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Rex Tomb

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Everything posted by Rex Tomb

  1. @SoCalSkins True or False - Haskins looked dramatically better and more competent in the games that KOC was the only play caller.
  2. So tell me this - what percentage of the play calling was KOC's alone between games 1-13? By many reported accounts, it was not much. For most of those games, it was Gruden and then Callahan making the decisions. KOC was an OC in name only. How does that make KOC a failure? When he had total control, we saw a much more productive offense that scored touchdowns and played to Haskins' strengths (i.e. taking snaps from the shotgun to allow him to survey the defense more quickly).
  3. And I'm not disputing that, it just seems that SoCal is so entrenched in his KOC is a failure mantra that he is truly making it out to be a fact. He's arguing in circles.
  4. "True knowledge is knowing the extent to which you know nothing." ~ Socrates You think you know all of these things for sure, and yet, you have really just made it all up in your head.
  5. LOL you are so stuck in your own argument that you can't see any others. There is no point in debating this with you any longer.
  6. So do you just hate KOC? Did he kick your dog or something? Let me see if I can list your arguments against him, as they have changed numerous times: 1. Hiring KOC would only be done because Haskins lobbied for it, which would undercut Rivera as the new HC. 2. Hiring KOC would only be done because Snyder wanted it done, which would undercut Rivera as the new HC. 3. KOC's brief stint as THE guy calling the plays (which has been widely reported as the last 3 games) was, in your words, an abysmal failure. Therefore, he is an abysmal failure that should not be given a shot because there is no way he can learn from mistakes. You saying all of this does not make it true, nor does it make it factual. Get out of your own head and try to see things from other people's perspectives. But, in the end, that doesn't quite fit your narrative.
  7. Dude, get some fresh air. Go outside and get some sunshine. I'm worried about you. You've been playing the "devil's advocate" card for 2 days repeating the same made up garbage. The fact is that Rivera is interviewing KOC, not just handing him the job. Your theories and prognostications are on the level of Chris Russell, one of the most negative radio personalities out there who is ALWAYS looking for some conspiracy theory. You're cluttering what should be meaningful conversation with the same talking points over and over just to try and win others to your agenda-driven side. Get over it. And get over yourself while you're at it.
  8. Don't try to reason with him. He has an agenda that he is going to
  9. Ahhh, I see what this is about. Your agenda is showing.
  10. So, let me get this straight. Kevin O'Connell has shown himself to be a very promising OC, is widely respected around the league, would get 5 or 6 offers within minutes of being let go, and you want to get rid of him simply because Haskins has openly stumped for his OC to be retained? Not sure if I agree with that strategy. I think you'd be letting someone very valuable to the organization go just to prove a point and hurting the organization in more than one way.
  11. Agreed - I'm pretty sure Rivera would have put Haskins in his place if that were the case. No more Camp Cupcake here. So, you're in Rivera's head? You know he's coddling Haskins? Is it possible that Rivera seems to know just how widely respected KOC is and he wants to make sure he gives him a shot at the job, while not just naming him OC (which would look like a Danny Boy move), and doesn't want to just clean house like he did with everyone else on the coaching staff. You seem to be making an awful lot of assumptions.
  12. I completely see where you're going, but I wouldn't want to stunt the growth of Haskins in his second year. There should be a huge transition from 1st to 2nd year for a QB and I worry about having another Jason Campbell - guy with a ton of arm talent, but then having to learn a new offense almost immediately after the first year.
  13. Not buying anymore Redskins merch until Bruce is gone.
  14. LOL... Feinstein's response is so defensive it's hilarious. At this point, what does Strasburg have to posture about (re: the shutdown and his decision to re-sign) since he already signed the contract.
  15. The crowd is so shaken... Yes! They're a spoiled bunch as it is.
  16. I really hope they don't do that... don't take out Corbin...
  17. Stop ****ing.... they got calls like that all night
  18. Thank you... never felt like that was properly explained.
  19. Unbelievable we don't get jack **** when it comes to corner calls
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