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Posts posted by Xameil

  1. 12 minutes ago, SoCalSkins said:

    Any meat wrapped with bread is a sandwich including tacos and hot dogs. A Chicago pizza is the grey area. Wraps are not even controversial in what is a sandwich argument. 

    Ummm grilled cheese doesnt have meat. Its a sandwich. Wraps are as much a sandwhich as a burrito...which is also not a sandwich. Thats just a delicious concoction of some California eatery

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  2. On 2/20/2024 at 6:15 PM, Voice_of_Reason said:

    @Koolblue13 @Conn @FootballZombie I blame YOU for this debacle.  


    Golly.  Now that brings back memories.  

    I don’t remember why it started but now that I remember it I miss it.


    I will die on this hill: a GOOD Monte Cristo is the best sandwich. It might bring on early onset heart disease.  But it might be worth it. 


    Well, that was my theory as to why Carlos Rogers couldn't catch an interception...hands were too greasy from the Monte Cristo.

    On 2/21/2024 at 7:53 AM, Koolblue13 said:

    Thank you.


    I will die on the a wrap is a sandwich hill.


    And this is why you are an "everyone gets a trophy" all inclusive hippie....


    • Haha 1
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  3. 15 hours ago, ClaytoAli said:

    Well dang, there goes those Eastern Europeans again posing as ethnicity they are not. DNA test for everyone.

    Already got mine done....mostly Sicilian and Italian. Then German, English, and..Egyptian....like 3 percentish. Apparently during the Ice Age alit of southern Europeans made their way down there.

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  4. 8 hours ago, Destino said:

    thats nothing. I had ferrets for a short while growing up and those little assholes steal for real. Let them loose and people in your house will quickly start noticing missing objects. From what I understand they all have preferences on what they steal and there’s no way to predict it. One of mine really liked shiny things. So naturally he stole my parent's wedding rings and my dad’s watch. The other one stole chocolate. 

    so like I said, I had ferrets for a short while. 


    Mine would steal credit cards. I caught my ferret opening up purses and going for wallets. You'd think zippers would be safe....nope. ferrets know how to open em.

    42 minutes ago, The 12th Commandment said:

    He was mid chorus.  "Hello my baby, hello may darlin..."

    Pretty sure that was a frog that did that...

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