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Everything posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. Nobody said hockey is easy, it's not. However, it is not more physically demanding that sports that require running and jumping. In fact, take out the rough stuff (cross-checking, boarding, fighting, etc) and hockey would probably slot in right under field hockey in terms of wear and tear. Beach Volleyball produces greater wear-and-tear on the human body than Hockey. Gordie Howe played in all 80 games in 1980 as a 52 year old.
  2. Nobody said hockey is easy, it's not. However, it is not more physically demanding that sports that require running and jumping. In fact, take out the rough stuff (cross-checking, boarding, fighting, etc) and hockey would probably slot in right under field hockey in terms of wear and tear.
  3. False. 90% of skating is gliding. Far, far easier on the knees and ankles than jumping/landing 200 times a game.
  4. Correct. MLK won a few small victories that are in the process of being erased on a daily basis. Then he got shot in the chest.
  5. Denial. Some are loathe to imagine themselves allied with antifa...and I totally understand that. They really, really hope this will all just go away if they ignore it. It's human nature. They'll procrastinate on making the hard decision until they absolutely have to. They'll come around, though. These Nazis aren't going anywhere with Trump in office.
  6. Your advice to others regarding Nazi rallies was to "not be there". Glad to see you taking your own advice.
  7. Two points: In the absence of the antifa presence, all those baptist preachers are gonna get the **** beat out of em. A policy of ignore/do not engage regarding Nazis is indefensible.
  8. Molly Hatchet would actually be far more appropriate. Picture this shot immortalized in bronze...**** YEAH!!!
  9. Beat me to it. How much more galvanized can they get?!?
  10. Stealing someone's(Destino?) idea...Replace all Confed statues with state-specific statues of WW2/Civil Rights heroes.
  11. Just a process of growth and maturity. Coming up in central VA in the late 70s/80s, you are definitely taught a very glossy version of "The War Between The States". As as adult, if you're fortunate enough to be exposed to people and knowledge from varied backgrounds, you naturally shift into a more informed and refined position. Thats what supposed to happen, anyway. Some folks lack the depth to pull it off, I imagine.
  12. Wiz at Heat Saturday March 10. I like the sound of that. Whos coming with me?
  13. Might not be a fair question, but it's a massive thread hijack.
  14. For the record: I have met RR88. At a bar downtown (Mulligans?) several years ago, we had a couple beers and watched a preseason game with a few other forum folk...maybe 2008/09 or so. He was a friendly and engaging young man and a huge Redskins fan. I enjoyed meeting him. But such is the power of propaganda...an otherwise perfectly reasonable person feels compelled to regurgitate blatant fallacies regarding the "kindness of slave-owners" and the dignity of the Confederacy. Dead bodies and broken bones all over downtown CVille and not a peep from him. One guy gets 4 stitches and he's rolling in here to whitewash the whole civil war for us. Its absolutely ****ing mind-boggling.
  15. Nobody cares who you date, bro. Get a grip on yourself and quit spouting crap like "Lee was nice to his slaves". You sound absolutely ridiculous. Your friends deserve better. I'm sure they've been hoping that the light goes on for you for some time now. Maybe this reality check today will help. Youre welcome.
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