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Posts posted by Fergasun

  1. 12 hours ago, Larry said:


    I'm looking forward to this SCOTUS ruling that state laws cannot determine who is allowed on the ballot for POTUS. 


    RFK Jr looking forward to SCOTUS ruling that he must appear on the ballots in all 50 states without any qualifications at all. 

    I read there was a distinction between ineligibile to hold office/run, and being a named/write in candidate.   

  2. It's not actually gonna happen. They have wrapped their entire political personality around the persona of a man, rather than any policy.  This is a lot like "lock her up".  Just like that man, they are full of a lot of hot air.  


    Why should I even give a eff about Tim Pool and Laura Loomer. Furthermore, a campaign like that would be just about a big waste of political and executive resources.  The paid by billionaire right wing influencers are dumb and unhinged.  Thanks Rush Limbaugh!! 

  3. The right is crying about Biden's reactions and calling Trump a convicted felon.  Once again, they were just telling us it was better for him to be a convicted felon.  The amount of bull**** and twisting.  One Twitter pundit was comparing DJT to the signers of the Declaration of Independence -- "they all became felons when they signed that document".  Double and triple down on your bull****.  

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  4. A little bit of an update (February 2024).  Superceding indictment came out.  6 trafficing victims were recovered. 


    Dark humor here,  but a few things were amusing. The websites said, "this site does not silicit encourage, promote or sanction sexual activity".  The indictment says "both web sites did in fact promote and advertise prostitution."  


    Also, the maximum jail sentence for prostitution charges are 5 years.  But, the money laundering carries a maximum of 20. 





  5. 21 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


    As someone who works entirely in the mortgage law space, this makes zero sense to me.  Calling Dodd Frank a bailout is particularly jarring. 

    I will respond to this, knowing it is off topic because of your 2 likes.  Because you don't understand what I meant.


    I am saying. STEP 1 was the bailout.  The bailout never provided any regulation. STEP 2 is the regulation. 


    Dodd-Frank was the regulation.  It was implemented in the next Congress.  There was an unspoken political agreement at the time of the bailout, that this happened due to lack of regulation.  Obviously, Congress can't write regulation in 2 weeks.... but they can do a bailout in 2 weeks.  So the next Congress wrote the regulation. 


    That the banks now want to roll-back the regulation that was institituted after the crises is galling.  And I think the GOP rolled some of it bank in 2018.  

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  6. @tshile

    All of it was paid back.  Both the auto and bank. 


    But, it was the biggest fraud ever. Paulson went to Congress and said, "We need to do the TARP".  They had at least multiple hearings on the TARP.  And 2 weeks after it is approved, Paulson just injects the money into the banks.  


    THE WHOLE DAMN LEGISLATION WAS BUILT AROUND THE GOVERNMENT BAILING OUT UNDERWATER MORTGAGE OWNERS. This is what the Dems got as part of the legislation.  They were supposed to benefit both banks and homeowners. 


    The homeowners got screwed.  


    And then years later we got Dodd-Frank regulation, which was the 2nd step of the bailout which the GOP are also still trying to repeal.  


    Neither side really raised or batted an eyebrow when Paulson and Bush lied to Congress.  Yet the GOP grandstanded about the autos.  The whole scheme was a fraud. And no one lifted a damn finger to sue.  And the right is suing about all this petty garbage.

  7. And TARP/EESA / the Paulson bailout broke me politically.  Especially due to the hypocrisy of the GOP going after Obamacare.  TARP checked all the boxes for the fake "government overreach" that the right love to complain about.  Yet, because that overrreach benefitted the rich, nary a word was put up against it.  While they tried to bury ACA in Court. 


    Any taxpayer could have challenged the re-direction of the TARP from a program to buy mortgages to a program to buy bank stock.  Although it typically is not challengable, parts of the law were written to "protect the taxpayer".  I spent a couple years doing my own research before "doing your own research was cool".  Sorry for this... gonna stop posting here.

  8. Belongs in another thread, but I will explain why I am supporting Biden (besides criminality).  


    The Dems have morphed into the "let's run the country responsibly" in response to the GOP "let's blow the country up".  Let's go through the major issues of the past 3+ years. 


    1) COVID - One party went denialism.  The other party took the best approach with good intentions/information.  That COVID has fizzled out is puzzling; a logical explanation being that the most vulnerable were killed.  


    1b) Economic impact of COVID - Still being felt, but the US is doing better than other countries.  We experienced supply chain issues and price gouging.  But, by Trump's favorite metric the stock market is booming.  


    2)  immigration - same as it ever was.  One party provided a compromise solution.  I am still waiting for Biden to take unilateral action.  Been artificially felt across the country since GOP border states bussed/flew immigrants to big cities (politically motivated). 


    3) Government spending /running - There was a deal.  The GOP tried to break the deal.  No leverage for them in the House and the Senate stopped fighting in 2022. 


    4)  Foreign Wars - We are spending relativey little of our $4T budget on them, but $100B is a big number for people to comprehend.  How Biden gets blame for the actions of other Presidents is odd. 


    5) DEI / Woke Mind Virus / LGBTQ

    Fake issues made up to pander to the post Obama KKK on the right. Treat everyone decently and let them live how they want. I have no sympathy for my priveledged white male ass.  


    But hey, propoganda works.... 



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  9. And again. 


    We don't trust criminals to faithfully execute the laws. 


    Anyone over 45 who remembers George Bush campainging on "rule of law" raise your hand.  Trump continuing his campaign is pure lunacy.  


    But I suppose Obama broke too many minds, somehow.  Just can't figure out why.  What about Obama being President aggrieved so many.

