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Everything posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. Stafford is reliably lively in the 4th quarter. I see a backdoor cover.
  2. I mean, I get it...and it’s probably gonna happen at some point. Just seems a bit early to toss dirt on the Holtbeast.
  3. Y’all need to quit slurping the Evil Empire and focus on Game 3.
  4. Extend Dak and Garrett immediately.
  5. Been a little sketchy this weekend. Maybe Astros on the run line and the over can save me.
  6. Skins -4 Eagles +160 Saints +130
  7. I thought we talked about this whole Browns thing?
  8. Seahawks are not at all a top defense and both teams are flaky...I’m avoiding that game. Kamara will play. Saints are prolly the smart money.
  9. Because three of their wins are by 2 points or less.
  10. Dont sweat it bruh. Skins -4 tomorrow gonna make everything alright...
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