years.
  7. OMG isn't that the truth! 🤣 Marlins park is as absolute joke.
  8. I'm looking forward to seeing the Bryce meltdown in June-September
  9. This may not be a good season to be a Nats fan - I object to Davey being brought back. He coaches with no fire and his players take his lead (kinda like Jay Gruden :()
  10. I worry that the nats just aren't going to do anything offensively this season. Their plate approach is absolute garbage so far and there are some killer defensive lapses going on early. Bringing back Davey was a huge mistake. The guy is in over his head.
  11. There are some supremely pissed off fans at this game. Good... let Harper have it. #BryceArnold
  12. To be fair, I just called him a fanboy... stayed away from any closet remarks.

  13. Why Byron Marshall - Kapri Bibbs has shown just as much of not more. Short sighted move imo.
  14. Add to that - Atlanta ran those against us ad nauseum, and they were not called on them until the 4th quarter, when the game was already out of hand. All of their big plays came on clear and obvious pick plays.
  15. Any word on Trey Quinn or Cam Sims? I know they were both designated for IR but with the chance to return. Haven't heard anything about them in a long time (I actually forgot they were on the team )
  16. Agreed... for a guy that made little difference last year, Jay sure seems to be giving Quick an awful lot of praise. My hope is that it's coach speak and he already knows Sims is the player with way higher upside.
  17. I noticed that... but then I also noticed his short memory as he made some phenomenal plays in later opportunities. You can't coach that gritty determination to show out after a big mistake. I think that's an incredible intangible skill for a wide receiver. If we do streak him on the practice squad, count on him being nabbed quickly.
  18. Sorry Burgold, there is nothing wrong with wanting secure borders. It does not make one a crotchety old man. I'm so sick of that argument, as well as the "racist" label just because people want others to follow the law. If you were to go to another country without documentation and expected to stay, you would be detained and sent right back home. Forgive the rant I've just been stewing over this for a while.
  19. that might be the worst highlight reel music I've ever heard! What's the word on Hurst? I like his ball tracking abilities. Is he a day 2 pick?
  20. Isn't Goose Island a WI brewery? N/M - looks like their in Chicago.
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