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Everything posted by Sticksboi05

  1. No foul excuses, the Wizards completed the game looking like a middle school team. What a joke...
  2. You can cheer all you want about playing great all game long but seriously, it's not that hard to close out a game. You make free throws and don't turn the ball over. The mistakes we made at the end were that of middle school basketball teams. The Wizards are pathetic, even for a last place team. That makes it 17 days since a D.C. team won.
  3. Without Arenas unintentionally sucking life out of the offense, we are moving the ball around and Young is showing his true colors. Nice to not see 4-15 from our SG.
  4. Arenas could still be a near 30 ppg player. Gerald Wallace screwed his career.
  5. Thank God. The sooner the better. Thanks for the three great years or so Gil but you're long overdue to have been shipped out.
  6. Lol, foreal.. But at least Ovechkin doesn't sit out half the seasons because he is "sore." Boo hoo.
  7. Who the **** wears Reeboks? Honestly...it's Nike, Adidas or Converse.
  8. Wall's injuries are ridiculous if they are what I think they are. It hurts, suck it up.
  9. Can we get a real medical staff? For god's sake we have one of the best hospitals in the WORLD 45 minutes away.
  10. Phillies remind of the nasty Braves pitching in the 90s.
  11. Can we just fire Flip now? WTF, you draw that up? You have Wall shooting a deep 3? Fire him Ted.
  12. Get rid of that stupid zone! This isn't backyard basketball, teams figure it out and get quick ball movement and score mercilessly. Man up. On a good note, Nick Young!
  13. I feel like until we play real defense we will lose most games that could've been won.
  14. Not the point. Hosting the world's biggest sporting event is awesome. '94 was the most successful World Cup ever.
  15. What a joke. Have fun FIFA when fans are subject to 110 degree heat and boring soccer games. Sorry, you better hope technology improves dramatically over the next decade because you cannot cool off 110 degree heat with today;s current systems in a massive stadium. That's 40 degrees from comfortable temperatures. Oh well, U.S.A. ain't crying. We'll just have to go for the 2020 Olympics and 2026 World Cup. 1994 USA and 1996 Atlanta killed us realistically. At least let a real country beat us, not freakin' Qatar. What's there...sand... No matter how bad Stern is, FIFA is by FAR the most corrupt organization in sports. It's almost laughable how corrupt they are.
  16. Really hope we get a World Cup but both '18 and '22 are so far off that it's not worth thinking about at this point.
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