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Everything posted by Riggo'sRangers

  1. This game was exhibit A for the conspiracy thoughts. I cannot fathom the ineptitude of the officials. At some point it occurred to me; this is not merely ineptitude. I absolutely KNEW there would be a drive changing call, against the Redskins, on the last drive. When they called Garcon for the invisible offensive pass interference call, I understood. It is amazing. It is also very tiresome. At least make it look like you are not controlling outcomes. It did not end how the NFL wanted, but close enough. Pathetic and sad. Hail to the mighty NFL.
  2. Very frustrating day of choppy Redskins football and links. I never saw a single play in it's completetion. Damn it. Thanks for everyone's efforts. Hail
  3. Thank you FS#21 as always. You are awesome. Hail!!!!
  4. Why does Chaz Green get to move early over, and over, and over, and over again? Not one damn call on an obvious penalty, over, and over, and over, and over. Just amazing. Only the Cowboys. I detest them and their preferential treatment. At least make it look like you are not treating them "special". Just flabbergasting. Hail
  5. How many times can Chaz Green move early and not be called? I've personally seen 4. Just unreal.
  6. Per Bill Barnwell, ESPN Staff writer the Redskins have a 1.6% chance of winning the Superbowl. The Cowboys are twice as likely (-.001) at 3.1%. The media infatuation is all about clicks & popularity I know. Regardless, I loathe them beyond reason. I will be rooting for the Giants Sunday....I root for anyone that plays against them. From owner, to coach, to players, to ignorant unknowledgeable fans, to underserved media attention, there is not a single redeeming trait to be found.
  7. Yours is working great. Morrison J always delivers as well. Between you two, we are in good hands. Much appreciated by all. Hail!
  8. Worst night for online sites that can ever remember. I give up. Hail.
  9. Stream is great but no sound. Maybe I should be thankful. Hail
  10. Welp, might as well dust off this thread about now. Hail brothers & sisters....FOOTBALL TIME!!!!
  11. They better hope they can keep the ball and keep their D of the field as they propose. Their D is not good and they did basically nothing to upgrade it. They are an out of balance team. They could well pick top 5 again next year. Bad decisions, and salary cap strapped. They draft on "hope"; that's a poor way to do business. It may well get a lot worse before it gets better. Bad management all the way around. Breaks my heart, really. Hail
  12. Anybody else found a good stream? I've missed (literally) every significant play. Going nuts here in Texas. Hail!
  13. I need this yet again. Thanks Skinsmarydu! Hail!!!
  14. Bump; for all of us unfortunate fans today. HTTR
  15. Nice. Thank you! Hail. Lets kick the Goats ass. I despise them.....
  16. Morrison's link has always rocked (brief outage last week) and is HD. Hail.
  17. Link is perfect and going right into pregame....you rock JMorrison. Hail
  18. Morrisons old HD link is perfect, so far. Almost no popups (none?) and HD. It's sweeeeet. I just hope it does not change come game time. Pregame is perfection. http://zunox.hk/zunox2.html
  19. Your old HD link has pulled up, and although only pregame, looks OUTSTANDING and appears to be HD. No breaks or anything....perfect. I hope it remains so. Thanks Morrison! Hail.
  20. Earlier this week they had the game on TV here in DFW. That has changed as of this morning. Crap. Any ideas or links appreciated.
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