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Everything posted by Passizle

  1. Cant help but fell like I jinxed this team by saying the D was good... WTF?!?!?!?! Need a big play here.
  2. Inman getting snatched up on waivers for all the 0-3 FF teams next week.
  3. Nice play, Haskins... went through his reads, and stuck that ball on a rope.
  4. Missing AP here... would be nice to have his leadership in the LR.
  5. I hate that revers there... dont have a run game going yet.
  6. At least the D is good. I truly feel is CY was in there, this game would not look like it does now.
  7. I don't disagree on Haskins, though I'll give him a full year... how is the missed XP relate?
  8. This is going to be the new "Jason Campbell" debate. Though, we DO have to give him some time... This year shouod who what he has. Our O line is terribad.
  9. Nice way to cap the half... no urgency. NO instinct to try for at least a field goal. And s sloppy TO to end the half. That's the team I know. Good show!!!
  10. Really need to establish a run game before you try this tom foolery. I get the feeling Dan Snyder call the plays because no matter who our OC, it always the same vanilla crap. WTF?
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