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Everything posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. Chiefs -5 and the under Rams hang a 40burger on dem boyz
  2. If Sato is gonna drop triple doubles now and then, I’m down for a playoff push.
  3. Diverting disaster funds from Texas and Florida sounds like a great re-election plan!
  4. I could end the overcrowding at the local animal shelters by adopting 100 stray Pit Bulls into my house and moving myself into a nearby cave. I have the authority.
  5. There will never be a wall and nobody on the right really cares. It is nothing more than a campaign catchphrase/boondoggle, then and now. A shiny distraction created by morons, for morons. Soon the narrative will shift to the next shiny object replete with faux outrage and disingenuous fear-mongering...with ever diminishing results. From the herd we will hear the bleating, “both sides, both sides...”
  6. I’m very disappointed that a Trump didn’t show us a giant bag of crack tonight.* *You younger folks may not get this.
  7. The “something” that happened was a corrupt, reality TV douchebag trashing the entirety of the GOP primary field with catch phrases and dick jokes. Not sure how you missed that.
  8. Remember, when you hear “border” we’re talking about airports and shipping ports. What’s trickling across the Mexican border is mostly refugees and cheap labor...cheap labor that’s highly coveted by American businesses.
  9. Colts on the m/l Cowboys Ravens Bears
  10. Random caps lock and smileys? This is a performative art piece, right? An Andy Kaufman/kayfabe type of thing?
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