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Posts posted by FrFan

  1. 13 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:


    Prevention is the key, action instead of reaction. They were ready for it, we were not.

    This large battery of tests has allowed the German health authorities to "carefully examine the beginnings of the epidemic", in order to limit its spread, according to Lothar H. Wieler.


    Swiss pharma provides free chloroquine

    The giant Novartis and the company Mepha Switzerland are donating tens of thousands of doses of the antimalarial to Swiss authorities and hospitals across the country.
  2. This is an inteview of Prof. Raoult, it tells about his personality.

    Didier Raoult, the professor at war against academically correct

    04/05/2020 à 08:00
    "The doctor can and must think like a doctor, and not like a methodologist" , he defends himself in a forum in Le Monde . How could he conduct double-blind studies (neither the doctor nor the patient knows who is receiving the treatment), leaving it to chance to decide who will be treated and who will receive a placebo, when the coronavirus does every day that passes more demonstration of its lethality? For this doctor with the soul of a researcher, this equation is impossible to solve, except to betray his Hippocratic oath

    "As doctors, it is our duty to give patients the best treatment available at time T. The rest is literature."


    I was wondering why he didn't perform double blind tests, here is his answer :

    "The fact that people believe that the method they report is a method suited to this situation testifies to the fact that they have absolutely no knowledge of the history of medicine and the sciences," he said. 'based on his historical knowledge.

    I am an epistemologist, that is to say a scientist of science. In the history of infectious diseases, this method has hardly ever been used to demonstrate the effectiveness of a drug. " Scientific studies, which use control groups of several hundred people, are only a "trend" for him. "The big studies were made necessary by the pharmaceutical industry, and everyone ended up mistaking this method for science." Link    4/1/2020 at 2:55 PM


    How come nobody (to my knowledge) is conducting a randomized test with placebo using his method and dosage ? People need to know if HCQ really helps.

  3. 2 hours ago, Wildbunny said:

    You'd better not have that. You'd have people going to the streets saying they passed the test while never doing it. Not a good thing at all.

    I would add that some people will not perform the test properly, testing themselves too soon for example. Our governments and manufacturers must be careful dispatching the proper informations.

    ID NOW™ COVID-19 Molecular. In minutes. On the front line

    Here is another one https://ngbiotech.com/

    How will the test be available ?
    Right now, we have to deal with the emergency. The priority is to put this type of test in the hands of the medical care staff in hospitals. We can also imagine its deployment, in a second step, in the laboratories. How about a consumer test in the future? But this is not the primary objective. It would be difficult to follow in terms of production. Link

    • Like 1
  4. 23 minutes ago, Califan007 said:


    Someone posted this on that thread...it's apparently not a video of what's happening now (although I have no idea if it IS still happening):


    The professor was wrong though, my bad I thought it was recent.

    Unfortunately It seems that it is still hapening : https://time.com/5815036/pakistan-mosques-death-toll-coronavirus/


    Meanwhile the Gulf countries have taken drastic measures., people are required to avoid gatherings at the mosque, especially during the Friday big prayer.


    • Like 1
  5. 5e7cfc48671de02f0b192e64

    The map above is based on an analysis by Unacast, a location data and analytics firm based in New York. It calculated changes in the average distance traveled by residents before and after the coronavirus outbreak grew in the US, using aggregated data from tens of millions of anonymous mobile phones whose users had opted in to location sharing.

  6. 3 hours ago, PeterMP said:


    Viral load is poorly associated with extent of disease for most of these types of viruses and that appears to be the case here.

    Raoult and professor Perronne (famous virologist specialized in Infectious, parasitic and tropical diseases ) think otherwise, a study was conducted saying in case of a strong viral load, the presence of the virus also remained longer in the body. The presence of the virus would be more around 20 than 14 days, similar to SARS in 2003. In another study of about 100 patients in China, doctors also reported some success in using the drug duo to reduce the viral load in patients.

    The link to the chinese study I posted says " But for TTCR, the body temperature recovery time and the cough remission time were significantly shortened in the HCQ treatment group "


    Christian Perronne: "The shootout received by Didier Raoult is also linked to quarrels of egos"

    As for the european "Discovery" test, it does not take into account Professor Raoult's protocol (hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as soon as the first symptoms appear), but only hydroxychloroquine, and this in cases in situations of aggravated pathologies. For this, this test demonstrates an absence of ethics. They are told that they will be drawn, and possibly not treated, while knowing very well the high mortality figures for this disease.


    How are you going to debunk Raoult's claims when you're not using his protocol ?


    None of these countries are using the same dosage or combo

  7. 1 hour ago, No Excuses said:

    The fixation on chloroquine is bizarre when there are many other promising anti-virals.


    Favipiravir versus Arbidol for COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Trial

    The most frequently observed treatment-associated adverse events were abnormal LFT, psychiatric symptom reactions, digestive tract reactions and raised serum uric acid (3 [2.50%] in arbidol group vs 16 [13.79%] in favipiravir group. favipiravir can be considered as a preferred treatment compared to arbidol because of superior clinical recovery rate of day 7 and more effectively reduced incidence of fever, cough besides some manageable antiviral-associated adverse effects.


    Two Phase III trials to study remdesivir in COVID-19 patients initiated


    Efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in patients with COVID-19: results of a randomized clinical trial

    Among patients with COVID-19, the use of HCQ could significantly shorten TTCR and promote the absorption of pneumonia.


    I'm no physician but I tend to believe that HCQ is not the cure but it helps at early stages to reduce the viral load.


    • Like 1
  8. 16 minutes ago, tshile said:

    there is at least one doctor in Italy claiming this was first seen in Italy in November. 

    I expected that piece of information to take off but it never did. 

    would fit with what you’re saying

    Professor Giuseppe Remuzzi. He said he had observed very strange and very serious pneumonia, especially among elderly people already in December and even in November.

    Milan professor says he is 'CERTAIN' that coronavirus emerged in Wuhan first after Chinese state media linked the origin of the pandemic to Italy


  9. 13 minutes ago, redskins59 said:

    I think it mentions in the article above that it was the same dosage.  The study should be interesting when they publish it.  I also posted anothet one above where supposedly the drugs are ineffective in severe cases.

     For now, “we have more studies showing it doesn’t work than studies showing it does,” Caumes said.

    This is absolutely wrong since no state of the art clinical trial have proven that it works or not. All these studies trying to prove it works or not are irrelevant because they lack randomized double blind testings or like one chinese study was conducted on too few patients (30). Raoult was clear from the get go he said "It doesn't work in severe cases".

    Why did they waited so long to conduct a state of the art trial ?

    The only thing I beleieve is that we're going to beat it !!! Until then stay safe. 🙏

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