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Posts posted by moondog

  1. 26 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

    I hate talking about players based on what other people say, I like to make my own mind. So I just watched Wylie, 2 games, did it like I would a draft prospect.    I am an amatuer at it so anyone of course feel free to ignore.   I don't think O lineman are that hard to do basic evaluations, with the emphasis on the word basic -- because its not hard to see if they win or lose on a play.   Also easy to see how physical and athletic a player is or not. 



    So basically Cosmi is the guy we want to recover fumbles lol jk


    I highly doubt we keep Armah so I’m actually interested to see if we use Rodriguez at the goalline or situationally as a fullback. Hell, I wouldn’t mind us using Paul in those situations given his athleticism. Unfortunately with Cosmi as a guard we can’t really use him as an eligible cuz that would be a tell but would be exciting. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:


    I’ll post much more later. On the bus now headed back.


    O line didn’t look hot. They didn’t have though the starting D line play the O line much but when they did, yikes 

    On a sidebar, Gates has to learn he’s not snapping to Daniel Jones. Howell is shortish. One snap where Howell had to leap to catch it and in turn it defeated the play. Another where he snapped the ball over Howell’s head 

    Time from the STROMman argument!!!

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  3. I don’t dislike our offensive line. They have a ton of athleticism and can get out for screens. 

    But I hate the durability. Cosmi and Charles have had serious issues staying on the field. And Leno has been an iron man but how long can that last at his age? 

    I like the starting 5 for this offense (don’t love) but the durability concerns me much more than the actual ability. 

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


    Agree.  And i don't sense he's getting much flak for it.  It's more about is this a strong sign that Ron is looking to step back from being a HC?




    I wouldn't have a single issue with the draft if they signed a legit OG in FA.  But they didn't.  Maybe they intend to still?  lol, I might rely too much on Keim for their thinking -- but I don't get the vibe from him that he thinks its hot on their agenda.  If for example he said they are hot for Risner but can't make a move until Harris comes on board -- that would win me over. 



    I don't think so as to gaining picks based on the rules.  But I could be wrong.  I thought its if another team hires your minority coach or personnel person for a HC job or GM job.


    As for Rivera in a front office role, I'd be cool with it as long as it doesn't involve him running personnel.  I don't think he sucks at the personnel game.  He's decent to good at it.  But I've seen enough where I think he and his personnel team aren't great.  I want great. 

    I think it’s more the finlay, fortier, Pete hailey crowd that give Rivera flak for it cuz they just assume a HC should be a more hands on type of guy. I don’t hear that from the informed folks like Keim or Paulsen. 

    I agree on the Guard in FA thoughts. My counter thought would be that with an emphasis on the screen game and athletic interior guys that can get out and block in space, Cosmi/Charles/Paul should really fit that mold so I do buy into EB calling to their strengths. The two caveats are if they can handle their more basic roles in traditional pass pro and the run game. And secondly, if they can stay healthy. The health is my main concern because clearly Charles and Cosmi have struggled on that front and it could quickly become an issue. 

    I don’t think we’d get additional picks either which I think sucks because that would be a huge win. 

    I think the one thing I don’t like about Ron on the personnel side is the lack of overall aggression by him and the GM squad. I think they’ve drafted very well and found mostly proper fits for what they’re doing. But of course the eagles are the model of moving up and down in the draft. But all that takes is accruing one extra first round pick that really allows you each year in the draft to move up or trade and get another one the following year. Easier said than done but maybe we’ll find a way eventually. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:


    I don't like a meddiling owner as to interferring with coaching or personnel. And Harris by reputation doesn't interfere on that front.


    But I do want a meddiling owner, as to getting his HC and GM who fit his general philosophy.   And Harris is known for that.   I am good with that especially because he's known to shoot for the best of the best.


    Among a zillion things wrong with Dan was not only did he interfere with personnel and at times even coaching -- he also didn't give a rats behind about the pedigree of his front office people.  Worse yet, he'd lose scouts because he was cheap and didn't pay to get the best of the best.  That should go the opposite way with Harris.


