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Everything posted by CrypticVillain

  1. Bump SS, my 94 Grand Marquis cuts off when I sit at a light for a long time or if I leave it in drive for about 3 minutes with out moving. I don't no whats wrong, but I do know that if I don't want it to cut off at the light I tap the gas or throw it in park. Also, when there is somebody sitting on the front passenger side of my car it makes a grinding noise when I turn right. Any help would be gladly appreciated.
  2. That's funny, I thought that joke was used more times then a Las Vegas prostitute.
  3. I forgot all about this thread. I was in tears laughing by just the last page alone.
  4. With your "asinine" thread and this post right here you have now become one of my favorite posters. :1stplace:
  5. I love this thread and I haven't seen it in a long time. LOL Are you serious? lol
  6. I have said it once and I will say it again. "Give me these or give me nothing" Edit: I know these are the "Spurrier" unis, but they look too good and I think it will give the players some added hypeness
  7. I like the burgundy jerseys but I hate that it is getting light. They really need to darken that burgundy.
  8. Bump Of The Century **** The Cowboys
  9. Can't wait until Y2J comes back. WWE hasn't been the same since he lost that Pink Slip match
  10. Can't wait until Y2J comes back. WWE hasn't been the same since he lost that Pink Slip match
  11. Man the Cowboys looks real good right now. Which makes me hate them even more. Them pukes are just so annoying and the fans are the worst. Forget the Cowboys in thier 3-0 record.
  12. lol, man that was kinda funny. HHH reaction made it a classic :laugh: :laugh:
  13. I was wondering why Cryme Tyme wasn't in the #1 contenders match. Messed up that they got release.
  14. My brother just crush the Cowboys on Madden 75-3. **** the Cowboys.
  15. Cowboys first Preseason game can be seen on local TV and the Redskins can not. **** THE COWBOYS and COMCAST. They both can eat my shorts.
  16. For this to be an anti cowboy thread I am sure seeing a lot of stars.
  17. Thats not all he said. He said he was getting tired of yah keep on sucking the Cowboys meat. How you all keep all saying yah are the Gods of football. And how we should bow down. We are just getting sick and tired of the cowboy fans and the media parsing a team that has not won a playoff game or the division in a decade. A DECADE. Yah suck, yah sucked for a long time and before 2005 the only team you all could beat was the Redskins. But that is over my friend. We took three of four and all three of them games were historic. From when Moss smoked yah secondary. To when we beat the **** out of yah with a playoff spot on the line. And how we ended Romo's magical streak with an even more magical block and field goal return. Cowboys suck.
  18. **** the cowboys their kickers suck Romo masturbates to gay porn before holding kicks/ TO is a bum and his jacket at the ESPY's looked like something from Queer Eye for the straight guy Roy is overrated Wade is a puppet I rather play QB for the Texans then to give the Cow****es a compliment.
  19. Man you all are sleeping. Booby Lashley is a good wrestler. He had his best match versus Chris Benoit. He just can't act though, but your man could perform inside that ring.
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