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  10. No one has ever taken over a political party like Donald Trump.  I remember when he came on the scene and everyone was like, "Yeah, he says some stuff I don't like, but I like his politics". He has goverened like any typical GOP person would.  Except we have January 6 and election fraud.  Except we have his state crime.  Except we have his stealing of classified information.


    What's so bad about Haley politically?  Again, the difference in politicians is really the packaging.  I would have argued a Rubio or Cruz or Jeb administration would have done 99% of what Trump did politically, without the self-promotion / grifting.  People are still writing today that Trump ran to increase his brand value and it accidently took off.  Project 2025 is gonna be a major political platform for the GOP no matter who. And on Trump's major issue, immigration, why is he running on it again? Shouldn't he have fixed the problem?  The GOP voters wants this packaging. This is insane to me. 


    I would argue the same thing with Biden / Kamala / Gavin.  Granted, no one will push out an incumbent President.



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  11. I am very thankful for this slice of sanity on the Internet.  Yes, maybe we are our own echo chamber in the ES Tailgate.  


    I took some time off of browsing "right wing" sites and browsed maybe what I'll term a "left wing" site (or maybe it's "so far left, it's anti left").  I can't tell if any of the commentators are real.  These people are also pushing the idea that this is total democratic party lawfare and Biden should be charged for his crimes as well.  This is going to propel Trump to victory. 


    I am really interested in how the next group of primaries go.  Can't wait for the debate as well.

  12. Look at how strong the cult has to be in lockstep with their leaders. I am pointing to influencers, websites, Fox News personalities (go eff yourself Jonathan Turley). It was a disease post 2021, but oh so horrible now.  So much "Orange Kool Aid" drank for this guy.  Terminal cancer.  


    Articles I saw today.  One guy said he donated $300k to Trump today (his wild article says he thinks the election was rigged for Trump in 2016). Another military vet says that we should still be occupying Afghanistan (wonder if he knows how little Trump honors his service).  So many people talking about banana republics and the end of America.  Wasn't the world under Trump so much more peaceful?  Joe Biden made America's enemies stronger, and made America weaker (but we will ignore that Putin was one of the first world leaders to congratulate Trump).


    I am sorry jackasses.  What "makes America great" is that we actually don't allow high ranking politicians, even the President break multiple laws in multiple jurisdicitions. And let's be clear - this could also have been a Federal election fraud/illegal campaign contribution case.  There are probably 2 or 3 crimes committed that were uninvestigated simply because Trump was President.  The most criminal administration ever!  


    Maybe Trump's website is crashing and Google is truly inundated by people who want to search for "how do I donate to Donald Trump".  Or maybe, we are subject to a large bot campaign (at the trial they spoke about Trump juicing online polls).  The picture I have of this election is so many people invested in Trump trying to drag him to the 2024 finish line/victory (GOP synchophants, SCOTUS, billionaire right wing types, stupid Judge Cannon, Fox News and their propaganda spawn).  


    Every newspaper in every city needs to run the following editorial.  ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, TRUMP MUST DROP OUT:  WE DON'T ELECT CRIMINALS TO FAITHFULLY EXECUTE THE LAW.  I don't care if they are conservative, liberal.  Any newspaper not running that editorial is complicit in further normalizing this criminal.  This is a red line. Another red line.  The millionth red line.  I don't expect his allies or the very Trump infected GOP/"conservative"/right wing movement to hold that opinion.  But we are in brave new territory here.  The most basic function of President is faithfully executing the law.  And this was the "weakest" case. I fully get this would increase the likelyhood of Biden losing... but again, the response to a grand jury and jury of his peers following our justice system by the GOP is sickening.  

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  13. Under the logic of the GOP, "popular" politicians can commit unlimited crimes, and never be held accountable.  Because any attempt to hold them accountable is "weaponization".  Sure pals.  Have you really taken this logic to that level of extreme? 


    Again, since when has the GOP ever seen a criminal they loved.  Poor Michael Dukakis!  The entire GOP is "soft on crime". Well, only white male, Donald Trump crimes.  

    • Thanks 3
  14. In conservative circles, this helps Trump. 


    When will the squishes in the political middle realize that the "current, Trump, GOP" is bat**** insane. A grand jury of his peers indicted him.  He received a fair trial. A jury of his peers convicted him. Open, shut, done.  He'll get his appeals. 


    Yet here we go. He doubles down on the lies.  His followers triple down and let's all normalize convicted felons in politics.  It's scary how messed up the right wing has become over time. And they've just surrendered to this cult leader over the past 9 years.  



    And now the ironic thing is that the thing he abused in the courts system, that justice takes her sweet time, is gonna bite him back. 


    Your appeal won't be adjudicated until 2026 buddy!!! 

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  15. Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahbabahahahahababahbahaahhahahahahahhahaahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahaahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahahhahaahhahahahahahhahaaahahahahhahahahahahhahaaahahahahah

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  16. @DCSaints_fan

    Don't know if Tommie Smith and John Carlos had other events in 1968. 


    If I win, I am American, not a black American. But if I did something bad, then they would say I am a Negro. We are black and we are proud of being black. Black America will understand what we did tonight.


  17. 17 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


    I guess I would say that documents aren't really circumstantial evidence, they are just evidence.  And documents are WAY better evidence generally than witnesses.  Still, the prosecution needed Cohen to bridge a few gaps for the jury, otherwise they'd never have called him.  I'm not saying the defense was super strong, I'm saying it wasn't nothing and the standard of evidence in a criminal case is very high for the prosecution. 


    Cohen's credibility attacks are ridiculous.  He was Trump's personal attorney for 10 years, even through the election!   Trump screwed him over.  Poor, innocent Donald Trump. How could he have overlooked Cohen's slime!   He was conned for 10 years by Cohen!  

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