    For those who say Harris hasn't won a championship. The 76ers made the playoffs 6 years in a row, advancing almost every time but then getting knocked out.  I don't put every win or loss on the owner.  The owner isn't a magician.  They just need to hire good people.  And they need to be patient for the process.  Harris is known for both.  As for Harris getting it right all the time -- I don't expect that.  He's going to make hires that work and don't work just like anyone else. 


    Robert Kraft became a genius owner, 6 years later after hiring Belichick and them drafting Brady.  Lurrie has made mistakes including hiring Chip Kelly.  It's about shooting for the moon, getting good people to run the team and then getting out of their way.  It's a work in progress, hiccups happen but if you shoot for the best eventually good things happen.


    Will Harris make good hires or not, will see.  But at a minimum they will be hires where he's shooting for the fences.  Also from what I've heard he's mostly a good dude and not a bad person like Dan is -- he doesn't rule the building with fear.  He likes to give his players state of the art trappings versus what Dan did which is as Chris Russell said treated the team like a dollar store.   He's willing to spend money on coaches-FO.  It should make a world of difference over time.  

    It’s interesting to me some of the flak Rivera has gotten for stepping back a bit and delegating and overseeing. A good leader brings in great people, entrusts and empowers them and lets them do their jobs - giving authority and making sure they have everything they need to be successful. Essentially stepping in if/when they need assistance. I love what Rivera is doing. 

    O-line and tackle I think were big priorities in the draft but once even Wright went top ten Forbes was the easy choice over the next tier of linemen and I think quan was too once they didn’t trade up and then their top second round line choices were gone. Otherwise, I don’t disagree about Stromberg. It’s not that they didn’t want to, it’s where the chips fell and I think we are all happy about Forbes at this point. If Wright was there I’d be curious to see where they went…or even Van Ness. 

    Personally, I’d love to see Ron move up to a front office role and Bienemy promoted to HC next year assuming the team has success. I wonder if promoting within gains us draft picks for a minority HC. I’m curious of your thoughts on this? IMO, worst case scenario is we are a good team that makes the playoffs and Bienemy goes elsewhere as a HC and we lose another great one. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:

    lol, I am sorry I brought up the keep a few shares for Dan's son thought because its turning into a narrative here even though Jones strongly shot it down.  The idea of Dan holding on to some shares has been brought up here and there for months.  The way I took Mike Jones' segment is that the idea is rejected and people have moved on from it.


    And I don't get the impression at all from those covering this story that keeping some shares is a narrative.  The thought seems to be he's selling all of it, including from Mike Jones.


    The hold up based on common narratives are two fold.


    A.  Dan might not have gotten his magic 6 billion number yet.


    B.  He wants indemnfication


    As far as Bezos seems to be two competing narratives


    A.  Dan wants Bezos to bid or suggest he's about to bid to use him to up Harris' bid


    B.  Dan genuinely wants Bezos to bid but Bezos still hasn't bid -- maybe he's suspicious that Dan is using him or is just waiting to do it right at the end.


    Keim who is usually on the money seems like is closer to believing A than B but as he likes to say, no one really knows, and Dan is very unpredictable -- he's a tough dude to gauge.  

    Bro, I like the podcasts on my way to work. Why you always gotta ruin em 😂

    • Haha 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Command The 414 said:

    ppl everywhere were thinking they drafted Mathis to replace Payne but wouldn't it be totally ironic if it was for Allen after the 23' season

    Or we drafted him to play the ridgeway/NT role to free up and get the most out of both Allen and Payne…


    I definitely think it was a backup plan to Payne but they clearly found something that worked last year with ridgeway and I expect him and Phil to rotate this year. 

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  8. I honestly don’t understand cutting McCain. Not that he was some great player. But he was a solid piece that showed to be effective in the slot and down by the LOS in the run game last year. 

    He’s a guy that can move around from safety to corner. Obviously our safety room is pretty stacked and we should bring back Reaves. But the corner group is pretty weak and McCain can help there and provide injury depth to both the safety and corner group. 

    Ultimately I think it only saves us about $3M which is the main reason it surprised me. I feel like he adds $3M of value to the team more so than whatever we end up with based on the money saved. 

