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Everything posted by NewCliche21

  1. Looking at that stat sheet is SO frustrating. We beat them in everything but the goddamn turnovers and scores.
  2. At least the game should be over by 4. Plenty of afternoon to drink this away.
  3. Wow, that was an amazing job. And Collins falling on his ass.
  4. JUST got off Daddy Duty. How's Haskins looking? Stat line seems crappy but I haven't been able to watch.
  5. You're not wrong. Your brain automatically corrects words it's familiar with, which is hwat maeks it posisble for you to raed tihs part of hte sentecn without much of a problem.
  6. I wasn't aware that they changed the names of the roads, good on them. That last part I put in red, can anyone translate? I've re-read it over and over and don't get it unless he meant to say "say he had just started reaching his potential that season" or something like that.
  7. A very quick hot take from in between sessions: Looks like a bunch of scumbags, to put it as lightly as possible, but I feel like this doesn't force Dan's hand. We got that sweet spot of super-****ty things done by our team AND no change to go along with it. So Former Redskins.
  8. I, without any qualification or expertise, doubt that the NFL would block the richest man in the world from making them richer.
  9. Seems like the Post is the shark and the rest of the Interwebz are the remora. The shark has the story and everyone else is just swimming along scarfing down whatever scraps may escape. I don't think anyone has anything except the Post at this point.
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