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Posts posted by Zguy28

  1. 2 hours ago, Ray-Ban Dan said:

    My opinion of Kaepernick was formed, well before the flag controversy. Anyone employed by an NFL club that chooses to wear the hat of a different NFL club, is an idiot. Then there was the bicep thing. Then there was the wearing of the police pig socks. Then there was the Fidel Castro shirt.

    Catch my drift?

    Yeah, what the heck was up with him wearing a shirt with Fidel Castro on it? I heard that on radio the other day. I mean, talk about the poster child for oppressive government. You'd think that's the last type of person he'd like to be associated with.

  2. 1 hour ago, BenningRoadSkin said:


    This is the problem with many debates on here. You don't follow a conversation, you just jump in where you think the starting point is and respond from there.


    He said his mind was made up several times and even dismissed any scholarly work that was written, so why should I waste my time? Instead of looking at that, you looked at my post and think I was the one being dismissive for no reason.

    Au contraire. I read quite a bit of it. It made it look like you argue because you like to argue.

    • Like 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

    You wont, so why bother.

    Here is a better challenge, look it up yourself and prove us all wrong like you want.

    So, you're giving him a hard time about it, then when he says "Ok, send it my way and I'll give it a fair reading" you get dismissive. This seems either intentionally obtuse or just lazy. Weak.

    • Like 1
  4. Steppenwolf is a link to Darkseid.

    It can't be evil superman IMO. The whole purpose of his sacrifice was to complete the Jesus metaphor and be reborn as the savior that the world can now embrace

    I get that, but then we also have the Knightmare vision where Superman is under the control of Darkseid so....

  5. SO, who is the extraterrestial threat that Batman fears? Is it Brainiac or Darkseid? Or both?


    Personally, I think JL will be Brainiac and Darkseid will be in JL2. But what if "awakened" means evil Superman?


    Also read some stuff saying it would be Atlantis or Steppenwolf (who was in a deleted bonus scene of BvS)

  6. Haven't seen them but a quick Google search, it looks like cloud computing.

    Essentially a system with tons of data, storage capacity, and 'power' (processing and memory) that you access. Advantages would be having a lot of data to crunch, or a lot of power to do what you're doing.

    Sounds like a competitor to IBM's watson.

    I have little faith in HP anymore. I'm convinced they're run by people who get their knowledge from tech blogs. They have been a total mess for the last 6 years or so and it only seems to be getting worse.

    Shame because I like their hardware.

    Add NetApp to that same list. What a bunch of maroons.

    • Like 1
  7. Yeah but I think that's the point. You have to have done some of the work.

    I'm not disagreeing with you though. It's why we don't put much into certs here. I can tell way more about what you know with a few questions than what a bullet point that says you have a cert means.

    Also, in interviews, we found tons of people that understood best practices, but had no knowledge of what was going on 'under the hood'. Ie; they read a technet article on how to deploy it.

    Knowing the database and and log files for Exchange need to go on separate storage is great. Not understanding that is a critical issue for recovery, and that under the hood you're talking about being able to replay logfiles to recover from backups but also not miss data since the last backup, means someone can say they know exchange but not actually understand how it works.

    Which leads to people putting the logs on a partition and the database on another partition, on the same physical storage, and losing data when a disaster happens.

    It was funny doing interviews when someone said they knew a technology, asking them a basic question about what is going on underneath it, and getting blank stares...

    Its like talking storage and all they know is Terabytes. No understanding of why the performance sucks (IOPS) or of dedupe.

    • Like 1
  8. Uh...


    Guess I'm committing a felony now. Suppose I'll have to get my own bank login...

    The powershell questions seem intimidating at first but in my experience:

    10% can be ruled out simply by understanding when a comlet does and doesn't start with new, remove get, and set

    Another 60% can be removed by getting the suffix of the comlet right which just requires a little studying and practice, nothing serious.

    The remaining 30% have to deal with understanding what you're trying to do and fudging your way around the switches being used.

    Ie: with a little studying and understanding of powersgell you can guess your way through most of it without being really proficient in powershell.

    Also if you understand VMware well then hyper-v is cake.

    In the real world, Powershell isn't bad, on the test though, they want exact commands chosen from a list for how to add a vswitch or remove a vnic from a VM or how to enable SR IOV or to initiate or schedule an Azure Online Backup etc.


    Or multiple steps in Powershell for doing a complex task in hyper-v. Its not the concepts and things. For instance, a question may ask you how to create a new Desired State Configuration and presents you the choice between Start-DSCConfiguration or New-DSCConfiguration. The answer is Start. If you've never used it, intuition will get you nowhere.


    It just seems to me that for an Associate level cert, its extremely difficult and excessive in the memorization.

    • Like 2
  9. Work wants me to get MCSE in Exchange 2016. But first I have to take exam 70-417 to upgrade my MCITP 2008 to MCSA 2012 as prerequisite. Basically it condenses all three tests for 2012 into one, and eliminates any material that hasn't really changed since 2008. This leaves a heavy dosage of Hyper-V (we are solely a VMware shop), DirectAccess, Azure etc. And the questions are almost all in Powershell. I don't know who they get to write their questions, but I swear that person doesn't work in the real world. These questions are way too hard for an entry-level cert.


    By the way, Mindhub is selling booster packs of exam vouchers for $200 w/ 4 retakes. Offer expires Aug 31.

    • Like 1
  10. Vinegar based bbq sauce is the most popular in the Carolinas, but technically, all forms are present.  I prefer tomato based but do enjoy the vinegar based ones.  


    I used to be a NC vinegar man, and while I still love it, my favorite is now Carolina Gold mustard.

    • Like 1
  11. This case really isn't about abortion, although it came up in the abortion context.   It's more fundamentally about passing laws that claim to be for the purposes of X, while really intending the result of Y (and not hiding or justifying it well enough).  


    This was a really transparent and dishonest law, and the Court needs to remind legislatures every once in a while that they have the power to look behind the curtain and realistically examine a law's true purposes and real world effects, not just what the legislature claims the purposes are and effects will be.  

    I hear this, and it makes sense. Which is why I don't understand why they refused to even hear the case of the Washington law making it illegal for pharmacists to refer to other pharmacies for abortificents because they are Christian pro-life and it goes against their beliefs.


    • Like 1
  12. Certainly. So, I'm certain, would every other person.

    But it gets to be a bit fuzzier, when "it's a human life" IS one of the lies.

    That, and also a fundamental problem with people loudly asserting that they believe that their Cause is so Holy that it overrides all other morality. Historically, a really dangerous attitude.

    It is a dangerous attitude. Ask abolitionists who ran the underground railroad. And yes, I am comparing the two (and I'm sure Jumbo will be along to insult me again). :)

  13. Yeah, part of me simply suspects that the lesson that the anti abortion people will take from this is "if we want to accomplish our goal, we're going to have to lie more than we already are".

    Larry, would you lie to save a human life?  I'm not asking you to whether you believe a baby in the womb is a person, because I know the answer. Its more of a general question.

  14. My wife is an Icelandic citizen and my son is a HUGE soccer fan (and plays). Needless to say as I walked in yesterday all I heard was cheering and "Sorry babe that I haven't started dinner, Iceland's about to put the boot to England!!" :)

    • Like 5
  15. I made two whole chickens on my Weber yesterday. Got to try out my new ThermoPro TP08. Brined the chickens overnight and seasoned with Adobo under the skin before grilling. The meat was delicious. I must've done something wrong though because the skin ended up rubbery.

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