    Not super upset about it, just kinda surprised. 

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  9. 8 hours ago, KDawg said:

    I’m not sure I would. If Howell and Fields came out the same year I, personally, would have had Howell rated over him I think, but I loved both prospects.


    A scenario I could see where it kind of makes sense (aside from the fact that Howell is much better as a passer and can also run a little and we have good receivers) is if we somehow trade Payne/Sweat and recoup assets in this year’s draft to improve the supporting class.


    But I’d do that anyways to improve the O around Howell.

    Are you interested in tagging and trading Payne if it’s for a first next year so as to build the kind of equity and flexibility the eagles have going forward to move around in the draft and have cap flexibility?

    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 1
  10. I am massively optimistic about this team taking a big step forward. JP Findlay and annoying ass Peter whatever on his podcast just strike me as not being knowledgeable about much and just want to gripe. They constantly **** about Rivera not being accountable and shucking blame. I think Ron is just extremely conscious about what he says publicly and how it may affect the team. They act like he’s a huge softie but I think anyone knows Ron is a hard as and fired up with the team but presents a very different persona publicly vs how he is with the team. A HC is very different then a coordinator at the pro level - much more a manager of the team and personalities and a motivator and leader. See Gibbs. Hire the right people and put them in positions to succeed. I think this, more than anything else has been a limfac for EB getting a HC gig. I think it’s in his future but if you pay attention I think his hardass approach probably steers owners away from a HC gig more than anything else because it doesn’t resonate with building a team that has struggled (ie a team that just fired their coach). It works great with success but can rub people the wrong way if they’re losing. 

    QB - A lot to like for upside with Howell. Not much else to say there. Clearly, EB believes he can maximize him because they’re all on board with that direction. 
    RB - does anyone think EB won’t maximize Robinson and then Gibson out of the backfield as a weapon?

    WR - mclaurin and Dotson are studs, but I’m very excited to see EB maximize Samuel as a weapon along with Gibson. 
    TE - there was a ton of hype about Turner and the rest of our young TE’s. I expect much more from them with EB scheming effectively with our personnel, especially in the red zone with a ton of tall, athletic types. 
    OL - needs a lot of revamping but I’m confident this group receives appropriate attention this off-season. 

    S - need to extend curl. And sign reaves. But a great young group with butler and Forrest. 
    DL - I HATE to lose Payne. But the guy does seem more motivated by money and we have ridgeway and Mathis. I’d prefer to keep him over sweat/young given he’s young and never missed a game but I just am not sure he’s all bought in. I’d love to keep him but wouldn’t hate seeing a tag and trade for a first rounder next year. Gives us flexibility to maneuver in drafts going forward the way the eagles do with added cap space. 
    DE - look to sign Obada. I would absolutely pick up young’s option to give flexibility and look to resign sweat - dude is healthy and productive, seems to have bought in and games missed were a freak jaw injury - otherwise he’s always healthy. 
    LB - sign Holcomb and Davis looks solid. 
    CB - definitely need to draft and probably resign McCain. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, KDawg said:

    TE isn’t a glaring enough need for us to spend major capital on one unless they are the true BPA. Going to be tough to convince of that until the later rounds. I can buy an argument for Mayer, I think, but still probably not totally on board. But I wouldn’t hate having him. But otherwise I’m not sure they’d be the true BPA.

    I’m more than willing to wait and see if the current group develops more, with or without Thomas. There was plenty of hype for Rodgers, Hodges and Turner last offseason and imo Turner had no idea how to utilize his personnel. Those guys plus Thomas should have made us a great redzone team. 

    Sure, maybe none of them develop. But I’m willing to bet on someone shining through and us focusing resources on other positions instead. Especially FA and early picks. 

  12. Chase young also just seems like such a non factor. I’ve seen him leave his feet to jump past lineman and then obvious get nullified. I still think you gotta give him the fifth year option but I’m not so sure you don’t look to keep sweat instead. 

    Seems to be more clowney than Garrett in terms of being a great run defender but not a game changing pass rusher. It needs another year of seasoning but that’s how I feel. 

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