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RFK Lives

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Posts posted by RFK Lives

  1. I know we have echoed this sentiment ad nauseum but not only does he not deserve to hold the Lombardi but does not deserve to be associated with this team.  A historic franchise, now an embarrassment.  A laughing stock where other fans feel pity instead of hate.  Who would dare work with this betraying, self centered, petty owner to build a stadium?  I know money usually cures a lot but he and therefore this franchise is TOXIC.  No new stadium, no hosting a Super Bowl, no fans except those from other teams.  This franchise's fanbase has dwindled, look no further than the volume of this board, what is left?  I root for the team, the players and Rivera but the deck is stacked against them at every turn and it starts at the top.  

    • Like 1
  2. 41 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

    Will Hobson and Liz Clarke will never have to buy a drink in DC ever again if they keep this up.  



    Hope the article keeps the coals burning on this one.  Love the line about the e-mails sparing Snyder any embarrassment.  He is an embarrassment, his entire tenure is an embarrassment but will it be embarrassing enough for the NFL to come clean.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, KtotheT said:


    Nah, there were no fans allowed at the playoff game last year. This must've been from the Giants game this year, but still carefully filtered, ha.


    Oh damn, yeah, good call.  How could I forget the pandemic?  You are right, must be the Giants game, forgot about the Thursday Nighter Dustin Hopkins semi-swan song.

  4. That pic of the stadium look pretty darn full and has a Heinicke jersey in it, is it from the playoff game last year?  Has to be, lights are on.


    They better hold on to that one, might not be that full for a while.  Maybe a Dallas game and they color fill the blue jerseys with burgundy ones.  "No those aren't Dak #4 jerseys, they are #4 Heinicke jerseys!"

  5. Loser - Dan Snyder, born and bred

    Loser - WFT, most teams come back from the bye healthier and better, this team never does

    Winner - What is left of the WFT fanbase as they don't have to watch this team **** the bed and will get 4 hours of their weekend back

    Winner - The television viewing public, see reason above

  6. I wanted to give Tanya a chance, for the lone fact she is BC survivor and I lost a wife to it.  However, it is obvious to me now that the organization structure and direction, if it has a direction, remains unchanged.  This franchise is stained and other than a complete change of ownership or concrete proof that people other than the Snyder's are making decisions, don't think that stain will come off.

    • Like 2
    • Sad 1
  7. A little bit apples and oranges take here.  Gus' move was dumb but he was excited.  Haskins is Haskins but the other items on the list relate to knowing the situation and the rules.  QB's have to know the rules and agree with previous poster, even if the receivers aren't going to run the pattern, you don't take a knee.  

  8. 12 minutes ago, Bonez3 said:

     TW situation should be discussed separately. By all accounts I read that was on him. He’s a dope anyway


    He may have been a dope but good organizations don't let it get to that point.


    I am hoping the NFL realizes they are going to have to make a sacrifice which will be a reward for us.  An example that an owner can be jettisoned might save a little bit of face for the league.

    • Like 3
  9. 9th Ranked Market...32nd in attendance.


    This might, I mean so slight a chance, actually get the NFL's attention.  If a team in that big a market, we are not talking Jacksonville or Cincy, is consistently dead last in attendance, even with all the TV dollars, owners might think there is money being left on the table.



  10. 12 minutes ago, Wildbunny said:

    Since you can't fire Dan,

    I would suggest to fire the Fans, all of them, to pull them out of their misery.


    Then fire Washington from this team, they aren't even playing in this town.


    Well, if you drop Washington, you should certainly drop team, they don't play as one, and football, because it is debatable they play the sport.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  11. I wanted to answer back and say "I have a question for you, what's it been like to be a fan of a well run franchise?"  However, I was 21 when the 91 Redskins blessed the fields of RFK with their presence, so, I still recall, vaguely and fading, what it is like to be a fan of a well run franchise.


    If that team had not given up the hail mary to Dallas and if that had not happened, Gibbs would have played for 16-0, I think, against the Eagles in the last game of the season, they would be unanimously recognized as the best team.  It's a bit apples and oranges though.  I think that team would have beaten the 96 Packers but not the 2011 Packers.  Evolution of the game and skills that players possess and the pure physicality make it hard to hypothesize who is/was the greatest team.  I think if you break it down to decades, that helps, and your comparison/question than works.


  12. Why should we be surprised.  Man, I can just see it, all of them on a Zoom call, "Hey did you see those numbers on ESPN?"  "yeah, we're last in attendance"  "Well, what are we going to do about it?"  "Hey, I have an idea"  


    Just when I think they cannot make it any easier for me not to attend, watch or purchase merchandise, they continue to find ways to alienate what is left of the fan base.

    • Like 3
  13. This ^^ - I would not go next door to watch this team.  


    It still feels like it has no direction.  I am glad that I have made plans on Sundays, I check in on the phone and it just validates my decision.  


    I will root for this team, not with the passion I once did growing up but that is life and things change.  We can only hope one day things change in our favor.


    The stadium experience sucked 10 years ago when I had season's tickets so I can only imagine how pathetic it is now.  Even on the TV, everything is so generic, the stupid Nintendo power up on first downs, not that you hear it that often but more than last year.  The old school PA voice just reeks like Washington is trying to hold on to the past glory which is so far faded now and was narrated by Facenda or Sabol, maybe they are trying to replicate the voice.


    I still have some faith in Ron Rivera but have a feeling he might not make it or want to deal with it long haul.

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