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Everything posted by skinfan2k

  1. does anyone want to organize a wizards ES trip? I got some connections inside the office for big group offerings
  2. john wall is so damn good. this is my first preseason game watching in length. i think this man is already a top 25 player
  3. It will be hard to beat Hughes, Sabathia and Pettite in a 7 game series
  4. I mean there are tons of leagues in DC and I am sure people could get there. I was trying to get a kickball team together but no success
  5. i wish there was a ES adult soccer team. that would be sick!
  6. yanks dont need middle relief. they just need pettite, hughes sabathia to do work and their offense will take over!
  7. Its fine, I went to the dealer thanks guys! Next task I want to get some tinting done to my car. Any recommendations in PG county or anywhere nearby?
  8. Thanks spelling nazi. forgot that last T, but you know what i meant
  9. Pettite: best big game pitcher I have seen in my lifetime
  10. ok im gonna go the dealer and ask what is going on.. its been literally 13 months since i bought this car
  11. my car lately seems like it is revving up when i am braking.. as i come to a stop or hitting the break, the rpm gauge goes up and then down.. and it seems like it takes way longer to pick up acceleration. any ideas? this car only has 7k miles on it... its a is250
  12. does anyone who lives in md know of a good place that fixes rims, i rode my rim against a curb and it messed up!
  13. You realize that the death of Sean Taylor may have set this franchise back 5 years and likely GW may have been head coach and Gibbs possibly coming back for a year 5
  14. I just got an estimate that I need to replace my head gasket and it will cost about 1300 to repair for a 02 corolla? It seems like alot
  15. they all came back a 2nd time.. whats the big deal?
  16. Oh I agree.. This team is giving him every chance to succeed, now he just needs to go out there and perform
  17. Oh I agree. This is a make or break year for him.. Why? Everyone knows the redskins are crazy.. Let them continue to think that?
  18. The only possible reason why the redskins wanted to get involved with the sweepstakes of culter and sanchez was to drop orakpo to their slot. I mean come on, they didn't even want to entertain the idea of waiting and hearing offers for Orakpo. Are we fans not able to see this? There is no QB controveresy in DC. By now, we would have heard rumors about Campbell and Collins and maybe Collins taking over as the starter? Seriously, why is Campbell getting everyshot to succedd? Every QB that faces a situation like this and he wants out, but Campbell, nope? It was a ploy because they knew that Campbell would be able to fool the media and the other clubs involved.
  19. do you still work at a mechanic? I would love for you to fix my family's car.
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