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Everything posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. The overdose capital of Florida! And that's really saying something. http://www.bradenton.com/news/local/heroin-epidemic/article121725633.html
  2. Geez, this Alien:Covenant movie is freaking corny as hell. It's even worse than I'd imagined.
  3. Poor Bradenton. Their beloved pro-treason/pro-slavery, 5 ft tall black obelisk was really the only thing that swamphole had going for it. Mojo to the residents.
  4. Back home from 12 hours of travel and I'm just getting my head around this trade. And it feels like Boston got fleeced.
  5. Shuffling the deck chairs in preparation for the imminent Wizards takeover of the East.
  6. If you asked central casting to find a guy to play a mid-20s, Pepe-memeing, edgelord, "free speech" activist...
  7. There is literally no substitute for having quality legal counsel.
  8. The East will belong to John Wall. This has all been seen.
  9. All of my Trump friends are too busy fighting to save us from the Antifa and the Deep State to hang out these days. Sad.
  10. "These days, you can't see who's in cahoots. Cause now the KKK wears three-piece suits." ~ Chuck D 1991
  11. Paraphrasing Gin and Tacos: Trump needs to be asked by the media to clarify his remarks on Charlottesville on a daily basis for as long as this lasts. He will gladly tie the noose right around his neck.
  12. This dude is trying to get impeached. He's in way over his head. Rise up GOP! Make us proud.
  13. Did he really do the "Jefferson had slaves too" thing?
  14. Nope. I chill in Moms basement and crush Hot Pockets.
  15. The TV ratings for the 1936 Olympics were huge. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1936_in_television #firestruthcannon
  16. Its almost as if hockey guys are insecure about their sport. Every time some Czech dude skates out there with a bloody nose, it's national news. Give us a break already.
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